From: Integrity Research Institute []
Sent: Saturday, July 31, 2010 5:11 PM
Subject: Future Energy eNews
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      July 2010

Dear Subscriber,
   We would like to invite everyone to participate in our IRI COFE 2011 joint SPESIF conference. IRI has asked for IEEE sponsorship, in addition to the AIAA, AAS, and ARI participation. We emphasize what a great opportunity exists for those inventors who would like a chance to put their invention on paper in a peer-reviewed publication. This last Call for Papers for the joint conference of SPESIF is featured in the #5 slot of this FE eNews. Please send in just your abstract by August 15 (and mention COFE4 session) in the areas of energy, propulsion, or bioenergetics for acceptance. (I'm the Chair of the COFE session and I welcome revolutionary energy, propulsion and bioenergetics invention papers.) 

Talk about physics, the size of the proton revision (#1 story) and the discovery of liquid metal batteries suggest (#2 story) by MIT Prof. Sadoway offers higher energy density (megawatt) than lithium. Hopefully, with the $7 million DOE money, the Sadoway battery will reach the electric car market soon and the onsite power generation market as well.
Following on the heels of a new high density battery is the anticipated "Flying Prius" (#3 story) at twice the speed of conventional airliners, which seems a lot more credible with a better design for a hybrid engine. 
End Note: IRI objects to the recent American Petroleum Institute ads on TV suggesting that a new tax on oil is a "bad idea". Talking to a business entrepreneur this weekend, it was surprising to hear that "oil-eating bacteria", the cheapest and a proven effective oil spill clean-up solution, have been banned by the Feds from the Gulf oil spill, with hundreds of miles of oil slick still out in the Gulf. Perhaps this prolongation of the problem will make the public seek future renewable energy with fervor and accept a gasoline tax that will pay for it! We hope that the costly oil spill will motivate the country to get off oil at any cost.
Thomas Valone, PhD, PE
1) New Proton Measurement Throws Physics a Curve
2) Molten Metal Batteries Yield 20 times More Current
3) The Flying Prius
4) Clean Energy 101
5) COFE4 - SPESIF Call for Papers
1) New Proton Measurement May Throw Physics a Curve
Casey Johnston, Ars Tecnica, July 9, 2010
Ed. note: Vacuum polarization effects of zero point energy may be reduced since the muon is so much closer to the proton than the electron would be. Similar results were found by Koltick, cited in my Zero Point Energy: Fuel of the Future book, when the vacuum polarization shield around the electron was removed by experiment.   -TV
We may have been overestimating the proton for the last 60 years, if a new experiment has anything to say about it. A group of researchers have tried a new method of measuring the proton's radius that involved getting a muon to orbit it instead of an electron. The new approach is ten times more accurate than the way it has been done since the invention of quantum mechanics, and it has produced a value for the proton's radius that is four percent smaller than the currently accepted one. If the new measurement is incorrect and the proton is not actually smaller, the theory of quantum electrodynamics itself may need an adjustment. 

The currently accepted value of the proton's radius is .876 femtometers. This value isn't consistently measured by any one experiment, but is instead a "world average" of all the attempted measurements done by spectroscopy on a hydrogen atom, and the errors were large enough to provide room for a new, more exact measurement. Unfortunately, the new measurement provides a value that's completely outside these error bars.
The easiest way of studying protons is to use hydrogen, which is nothing more than a simple interaction between an electron and a proton. By watching what energy the electron needs to transition between the orbitals surrounding the proton, researchers can get an idea of how big the proton is.

To get a better measurement, the team of researchers wanted to "work in a system which is very sensitive to the proton radius," said Aldo Antognini, one of the co-authors of the paper. What they needed was a very small energy transition to observe, and a large platform in which to observe it.
For the transition, they needed look no further than a Lamb shift. A Lamb shift occurs when an electron moves between the 2s and 2p energy levels in an atom. The difference in binding energy between the two is very small, and leaves little room for external effects to muck up the measurements.

