Future Energy eNews   IntegrityResearchInstitute.org      Jan. 27, 2008       

1) NASA and Scientific American Offer Energy Solutions - Global warming geoengineering solutions
2) Solution to CO2: Feed the Oceans - Study proves efficacy of Planktos' solution to global warming
3) The Truth is Out: X-Files Go Public - A few may have worthy future energy and propulsion technology
4) China and India Exploit Icy Energy Reserves - Methane hydrate on ocean floor is another fossil fuel
5) Unwinding the Cosmos - Rauscher theory unites gravity, magnetism and zero point vacuum energy
6) Energy Seminars for 2008 - Forty two US conferences on all forms of energy concepts and finances
7) Solar Energy in Architecture and Urban Planning - Conference in Berlin on use of solar in buildings

1) NASA's Chief Scientist Offers Energy Solutions to Solve Global Warming
From: [global-energy-bounces@mp.cim3.net] On Behalf Of Bushnell, Dennis M.
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2007 9:42 AM
To: Global Energy Network; jose_cordeiro@yahoo.com
Cc: R.R.Antcliff@larc.nasa.gov; Dennis Bushnell
Subject: Re: [global-energy] State of the Science: Beyond the Worst Case Climate Change Scenario AND Bjorn Lomborg's Copenhagen Consensus

 Jose -

  There are some other potential “Warming” impacts that are both nearer term and quite catastrophic including the following:

  - The current estimates do not include the release of fossil methane from the arctic and the Oceans. As you are aware there are huge amounts of fossil methane hydrate which are now melting/out-gassing from melt lakes in the northern tundra [ Canada, Siberia,...] and the oceans. Also, as you are aware, such methane is some 22X worse, as a warming gas, than CO2. Potential impacts of these releases include:

  1.  Much of the Oceanic Methane Hydrate is located in coastal regions. Estimates indicate that release of such could produce undersea landslides and generate MAJOR tidal waves with mortality figures in the tens of millions each, along with immense economic impacts.

  2. There have evidently been some 3 previous massive fossil methane releases in the Geological Ages with, in each case, some 80% plus species extinction. The time scale for such occurrences was evidently/purportedly decades vice Millennia..........

  - The current estimates do not include the impacts of PH change and loss of iron-rich dust [ from massive anthropogenic land use alterations] upon Oceanic Algae and consequent impacts upon Oceanic CO2 uptake. Data indicate major [ 50%] decreases in the latter, perhaps due to the former.

  Both of these effects are major climate change/warming “Accelerators”. May be part of the reason why the estimates of summer Ice Free Arctic passage are so far off – changed from 2100 to 2040 to 2012 in some 5 years based upon “Ground Truth”.

  - Ocean rise estimates based upon previous “natural” warming events are much greater than those included in the current IPCC studies. This additional [ nearer term] Ocean Rise  has, as you know, catastrophic potential impacts upon many, “Third World”, areas. These IPCC studies are, by the nature of their generation processes, Conservative and not capturing what is happening well.

  Overall – The climate change issue is probably both nearer term and far more deadly to both life and treasure than is currently envisaged.

  Therefore, suggest a reconsideration of the importance of combating/addressing/working “Warming”..............Especially in view of the following:

   - Working this “Common Enemy” is/will [combined with the emerging IT Revolution-enabled superb global comms/immersive presence] “bring together” the human societies [ AKA Nations and peoples] of the entire Planet in a wholly new way with immense potential benefits going forward in terms of Geopolitics, Geo-economics, Geo-security and Global Consilience-in-the-large [ planet-scale E PLURIBUS UNUM].

  - Forces FORESIGHT, a STRATEGIC Thinking mindset vice the current/ historical Tactical approaches, decades considerations vice months-to-years.

  - The technologies to “fix” warming [ summarized below] are affordable/more economical than current practices/approaches. Addressing warming will generate wealth, raise ALL boats. Not a tactical question of pie-cutting/cutting  current levels of “AID”, etc. The real issues/opportunities include  “changing the Game” overall [ as you point out we were not doing well at all at the old game], obviating/mitigating devastating near-to-mid term environmental disasters, generating wealth for all, promoting/enabling a far more “peaceful” planet.

  Suggested Precis of “Ways Forward” to “Fix” Warming etc.

  1. Biofuels from Halophytes and Algae [ including genomic/synthetic bio upgrades]  using saline/salt water and wastelands [ some 44% of the land masses are wastelands], not ethanol particularly and not from corn etc., to replace petroleum in a few decades. No competition with food crops and, in fact, PRODUCTION of food and potential return of the 67% of the fresh water now used for  conventional agriculture to direct human use.

  2. Drilled Geothermal [ available on some 50% of the land masses], biomass and Solar thermal and PV [ with thermal storage] to replace coal/natural gas for base load.Possibly Space Solar Reflectors.

  3. Multitudinous flavors of conservation including the emerging “Tele-Everything”/ Virtual presence vice physical travel, Potential massive Carbon Nanotube impacts on electrical loss reductions.....

  4. Many of the techs are scale-able to distributed generation, back porch bio reactors etc...

  There are, in addition, MANY niche techs [ e.g. Wind and Tidal currents] and , somewhat farther term, really revolutionary energetics possibilities incl. LENR’s [Low Energy Nuclear Reactions - Ed. Note].

  This obviously changes completely the current geopolitics and Geo-economics of Energetics. The price of Petroleum should Plummet.

  Have a Draft 1.5 hour tirade on the futures of energetics am preparing  as an invited plenary for the World Future Society next July in DC. (http://www.wfs.org) .......Can “core down” at least two levels and GREATLY expand on the brief energetics bits provided herein. We can DO THIS, we can DO THIS  relatively soon and affordably, We can DO THIS and greatly improve the welfare of the entire planet. Obviously do not agree with diverting resources away from working Warming.........


  Dennis Bushnell

  Chief Scientist

  NASA Langley Research Center

On 12/27/07 9:54 PM, "Jose Cordeiro" <jose_cordeiro@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Dear friends,
>      Scientific American has recently been publishing several interesting
> articles about energy and climate change. Read this excellent summary "Beyond
> the Worst Case Climate Change Scenario":
> http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?id=state-of-the-science-beyond-the-worst-climate-change-case
>      And even better, their 10 solutions, all the way to geoengineering:
> http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?id=10-solutions-for-climate-change
>      Also, I strongly believe that the UN should be concerned more about the
> top priorities in the world today, and global warming is low in that list
> according to the Copenhagen Consensus. Please, read these comments by Bjorn
> Lomborg, who says it better than me in Scientific American:
> http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?articleID=5DD93C7B-E7F2-99DF-303CB44DF978508D
>      As a representative of the developing world, I can tell you that we have
> many more urgent and absolutely real priorities in the world, and right now,
> not in an uncertain and distant future. Malaria, AIDS, malnourishment, lack of
> education, lack of water, and the like, could be solved by a fraction of what
> some Green Talibans want to spend, and even less of what the Iraq war has
> cost...
>      However, I totally support space solar power, setmcell meat, seawater
> agriculture, and the like, as pointed out by Jerry. But that is because we
> have to move forward and keep advancing since our current enegy sources are
> very primitive and limited compared to the almost unlimited potential of newer
> and better technologies, which are also cleaner and more environmentally
> sound.
>      To finish this year, please, let me send you two of my 2007 favorite
> videos:
> http://www.cc.gatech.edu/~pesti/roadmap/
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMcfrLYDm2U
>      Have a very happy new year 2008, 2080, 2800, 8200, 80200, 800200...
>      Energetically yours,
> Jose Cordeiro (www.cordeiro.org <http://www.cordeiro.org/> )
> Visiting Research Fellow, Institute of Developing Economies, IDE - JETRO
> (www.ide.go.jp <http://www.ide.go.jp/> )
> Founder, Sociedad Mundial del Futuro Venezuela (www.FuturoVenezuela.org
> <http://www.futurovenezuela.org/> )
> Chair, Venezuela, The Millennium Project (www.millennium-project.org
> <http://www.millennium-project.org/> )
> Academic Committee, CEDICE, Venezuela (www.cedice.org.ve
> <http://www.cedice.org.ve/> )

2) Solution to CO2: Feed the Oceans
Russ George, Planktos Inc., www.planktos.com  Dec. 2007 - Reply to Bushnell email
Your comments on the "Worst Case Scenarios" are welcome. I think you've perhaps misunderstood the urgency of the crisis of anthropogenic CO2 with regard to the oceans. While acidification proceeds apace the crisis is sadly under-reported and does not seem to have the attention it deserves.  Impacts on large bodied carbonate life forms in the oceans like the corals and shell fish seem to capture the focus of organizations of science and the media on this topic. But the most critical detail these reports seem to miss is that life in the ocean which use calcium and silicon carbonates are in far more danger during their microscopic and larval stages. Ocean acidity and enhanced solubility of carbonates and the resulting difficulty of life to precipitate such carbonates out of solution is a question of surface chemistry and the surface to volume ratio of an organism defines its susceptibility to the CO2 acidification enhanced solubility crisis. As the microscopic plankton which are comprised of both plants and animals, including larval carbonate loving organisms, face acidity challenges, already extant and destined to grow more serious based on the store of anthropogenic CO2 already in the atmosphere, they cannot survive the critical period in their lives when their surface to volume ratio is enormously tilted toward surface dominance. Long before we notice the crisis of weakening coral reefs shells of shellfish, and conditions like lobster shell disease, the ocean plankton and larval crisis will be catastrophic. We may already be over this tipping point and with the lifetime of CO2 already in the atmosphere even if anthropogenic CO2 were stopped today it would be too late for microscopic life which is not only the bottom of the food chain it is the vastly dominant form of life on this blue planet. There can be no doubt that we are near or even over the tipping point of impacts of anthropogenic CO2 on ocean life and this demands the only solution which is to try to employ ocean life through eco-restoration to assist in resolving this planetary crisis.
Fortunately the utility and efficacy of iron micro-nutrient ocean eco-restoration is near to hand and has benefitted from 20 years and $200 million in public research funds. Just a few weeks ago the Chief Scientist of the largest and best ocean iron micro-nutrient replenishment study performed aboard the German Alfred Wedgner Institutes research ship Polarstern announced that in their experiment they observed the following results. Within 30 days of adding iron (Fe) to enrich a patch of iron deplete Southern Ocean water to approximately 100 parts per trillion Fe a plankton bloom had fixed 50,000 tonnes of carbon (C) for each tonne of Fe applied. Given that biomass C was derived from CO2 that is a Fe:CO2 ratio of ~1:186,000 fixation. Further that scientist reported that 50% of that fixed carbon had sunk to or below the permanent thermocline in the same 30 day time frame. The permanent thermocline is an undisputed century to millennial sequestration depth for ocean biomass. NASA's satellites have shown us that ocean productivity declines have reached catastrophic levels in the past 30 years since we got the birds up and have been able to track these global changes. Extensive seaborne studies have mapped the iron deplete regions of the world's oceans and these are coincident with the regions showing the most dramatic productivity (NPP) declines. The math is as simple as John Martin proposed some 20 years ago... "give me a half a ship load of iron and I'll give you another ice age." However the real urgency is not to impose an 'ice age' but to save life in our oceans and we have the knowledge and ability to do so, we maybe have the time to do so, but that time element is very much uncertain, many fear we may already be too late.
We have an 8 billion tonne per year net surplus anthropogenic CO2 build up in our atmosphere... Ocean acidity is racing toward the end point, not the tipping point, and will reach that end point before the end of this century and perhaps reach it by 2050. We must act now to begin direct removal of present CO2 levels from our oceans or in our own lifetimes not those of our children and grandchildren we will witness the death of the oceans and the greatest mass extinction of life this planet has ever experienced.  Do John Martin's math.... each billion tonnes of CO2 requires 10,000 tonnes of iron to enhance ocean photosynthesis. The problem is not the amount of iron it is the distribution of it. Note that China alone is importing 600 million tonnes of iron each year for its steel mills. I urge you to take up this cause.
Russ George
San Francisco