To get a highly accurate picture of the Lamb shift, the scientists generated protons orbited by muons, also known as muonic hydrogen. Muons are unstable elementary particles, with the same charge and spin as an electron-but they're 200 times heavier. Its size would allow the researchers to make more precise binding energy measurements.
Muonic hydrogen is not easy to make; in fact, the researchers were using the only laboratory in the world that can produce muons en masse. On top of 
that, only one percent of the muons generated stayed in their 2s excited state long enough to be experimented with-the rest immediately decayed. In all, Dr. Antognini noted that the experiment took more than eight years to complete.

The researchers found that the muonic hydrogen needed to be shot with a laser with a frequency of 50 terahertz in order to transition up to the 2p state. When they plugged this measurement into a quantum electrodynamics equation that relates proton radius to binding energies, they found the needed energy indicated a proton radius of 0.841 femtometers-four percent smaller and five standard deviations off the currently accepted radius of 0.876 femtometers.
The scientists are not yet sure whether their findings will upset the theory of quantum electrodynamics, or our understanding of the proton itself. "You can assume the theory is correct, or you can assume the radius is correct and the theory is wrong," Dr. Antognini told Ars.

If it's the theory and predictions that are off, this doesn't spell the end of quantum electrodynamics. More likely, the related equations need adjusting, not unlike how the calculation of Lamb shifts provided an adjustment for the energy theories Dirac first laid down.

On the other hand, if the theory holds and we've actually been overestimating the proton, there will be a sizable shakeup in the fundamentals of particle physics. The authors of the paper hope to continue probing the proton with similar tests on muonic helium atoms, as well as analyzing extra data they've collected on muonic hydrogen and deuterium.

ature, 2010. DOI: 10.1038/nature09250  (About DOIs).  
The Proton Shrinks in Size
Nature. Published online 7 July 2010 | Nature | doi:10.1038/news.2010.337
The proton seems to be 0.00000000000003 millimetres smaller than researchers previously thought, according to work published in today's issue of Nature

protonThe difference is so infinitesimal that it might defy belief that anyone, even physicists, would care. But the new measurements could mean that there is a gap in existing theories of quantum mechanics. "It's a very serious discrepancy," says Ingo Sick, a physicist at the University of Basel in Switzerland, who has tried to reconcile the finding with four decades of previous measurements. "There is really something seriously wrong someplace."

Protons are among the most common particles out there. Together with their neutral counterparts, neutrons, they form the nuclei of every atom in the Universe. But despite its everday appearance, the proton remains something of a mystery to nuclear physicists, says Randolf Pohl, a researcher at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics in Garching, Germany, and an author on the Nature paper. "We don't understand a lot of its internal structure," he says.

From afar, the proton looks like a small point of positive charge, but on much closer inspection, the particle is more complex. Each proton is made of smaller fundamental particles called quarks, and that means its charge is roughly spread throughout a spherical area.

Physicists can measure the size of the proton by watching as an electron interacts with a proton. A single electron orbiting a proton can occupy only certain, discrete energy levels, which are described by the laws of quantum mechanics. Some of these energy levels depend in part on the size of the proton, and since the 1960s physicists have made hundreds of measurements of the proton's size with staggering accuracy. The most recent estimates, made by Sick using previous data, put the radius of the proton at around 0.8768 femtometres (1 femtometre = 10-15 metres).

Small wonder

Pohl and his team have a come up with a smaller number by using a cousin of the electron, known as the muon. Muons are about 200 times heavier than electrons, making them more sensitive to the proton's size. To measure the proton radius using the muon, Pohl and his colleagues fired muons from a particle accelerator at a cloud of hydrogen. Hydrogen nuclei each consist of a single proton, orbited by an electron. Sometimes a muon replaces an electron and orbits around a proton. Using lasers, the team measured relevant muonic energy levels with extremely high accuracy and found that the proton was around 4% smaller than previously thought.