3) The Truth is Out: X-Files Go Public

Mark Townsend, defence correspondent
Sunday January 6, 2008
The Observer
British UFO 'sightings' investigated by a secret branch of the MoD are soon to be revealed and officials are braced for a torrent of inquiries

Without warning, the orange UFO swooped toward them. The crew of the RAF Vulcan bomber banked hard and radioed they were being chased across the Atlantic by a large mysterious object. The incident was classified as a UFO sighting and the details were immediately locked away.

Now, 30 years later, the extraordinary encounter is among thousands of previously secret cases contained in the government's 'X-Files' that officials are to release in their entirety.

The cases, many from a little-known defence intelligence branch tasked with investigating UFO claims, will be published by the Ministry of Defence to counter what officials say is 'the maze of rumour and frequently ill-informed speculation' surrounding Whitehall and its alleged involvement with Unidentifed Flying Objects.

The public opening of the MoD archive will expose the once highly classified work of the intelligence branch DI55, whose mission was to investigate UFO reports and whose existence was denied by the government until recently. Reports into about 7,000 UFO sightings investigated by defence officials - every single claim lodged over the past 30 years - are included in the files, whose staged release will begin in spring.

The decision to release Whitehall's full back-catalogue of UFO investigations was taken last month after the Directorate of Air Space Policy, the government agency responsible for filtering sensitive reports, gave its permission to publish the biggest single release of documents in MoD history. Now the government fears a repeat of the unprecedented demand and the website crash experienced by the French national space agency in March when it released its own UFO files. Government IT experts are believed to have drawn up contingency plans to avoid a repeat scenario when Britain's dossiers are finally made public.

Among the first tranche of UK cases will be the official government files into the famous Rendlesham incident, dubbed 'Britain's Roswell' after the US incident when a flying saucer is said to have crash-landed in the New Mexico desert 60 years ago. On a foggy night in 1980 several witnesses reported a UFO apparently landing in Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk. Statements claimed the craft was covered in markings similar to Egyptian hieroglyphics and aliens emerged from it. Although a man later confessed to having staged the incident as a hoax, the files will clear up continuing speculation as to whether radiation was detected at the site after the event.

Another case reported to the intelligence branch DI55 - Britain's version of the 'Men In Black' - chronicles a series of reports sent to RAF Scampton, Lincolnshire, by the crew of a Vulcan bomber on exercise over the Bay of Biscay early on 26 May 1977. According to documents seen by The Observer, five crewmen, including the captain, co-pilot and navigators, watched 'an object' approach their aircraft at 43,000ft above the Atlantic. The mysterious craft then appeared to turn and follow their precise course from a distance of four miles.

Initially, the crew said the object resembled landing lights 'with a long pencil beam of light ahead' but as it turned towards them the lights suddenly went out leaving a diffuse orange glow with a bright fluorescent green spot in its bottom right-hand corner. Then, according to signals sent back to Scampton, the crew noted a mystery object 'leaving from the middle of the glow on a westerly track... climbing at very high speed at an angle of 45 degrees'.

The Vulcan's navigator recorded interference on his radar screen from the direction of the UFO which continued for 45 minutes as the plane headed back to Britain. On return to the UK, the camera film from the aircraft's radar was examined by RAF intelligence. They found a 'strong response' from the direction of the sighting. The UFO was captured as 'an elongated shadow' of a 'large-sized' object travelling at a similar height to the Vulcan. An intelligence report sent to the MoD the same day says the crew 'were unable to offer a logical explanation for the sighting'.

Although hailed as the complete disclosure of the UK's UFO files, questions are likely to remain over whether all available information will be made public. Despite the Vulcan sighting being investigated by DI55, no details remain in the file indicating what they found or what became of the radar film.

The disclosures are more likely, claim some experts, to lend credence to the theory that such UFO incidents were, rather than alien visitations, military activities such as missile launches, testing of prototype aircraft and other activities during the Cold War.

David Clarke, a lecturer in journalism at Sheffield Hallam University and author of Flying Saucerers: A Social History of UFOlogy, said: 'Something was definitely going on, but really these files show that the government did not know either. This release will be a source of disappointment or vindication for some, and embarrassment for others.

'Conspiracy theorists who believe that the various governments of the world are hiding secrets about the "reality" of aliens will see this as another whitewash effort by the MoD and will probably continue their self-sustaining "campaign for the truth", when the truth will in fact now be "out there".'

UFO researcher Joe McGonagle said: 'There will always be a hard core who believe these files were prepared for release and that there is a secret department within the military who has a separate stash of files that have not been disclosed.'

UFOs remain one of the most popular subjects for Freedom of Information requests and the release is certain to generate a massive response from the public when the files are placed in the National Archives. Clarke, who has lodged hundreds of FoI requests, recently discovered that the government was considering destroying the 24 files created by DI55 because they were contaminated by asbestos. Not only were the UFO records polluted, but a total of 63,000 files estimated at between six to 12 million pages - most of them classified as secret - were facing the same fate. Having admitted the existence of the problem to Clarke, the MoD opted to instigate a £3m project digitally to scan the files before they were destroyed. Scanning of the 24 contaminated UFO files owned by DI55 was completed last year, although it is understood that names of officials in the reports will be removed.

Although the government remains reluctant to discuss its intelligence work on UFOs, it is known that DI55 has been hot on the trail of flying saucers since the Sixties. Experts admit that they work closely with the security services MI5, MI6 and GCHQ to collect and assess evidence of potential threats to Britain.

The decision by the UK to open its files could lead to the US government following suit. A group of former pilots and government officials recently urged the Pentagon to reopen investigations into claims of UFO sightings.

UFO claims

1980 Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk. US servicemen claim to have seen an alien craft and its landing site.

1984 Minsk, USSR. Aeroflot pilots say they are pursued by a glowing shape.

1989 Bonnybridge, Scotland. Fire crew report objects rushing towards them before veering away at the last moment.

1990 Brussels, Belgium. Two F-16 fighter pilots recount being engaged in 75-minute mid-air chase with a UFO.

Special report
The military

The British army
The Royal Air Force
The Royal Navy

Useful links
British army
Royal Navy
Ministry of Defence
United Nations

4) China and India Exploit Icy Energy Reserves

By Gerald Traufetter, Der Speigel, Dec. 13, 2007, http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/0,1518,523178,00.html

China and India have reported massive finds of frozen methane gas off their coasts, which they hope will satisfy their energy needs. But environmentalists fear that tapping these resources could have adverse effects on the world climate.

On the surface, it looked like any other drill core from the ocean floor. Its shimmering grayish-green surface was both slippery and grainy at the same time. But the sample only revealed its exciting secret when the geologists on board the "Bavenit," a drilling ship, lowered the pressure in the steel tube and held a lit match to the upper end. Suddenly a yellowish-red flame began licking from the slick material.

"As astonishing phenomenon," noted the scientists from the Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey. So astonishing, in fact, that when their ship pulled into the harbor at Shenzen on June 12 of this year, the scientists were all smiles.

Shengxiong Yang and Nengyou Wu, the two expedition leaders, stand an excellent chance of going down in the history of their country as heroes. The material they pulled from the muddy ocean floor of the South China Sea has the potential to satisfy the energy needs of China and its fast-growing economy.

The flames in the drill core were coming from methane hydrate, a material first discovered in the 1970s. Its unique characteristic is that it is a seemingly frozen and yet flammable material.

In the West, this potential fuel from the ocean floor has for the most part been the stuff of fantasy. But it's a different story in Asia. The People's Republic of China is investing millions to study this massive source of energy. The same holds true for India, South Korea and Taiwan, all nations that are on a fast track to surpassing the West as economic powers.

These countries -- especially China, which produces one third of the world's steel and aluminum and half of its cement -- are playing a key role at the United Nations Climate Change Conference, currently being attended by roughly 10,000 delegates on the Indonesian island of Bali.

The needs of these emerging economies continue to rise. Each year, China increases its power consumption by an amount equal to France's total annual power production. By the end of 2007, the country, with its population of 1.3 billion, will have surpassed the United States as the world's No. 1 producer of greenhouse gases.

It is one of the ironies of the Kyoto Protocol that China is still treated as a developing country, which means that, legally speaking at least, it is not obligated to pay any heed to climate protection issues. However, China and the world's other budding economic superpowers will no longer enjoy that status under a follow-up agreement to Kyoto, which the delegates in Bali plan to initiate.

The Chinese government is pursuing a double strategy. On the one hand, it expresses great concern over climate change. Observers were astonished to note that Prime Minister Wen Jiabao used the terms "environment," "pollution" and "environmental protection" 48 times in his address to the National People's Congress this year. China, he said, will not repeat the mistake of "polluting first and cleaning up later."

At the same time, however, China is energetically seeking new ways to satisfy its voracious demand for more energy. And Chinese officials are pinning their hopes on methane hydrate as one of these ways.

Methane, trapped in an icy cage of water molecules, occurs in permafrost and, in even greater quantities, beneath the ocean floor. It forms only under specific pressure and temperature conditions. These conditions are especially prevalent in the ocean along the continental shelves, as well as in the deeper waters of semi-enclosed seas (see graphic).

World reserves of the frozen gas are enormous. Geologists estimate that significantly more hydrocarbons are bound in the form of methane hydrate than in all known reserves of coal, natural gas and oil combined. "There is simply so much of it that it cannot be ignored," says leading expert Gerhard Bohrman of the Research Center for Ocean Margins (RCOM) in the northern German city of Bremen.