That might not sound like much, but the difference is so far from previous measurements that the researchers actually missed it the first two times they ran the experiment in 2003 and 2007. "We thought that our laser system was not good enough," Pohl says. In 2009, they looked beyond the narrow range in which they expected to see the proton radius and saw an unmistakable signal.

"What gives? I don't know," says Sick. He says he believes the new result, but that there is no obvious way to make it compatible with years of earlier measurements.

"Something is missing, this is very clear," agrees Carl Carlson, a theoretical physicist at the College of William & Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia. The most intriguing possibility is that previously undetected particles are changing the interaction of the muon and the proton. Such particles could be the 'superpartners' of existing particles, as predicted by a theory known as supersymmetry, which seeks to unite all of the fundamental forces of physics, except gravity.

But, Carlson says, "the first thing is to go through the existing calculations with a fine-toothed comb". It could be that an error was made, or that approximations made in existing quantum calculation simply aren't good enough. "Right now, I'd put my money on some other correction," he says. "It's also where my research time will be going over the next month." 

  • References

    1. Pohl, R. et al. Nature 466, 213-217 (2010). | Article | ChemPort | 

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2) Molten Metal Batteries Yield 20 Times More Current than Lithium Ion
MIT Prof. Donald Sadoway and graduate student David Bradwell
MIT molten batteries
Molten metal may not be what you want in your smartphone battery, but it turns out to work great for larger grid-scale batteries. MIT engineers have created devices that can provide up to 20 times as much current as lithium-ion batteries with the same electrode area, according to New Scientist.

The new battery simply consists of tanks filled with three liquid layers kept at 1,292 degrees F (700 degrees C). Molten magnesium sits on top, and antimony sits on the bottom. The middle layer consists of a compound mixture of the two outer layers.

Charging the battery with electricity breaks down the middle layer, and thus enlarges the upper and lower layers, while discharging reverses the process, in a chemical reaction that releases electrons to provide power. Once running, the battery also creates enough self-sustaining heat to keep everything deliciously molten.

A battery as large as a shipping container could deliver a megawatt of electricity, or enough to power about 10,000 100-watt light bulbs for several hours. Its cheaper material costs compared to lithium make it a more cost-effective candidate for scaling up the power grid.

Some utility companies and cities have already turned to sodium sulfur batteries as backup power that can ease reliance on the aging transmission grid -- the Texas town of Presidio recently charged up the largest battery of this type in the U.S. But the molten metal battery technology could provide part of a newer energy infrastructure that supports a growing variety of renewable energy sources.

Liquid Metal Batteries Could Lead to Power Storage Breakthrough

Researchers create an all-liquid-metal battery that could allow alternative power schemes to flourish. Plus, three more breakthrough technologies that the U.S. Department of Energy is funding now.
By Michael Belfiore, Popular Mechanics
Plans to add renewable power sources to the electric grid have a common problem: weak, expensive and small batteries that can't guarantee there will be juice when the wind isn't blowing or the sun isn't shining. Donald Sadoway, professor of materials chemistry at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, thinks the solution lies in novel batteries that use liquid metals. The battery designed by Sadoway and his team works on the same principle as any other: Two electrodes exchange electrons through an electrolyte to complete a circuit. But by using liquid metals for electrodes and molten salt as an electrolyte, their battery can absorb electrical currents that are 10 times higher than present-day high-end batteries. Only the different densities of the liquids keep them separated inside the battery, which means it would be a poor choice for most mobile applications--but smart for a fixed location, such as an electrical installation. Sadoway's team first made shot-glass-size prototypes to experiment with costly ingredients such as pure magnesium and pure antimony, but is now seeking the right mix of alloys for optimal performance and cheap manufacture. The Department of Energy's idea factory, the Advanced Research Projects Agency--Energy (ARPA-E), is putting $6.9 million behind Sadoway's project. His award is one of the biggest of the agency's first round of funding, released in late 2009. The batteries need external heaters to keep their innards molten at operating temperature. "One of the goals of the ARPA-E-funded project is to determine the smallest size of cell that would not need booster heaters," Sadoway says.