A few months ago, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao held the material in his hand -- or rather, in a metal ice bucket with flames shooting from the top. He was visiting an Australian research center at the time, but now he can just as easily watch the same spectacle unfold in Chinese research laboratories.

The Chinese researchers found the methane hydrate, also known as crystal gas, because of its molecular structure, in a layer of sediment 15 to 20 meters (50 to 65 feet) thick off the Chinese coast. "It was embedded in clay and silt ," says John Roberts, whose firm Geotek provided the technical equipment for the drilling expedition.

This is the sort of information natural gas companies like to hear. The porosity of this sediment mix is well suited to drilling for the gas. "The gas hydrate has never found in this form before," Roberts explains. It suddenly seems conceivable that production using conventional techniques could work.

One possible method would involve the use of drilling tubes that would conduct heated fluid into the cold reservoirs. This would dissolve the icy cage encasing the methane. The next step would be to capture the gas through a second opening.

These are the kinds of prospects that have inspired others to emulate the Chinese researchers' success. Japan has built the world's largest research drilling ship, the Chikyu, primarily to study methane hydrate. India has invested €200 million to launch a major national program -- and has already reported successes.

Part 2: Can a Potential Curse Be Transformed into a Blessing?

Indian researchers discovered a 132-meter (433-foot) thick layer of methane hydrate in the Krishna-Godavari Basin. "One of the thickest that's ever been found in the world," says Malcolm Lall, the director of the Indian gas hydrate program. The team has also been successful in the Andaman Islands, were they discovered, 600 meters (984 feet) beneath the ocean floor, a layer of frozen methane embedded in ash sediments from prehistoric volcanic eruptions. "This too is a first," says Lall.

But many scientists see the flames licking out of samples in Indian and Chinese laboratories as a warning sign. They fear that one day the methane from the ocean floor will heat up the world's climate to a far greater extent than coal, oil and natural gas do today.

This is precisely what scientists at the Institute for Marine Research (GEOMAR) based in the northern German seaport of Kiel want to avert. They hope to be able to transform a potential curse into a blessing before it's too late. They envision a method whereby the flammable gas would be extracted from the sediment with the help of carbon dioxide.

"The carbon dioxide could be obtained from the exhaust gases of coal power plants, for instance," says Klaus Wallmann, the direct of a research project known as SUGAR, which was recently formed to study the issue. What he proposes sounds almost too good to be true: producing fuel while sequestering greenhouse gas deep beneath the ocean floor -- eliminating energy bottlenecks while simultaneously putting the brakes on global warming.

Wallmann and his colleagues base their theories on a reaction scientists noticed more than a decade ago. When a certain amount of pressure is applied to the cage-like crystal structure, carbon dioxide can penetrate the layer of ice, at which point it displaces the methane. Then a new cage of frozen water molecules forms around the carbon dioxide. "This behavior has already been demonstrated in laboratory experiments," says Wallmann.

He is also impressed by the ratio at which the gases are exchanged. For each dissolved molecule of methane, up to five molecules of carbon dioxide disappear into the ice cage.

In addition, says Wallmann, the ice encases the CO2 in a more stable manner than it does the methane. "I cannot imagine a better way to sequester carbon dioxide," Wallmann explains, adding: "We are pursuing this approach with great interest." German industrial companies like BASF, Ruhrgas and E.on are also interested, and are donating money and expertise to promote the study of the sequestration technique. "Politicians are more difficult to convince that this is a good idea," says Wallmann.

According to Wallmann, research into the use of renewable energies to avert global warming is considered sexy, whereas very few politicians are interested in sequestration. "It's seen as a fig leaf to save the fossil fuel age from its demise," says Wallmann, sighing. But, he adds, mankind will eventually have no other choice but to sequester greenhouse gases.

Wallmann fears that the topic is being ignored altogether at the Bali conference, which he considers naïve and irresponsible. "What's happening in China and India takes the climate negotiations into the realm of the absurd." Indeed, officials in Delhi and Beijing expect their geologists to produce results that will enable them to begin the systematic mining of methane hydrate within the next decade.

For their part, the German researchers hope to have fully refined their method by then. Wallmann envisions, in the not-too-distant future, tankers filled with CO2 heading out to sea to pump their climate-damaging cargo into the depths.

Naturally, even Wallmann knows that this is a highly optimistic vision. This helps explain the lack of enthusiasm among the Chinese and Indian scientists he encounters at conferences for a technology still a long way from completion. "They are afraid that the West wants to prevent them from rapid extraction of methane hydrate."

Translated from the German by Christopher Sultan.

For More Information

Map of Coastal Methane Fields - http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/0,1518,grossbild-1046027-523178,00.html

Part 2: Can a Potential Curse Be Transformed into a Blessing? - http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/0,1518,523178-2,00.html

5) Unwinding the Cosmos
Richard Merrick, Dec. 20, 2007, Reality Sandwich, http://www.realitysandwich.com/node/869

At present there is a great deal of interest (and confusion) around a new field of science generally referred to as torsion physics. The Einstein-Cartan theory upon which it is based describes magnetism and gravity as two sides of the same coin – the curvature and twisting of spacetime. It may well give us the missing link needed to solve the world's energy and ecological crises while offering the ultimate "Theory of Everything."

Most of us are aware of Einstein's General Relativity Theory and how it describes gravity as the curvature of spacetime similar to the way a bowling ball stretches a trampoline. In torsion physics, this model adds a spin or twist to spacetime making it more like the surface tension of water going down a drain. As water swirls due to the change of density between the air and water in the drain, the water surface curves and curls towards the drain creating torque. Torsion physics describes everything as spinning like this into regions of high density.

For example, a hurricane spirals due to the difference in density/temperature in our atmosphere. As air currents gather large quantities of water into clouds, the atmosphere at the center of the hurricane becomes denser than the surrounding air, thus creating pressure and causing the formation of a spinning vortex. Our Milky Way galaxy does the same thing, but instead of a dense atmosphere it spins towards dense plasma gases that puncture a black hole at its center. It is this increasing density differential and corresponding torque that causes both a hurricane and our galaxy to spiral like water down a drain.

Now, as hurricanes and galaxies rotate they form arms that spiral inward. This is due to the "Coriolis Effect" which creates two rotating toruses (or donuts) of material spinning in opposite directions one on top of the other. As they spin, their circular outer surface also rotates over and into the donut hole causing anything on the surface of each donut to appear to spiral continuously inward like a vortex.

When the Coriolis Effect is perfectly balanced and most coherent, a very special spiral called a golden spiral begins to form. A golden spiral is a logarithmic spiral that gets wider from the origin by a constant factor of the golden ratio (about 1.61803) for every quarter-turn it makes. We can even see this effect in our own solar system in the spacing of the planet's orbits.

Starting at Mercury, each planetary orbit (including the Ceres asteroid belt and the new dwarf planet Eris) can be estimated simply by multiplying each preceding planet's orbit by the special constant 1.687741698, which is the golden ratio 1.618 plus the additional amount needed to create a highly resonant spiral. Amazingly, this method predicts the average spacing of planets within a tiny margin of error of only 764km from actual orbits. It works because our solar system was once a swirling disc of plasma just like our galaxy, apparently forming planets at every quarter-turn along the golden spiral formed from the Coriolis Effect.

The presence of the golden ratio as an organizing principle in torsion physics led the team of Haramein and Rauscher to arrive at a Unified Field Theory that connects black holes to the structure of an atom. Their theory proposes that an atom is formed from the pumping or "breathing" of gravity in the space vacuum between the shape of a cube (dual tetrahedrons) and an octahedron, forming the simplest possible harmonically oscillating structure. As these two shapes oscillate, they pass through an icosahedron (or its dual dodecahedron) to form a golden spiral.

Space is then seen as being organized into a polarized structured vacuum, called a Schwarzchild lattice, organized into 120 tiny black holes, each in its own "cell" of the lattice. Each cell is itself organized as a 12-faced pentagonal dodecahedron (or icosahedron). The Haramein-Rauscher atomic model is then used to explain each cell as a harmonically oscillating cubeoctahedron that passes through the Schwartzchild dodecahedron in the space lattice (centered on a tiny black hole). This pumping action creates an electromagnetic Coriolis Effect and double torus identical to a miniature spiral galaxy or hurricane.

From the torquing edge or "event horizon" of the black hole in each cell of the space lattice, resonant atomic structures can form depending on the number of particles or atomic weight of different atoms. Of all the known elements, one particular atom, carbon-12, is more stable and resonant than any other element, accounting for its use as the international standard for atomic weight. In fact, carbon-12 resonates so well that it easily bonds with itself and other small atoms to form polypeptide amino acid chains and DNA molecules capable of evolving into the wide variety of water crystals we know as life.

From the micro to the macro, torsion physics describes everything as a double torus of orthogonal (or "right-angled") gravitational and electromagnetic forces that together spin off resonant harmonic structure at the perfectly balanced event horizon between them. Based on this theoretical model, some scientists are calling for increased funding and research to find ways of engineering the torsion field. Nicola Tesla was the first to suggest this more than a hundred years ago.

Telsa found that when he placed two resonantly tuned electromagnetic coils near one another, they created a very strong repelling interference pattern and dense electromagnetic field between them. As we might expect, this then induced the double torus Coriolis Effect to occur and cause electromagnetic standing waves to form causing scalar components to form outward longitudinally. He found that these scalar components could even be used to transmit electricity without being absorbed into the surroundings like other waves.

In 2001, German scientist Dr. Konstantin Meyl reproduced Tesla's wireless electricity experiments using a simple demonstration kit he built consisting of a dual-coil transmitter and matching receiver. He found that as the frequency was increased on the transmitter, scalar components were produced that tunneled over to the receiver to light an LED. Sold as a simple demonstration kit to more than fifty universities, the apparatus not only proved that electricity could be transmitted wirelessly, it also showed that scalar information could not be blocked by a shielded Faraday cage. More stunning than this, Meyl found that the scalar born information traveled more than 1.5 times the speed of light, confirming Tesla's own experimental results.

But torsion physics and scalar tunneling promise much more. Scalar components might also be used to perturb the vacuum to induce torque in spacetime and release residual zero-point energy still "seething" in the space lattice. Scientist Dr. Tom Bearden claims the spacetime vacuum can be engineered to violate the second law of thermodynamics by revising Maxwell's outdated electromagnetism equations from the 1880's to include the asymmetrical Aharonov-Bohm Effect. He likens this effect to "uncurling field-free magnetic vector potential" in the vacuum, thus releasing the energy still resonating as standing waves from the Big Bang. This is something like putting up a sail to catch the wind only instead of air we would catch the virtually unlimited energy tunneling through the space lattice all around us. Every demonstrable example for over-unity "zero-point" energy, like water cars, hydrogen from micro waved water, air turbines or Bearden's own solid-state electromagnetic device, would all obtain their extra energy by torquing the vacuum based on the Aharonov-Bohm effect.