The U.S. Department of Energy is funding research into the following breakthrough technologies:
Cellulosic Biofuels From Genetically Modified Plants
Conventional biofuels, like corn-based ethanol, divert food crops to generate energy. Massachusetts startup Agrivida is genetically engineering fuel crops to contain cellulose-processing enzymes, potentially making cellulosic biofuels commercially viable for the first time. Federal funding: $4.5 million.
Bacteria That Produce Biofuels
Researchers from the University of Minnesota are using two species of bacteria to make it easier and cheaper to turn plants into fuel: one to photosynthesize sugar from sunlight and carbon dioxide, and another to convert it into biofuel. Federal funding: $2.2 million.
A More Perfect Metal--Air Battery
Fluidic Energy, founded by Arizona State University materials scientist Cody Friesen, is creating a portable metal--air battery that uses ionic liquids (low-temperature liquid salt) instead of water-based electrolytes. The design could pack 11 times the energy density of today's best lithium-ion batteries without the limited voltage and evaporation problems typical of metal--air designs. Federal funding: $5.1 million.

3) The Flying Prius
The future of the passenger jet may look surprisingly like a larger version of the hybrid automobile.

by Christopher Dickey and Tracy McNicoll Newsweek, With Juliane Von Reppert-Bismarck in Brussels July 16, 2010
Lockheed Martin Supersonic aircraft concept
Lockheed Martin's aircraft
The future of aviation that engineers dreamed about 70 years ago didn't look much like the present. But it did look a lot like the future of aviation they're still dreaming of today.
Back in 1938, for instance, Popular Mechanics magazine ran a cover story on "The Flying Wing of the Future," an amazing machine in which the fuselage was almost indistinguishable from the wide V of the wings. In May of this year, NASA presented the latest thinking from Boeing, General Electric, Northrop Grumman, and MIT about the "down to earth" shape of planes to come in the next 20 to 30 years, with companion studies by Boeing and Lockheed Martin about supersonic transport. Sure enough, one of the MIT proposals is for the Hybrid Wing Body H-Series, an enormous flying wing, and NASA actually has been test-flying a model of something similar, the X-48B, since 2006. At first glance they look like they're straight out of 1938.
But the operative phrase here is "at first glance." Basic principles of lift and propulsion are immutable, so certain design features keep coming back. What's really new is just about everything else that's likely to go into making the next generation-indeed, the next several generations-of planes: the composites for the bodies; the engines that propel them; the computers that steer them; and, most important, the new economic, environmental, and political imperatives of the 21st century. Manufacturers really have little choice but to produce quieter, safer, more fuel-efficient, and greener machines than ever before-if only they can figure out how.
As almost 1,400 exhibitors gather at the Farnborough Air Show in Britain this week, the usual razzle-dazzle of military hardware, the thunderous fly-overs, and the glitzy presentations of airline luxury won't be able to obscure the enormous challenges that loom on the horizon. The skies already are saturated with planes and passengers, but traffic is expected to double or even triple by 2050. The stunning disruptions caused by a single volcano in Iceland last spring showed just how delicately balanced, and vulnerable, the whole system has become. Meanwhile, the cost of aviation fuel has quadrupled since the mid-1990s and if, as many predict, the global oil supply continues to grow tighter, those prices could go through the stratosphere.
"In the future, environmental concern will be a really huge issue," says Jaiwon Shin, head of aeronautics research at NASA. "We are seeing that in other industries. I think aviation will not be an exception." Add the traditionally low profit margins on which the airline industry operates, and "the trend is fairly predictable," Shin says. "It's got to be fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly, so any concept that meets these two criteria will win out." The recent studies commissioned by NASA are for planes that burn 70 percent less fuel than today and fly 71 decibels quieter than a 737. "NASA's goal," says spokeswoman Beth Dickey, "is to bring these technologies to a point where they are ready for prime time. Then it is up to the industry to put them on their airplanes."
What's new about such projects is not the expression of concern about the environment but the sense of urgency about addressing it. For years, airlines and airplane manufacturers tended to treat climate change as if it were largely a public-relations problem. Their carbon footprint in the sky, after all, was only about 2 to 3 percent of the global total. International air traffic wasn't even mentioned in the 1997 Kyoto Protocol on the environment. But according to the most recent studies, aviation's share of greenhouse gases could increase dramatically to about three times current levels by midcentury, with technical improvements being offset by the expected increase in traffic in and among developing countries. In the meantime, the European Union, with some of the most crowded skies in the world already, is trying to force airlines to join its existing carbon-trading scheme. And carbon isn't the only problem. High-altitude nitrogen-oxide emissions from commercial jets may be destabilizing the ozone layer, while on the ground people are ever less patient with deafening noise around airports. "People will not be as tolerant as we were 30 years ago when 707s were flying like jet fighters overhead," says Shin.

It's tempting to think that some truly radical new approach can change all this for the better. "I think we will come to the point in the next 30 to 40 years where we will say, now we have to make a break and go for rather radical designs, which is maybe a completely different design of an aircraft-a completely different type of engine, a completely different type of fuel," says a European Commission source who asked not to be cited by name because he was not authorized to speak publicly on the issue. "At a certain stage that break will come, don't ask me when."

The European Commission sponsored a much-talked-about "Out of the Box" study looking at the future of aviation in 2006, a brainstorm exercise that entertained such whimsical notions as the invisible airplane and a flying boat. This week the commission will call for a raft of new proposals that will actually get funding for further research. That's the crucial step in any of these efforts to turn designer dreams into soaring realities. Under consideration are nuclear engines, plasma jets, biofuels, and green fuels along with innovative configurations of the fuselage and engines. Some funding targets will have pilots, and some could be computer-controlled from takeoff to landing. But even when the research is well funded, such concepts are mostly geared toward that moment when, or if, the possibilities of somewhat more conventional approaches really have been exhausted. That's not likely until the middle of the century at the earliest.

The NASA program, meanwhile, is looking toward what it hopes are more-feasible projects for planes that could be in the air two or three decades from now. One that has created a lot of buzz in aviation blogs is being called "the double bubble," a design proposal that might just as easily be dubbed "the double-wide in the sky": two tubular fuselages crunched together side by side and held aloft by what seem like impossibly thin wings.

More interesting still is one of the designs that Boeing came up with for NASA: the Subsonic Ultra Green Aircraft Research, or SUGAR Volt. This plane looks a little like a World War II glider with long tapered wings held in place by trusses. But like a Prius or other hybrid cars, you don't really get an idea how revolutionary it might be until you look under the hood.
 Boeing Supersonic Aircraft concepts.
The engines that drive modern commercial planes have undergone a quiet revolution-or a massive evolution, if you will-over the last 30 to 40 years. Old jets combined air and kerosene in an explosive mix that blasted out the back to provide rocketlike thrust. They were powerful, loud, and sucked up fuel like nobody's business. Some jet fighters still do this. But the engines of today's commercial airliners combine the hot air from a jet at their core with cooler air pushed around it by fans and compressors. The system allows them to be much quieter and more fuel-efficient than earlier engines, and a great deal of R&D these days is focused on making turbines better still by increasing the amount of cold air in the mix-the bypass ratio, as it's called-to give extra thrust with minimal extra noise and fuel consumption. Common bypass ratios today are about 5 to 1, some are greater than 10, and researchers are shooting for 20 or more. There is also growing interest in what are called "open rotors," which look like updated versions of propeller engines, but with more blades.