Many other applications of torsion physics and scalar standing waves may be possible, such as mobile communications that transmit directly through the Earth, gravity modification and specific warps of spacetime to enable superluminal (faster than light) travel. However, mainstream science continues to drag its feet in this field by referring to torsion physics as a "pseudoscience". Without immediate acceptance of these concepts through funded research and inclusion in classroom curriculum, there may be no time to turn around the economic and ecological impact of fossil fuels on the planet. As Dr. Bearden points out rather bluntly:

"Only by using vacuum engineering for electrical power systems that dramatically decrease our dependence on oil, coal, gas, and nuclear power can our economic collapse – and the possible collapse of Western civilization – be avoided."

But perhaps the greatest loss in ignoring torsion physics is the continued misunderstanding of how nature really works and the very special role we all play in it. As Nassim Haramein says in his four DVD set entitled Crossing the Event Horizon: Rise to the Equation:

"Everything we see in the Universe is the infinity of the energy density of the vacuum in various scales. The biological resolution is the link between the large and the small. You are the event horizon. Instead of seeing yourself as an insignificant little dot that means nothing to the Universe, you start to see yourself as the center of creation. Everyone else is the center of their Universe as well. And thus we are all equal and we're all one."

Ed. Note - Dr. K. Meyl was a speaker at the IRI Tesla Science Conference here in DC in 2003. Also, I saw N. Haramein give a lecture on this topic at the Earth Transformation Conference in Hawaii last year and have worked with theoretical physicist, Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher in several projects and events. IRI is also editing Rauscher's book on earthquake prediction as well.   - TV

6) Upcoming Energy Seminars for 2008
Power Marketers, Jan. 15, 2008, www.PowerMarketers.com
PowerMarketers.com • PO Box 2303 • Falls Church • VA • 22042
In-Depth Classroom Programs

Introduction to Carbon Market Trading and Finance January 16, Houston - Doubletree Galleria

2. Fundamentals and Practical Applications of Energy Risk Management, VaR and Earnings at Risk January 21, San Diego - Mission Valley Marriott

The Fundamentals of Gas & Electric Utility Rates January 21 & 22, San Diego - Mission Valley Marriott


Introduction to Carbon Market Trading and Finance February 5, New York City - The Torch Club (NYU Campus)

5. Introduction to Carbon Market Trading and Finance February 7, Washington DC - The Melrose Hotel

Introduction to Carbon Market Trading and Finance February 8, Atlanta - Sheraton Atlanta

7. Understanding Today's U.S. Electric Power Industry, ISOs & the Basics of Wholesale Power Transactions February 19, Houston - Doubletree Galleria
8. The Fundamentals of Energy and Electric Power Futures, Options and Derivatives February 19 & 20, Houston - Doubletree Galleria
9. Understanding Today's Natural Gas & LNG Industry February 20 & 21, Houston - Doubletree Galleria
10. Fundamentals of Heat Rates, Spark Spreads, Generation Optionality, Tolling Arrangements, Heat Rate Linked Power Transactions, Spread Options & How to Hedge & Monetize Electric Generation Assets February 21, Houston - Doubletree Galleria
11. Natural Gas - How to Buy & Sell: A Practical Guide on How Business is Done February 22, Houston - Doubletree Galleria
12. How to Value Energy & Electricity Assets Using Real Options Analysis February 22, Houston - Doubletree Galleria
13. Fundamentals of Energy Statistical Analysis March 3, San Diego - Mission Valley Marriott
14. Fundamentals of Heat Rates, Spark Spreads, Generation Optionality, Tolling Arrangements, Heat Rate Linked Power Transactions, Spread Options & How to Hedge & Monetize Electric Generation Assets March 4, San Diego - Mission Valley Marriott
15. How to Value Energy & Electricity Assets Using Real Options Analysis March 5, San Diego - Mission Valley Marriott

The Fundamentals of Gas & Electric Utility Rates March 10 & 11, San Diego - Mission Valley Marriott

17. Understanding Today's U.S. Electric Power Industry, ISOs & the Basics of Wholesale Power Transactions March 11,Philadelphia - Crowne Plaza City Center
18. The Fundamentals of Energy and Electric Power Futures, Options and Derivatives March 12 & 13, Philadelphia - Crowne Plaza City Center
19. Understanding Today's Natural Gas & LNG Industry March 12 & 13, Philadelphia - Crowne Plaza City Center
20. Natural Gas - How to Buy & Sell: A Practical Guide on How Business is Done March 14, Philadelphia - Crowne Plaza City Center
21. Fundamentals of Heat Rates, Spark Spreads, Generation Optionality, Tolling Arrangements, Heat Rate Linked Power Transactions, Spread Options & How to Hedge & Monetize Electric Generation Assets March 14, Philadelphia - Crowne Plaza City Center

Introduction to Carbon Market Trading and Finance April 1, New York City - The Princeton Club

23. The Fundamentals of Energy and Electric Power Futures, Options and Derivatives April 7 & 8, New York City - The Torch Club (NYU Campus)
24. Fundamentals of Energy Statistical Analysis April 8, New York City - The Torch Club (NYU Campus)
25. Fundamentals of Heat Rates, Spark Spreads, Generation Optionality, Tolling Arrangements, Heat Rate Linked Power Transactions, Spread Options & How to Hedge & Monetize Electric Generation Assets April 9, New York City - The Torch Club (NYU Campus)
26. Fundamentals and Practical Applications of Energy Risk Management, VaR and Earnings at Risk April 9, New York City - The Torch Club (NYU Campus)
27. Understanding Today's U.S. Electric Power Industry, ISOs & the Basics of Wholesale Power Transactions April 10, New York City - The Torch Club (NYU Campus)
28. How to Value Energy & Electricity Assets Using Real Options Analysis April 10, New York City - The Torch Club (NYU Campus)
29. Understanding Today's U.S. Electric Power Industry, ISOs & the Basics of Wholesale Power Transactions May 13, Houston - Doubletree Galleria
30. Fundamentals of Energy Statistical Analysis May 13, Houston - Doubletree Galleria
31. Understanding Today's Natural Gas & LNG Industry May 13 & 14, Houston - Doubletree Galleria
32. Fundamentals and Practical Applications of Energy Risk Management, VaR and Earnings at Risk May 14, Houston - Doubletree Galleria
33. The Fundamentals of Energy and Electric Power Futures, Options and Derivatives May 14 & 15, Houston - Doubletree Galleria
34. How to Value Energy & Electricity Assets Using Real Options Analysis May 15, Houston - Doubletree Galleria
35. Natural Gas - How to Buy & Sell: A Practical Guide on How Business is Done May 15, Houston - Doubletree Galleria
36. Fundamentals of Heat Rates, Spark Spreads, Generation Optionality, Tolling Arrangements, Heat Rate Linked Power Transactions, Spread Options & How to Hedge & Monetize Electric Generation Assets May 16, Houston - Doubletree Galleria

The Fundamentals of Gas & Electric Utility Rates June 9 & 10, Philadelphia - Crowne Plaza City Center

38. Understanding Today's U.S. Electric Power Industry, ISOs & the Basics of Wholesale Power Transactions June 10, Philadelphia - Crowne Plaza City Center
39. The Fundamentals of Energy and Electric Power Futures, Options and Derivatives June 11 & 12, Philadelphia - Crowne Plaza City Center
40. Understanding Today's Natural Gas & LNG Industry June 11 & 12, Philadelphia - Crowne Plaza City Center
41. Natural Gas - How to Buy & Sell: A Practical Guide on How Business is Done June 13, Philadelphia - Crowne Plaza City Center
42. Fundamentals of Heat Rates, Spark Spreads, Generation Optionality, Tolling Arrangements, Heat Rate Linked Power Transactions, Spread Options & How to Hedge & Monetize Electric Generation Assets June 13, Philadelphia - Crowne Plaza City Center
Also Available:
On-site Classroom Programs
CD-ROM based Training
For More Information:

7 ) 7th European Conference on Solar Energy in Architecture and Urban Planning
Irm Pontenagel, MANAGING DIRECTOR EUROSOLAR, European Association for Renewable Energy, Jan. 15, 2007, http://www.eurosolar.de/en/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=287&Itemid=43
German Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs
Press Release
The first European Conference Solar Energy in Architecture and Urban Planning, initiated by the European Commission, took place in Munich in 1987. At the five subsequent conferences - Paris, 1989; Florence, 1993; Berlin, 1996; Bonn, 1998 and 2000 - the concepts and ideas of a direct use of solar energy in buildings and for urban development were constantly enhanced.

In this context the European Charter "Solar Energy in Architecture and Urban Planning" was formulated at the conference in Berlin in 1996 under the auspices of Thomas Herzog. In 1998, EUROSOLAR organized the 5th conference "Building a new century" and in 2000 the 6th conference "The City - A Solar Power Station" with more than 700 participants which marked the departure towards a solar age of building.

In 2008, EUROSOLAR will continue this conference series in cooperation with the German Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs with the 7th conference entitled "Sun and Sense". We want to demonstrate how the enormous technological progress in the fields of Renewable Energies can be implemented extensively into architecture and urban planning.
March 11th-14th, 2008, Berlin/Germany

The conference will focus on the following topics:

- The building as solar power station - Solar architecture/Architectural integration of Renewable Energy technology
- Urban development and settlement models
- Urban mobility with Renewable Energies
- City-region relations, embedding cities into the context of their local resources
- 100% Renewable Energy scenarios and projects on building-, settlement-, urban-, and regional level
- The use of Renewable Energies in megacities

Members of supporting or associated organizations are invited to register at EUROSOLAR/WCRE member rates. The early bird rebate opportunity expires on February 15th, 2008.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to welcoming you in Berlin!

Irm Pontenagel

The European Association for Renewable Energy
Kaiser-Friedrich-Straße 11
D-53113 Bonn / Germany
Ph. +49 228/362373 & 362375
Fax +49 228/361279 & 361213

conference programme: http://www.eurosolar.de/en/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=287&Itemid=43

conference registration: http://www.eurosolar.de/en/index.php?option=com_facileforms&Itemid=81

-- Provided as a courtesy from Integrity Research Institute where a complimentary DVD on "Developments in Future Energy" from the last Conference on Future Energy is available upon request to iri@starpower.net with a postal address anywhere in the world!