Boeing's SUGAR Volt proposes to use a hybrid propulsion system that, in broad outlines, really is reminiscent of a Prius: the cool-air fans and compressors would be powered part of the time by electric motors that would be charged by the combustion engine.

Some green aviation projects, meanwhile, are developing independently of aerospace giants and big government programs. One of the most intriguing is the spindly SolarImpulse, funded by Omega watches and other corporate sponsors. It may bear a striking resemblance to those rubber-band airplanes you flew in the backyard as a kid, but with its wings soaking up solar energy it proved in Switzerland earlier this month that it can run both day and night on nothing but the power of the sun. Its builders aim to fly it around the world in 2013.

Many industry experts remain skeptical about the possibilities for truly revolutionary change. Jean-Marc Thomas, a senior vice president of EADS, the European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company, gently mocks the computer-generated pictures firms provide as "dream images" of a distant future. "The more outlandish a plane looks, the more it gives the impression that it's terribly modern," says Thomas. "But things don't really work that way in the aerospace industry." Aircraft that are going to carry millions of passengers have to be extremely safe and reliable, which militates against their being extreme in most other ways.
As Thomas points out, the enormous-but-conventional-looking Airbus 380 now in service is the only airliner aloft that uses fewer than three liters of kerosene per passenger per 100 kilometers-mainly because it carries up to 800 people at a time. By comparison, in 1985 the average commercial aircraft consumed about 8 liters per passenger per 100 kilometers. Critics have talked about supersize aircraft as if they're the Hummers of the sky. But the arithmetic for green aviation is different than it is for cars. Thus the International Air Transport Association says many "modern aircraft" already have gotten to the point where they get 3.5 liters per 100 kilometers per passenger, while one person driving alone in an actual 2010 Prius will burn up 3.8 liters to travel the same distance.

Even proposals for a new generation of supersonic airliners are being presented in a greener context these days. The concepts that Lockheed Martin and Boeing submitted to NASA this year would actually be a little slower than the French-British Concorde, which flew from the 1970s until a disastrous crash brought its service to an end in 2000. The new planes would cruise at about 1.6 to 1.8 times the speed of sound, roughly twice as fast as conventional airliners. The Concorde flew at Mach 2. The new ones would carry about three times as many passengers as the Concorde and their design would radically reduce the explosive-sounding boom made crossing the sound barrier from "a crack to a rumble," says NASA's Peter Coen, who is overseeing the project. So the planes would be "greener" than the Concorde, but not as friendly to the environment as subsonic aircraft. They'd be high-end time savers, not fuel savers.

"Supersonic airplanes tend to drive a wedge between naysayers and supporters, because we are really talking about opening up whole new markets," says Shin. "And our perspective is that in order for supersonic markets even to start there is a huge 800-pound gorilla right in the middle of the room, and that is sonic-boom regulation." Whether a crack or a rumble, the noise is illegal over the continental United States right now. For the moment, neither politics nor economics are favorable to such projects.

So when it comes to outlandish-looking-but practical-planes, the levelheaded seers of the aviation world keep coming back to the subsonic flying-wing designs being developed in both Europe and the United States. These would most likely be enormous craft capable of carrying as many as 1,000 passengers. The lift characteristics of the fuselage would give them savings of about 40 percent on fuel right away, says Shin. Their advanced engines, with bypass ratios two or three times as high as current jets, would be mounted above the fuselage rather than below the wing, lowering dramatically the amount of noise heard on the ground.
According to Fay Collier, who has overseen NASA's 80 test flights of the X-48B scale model prototype, most of the problems of low-speed control and the structural issues are on their way to being resolved. If manufacturers and airline companies are receptive, commercial aircraft built along these lines could be rolling out of the factory in 15 to 20 years, conceivably even sooner, if the public wants them. Will passengers be comfortable flying inside such a big enclosed space? Could "virtual windows" supplant real ones? Shin thinks customers will get used to such things. Will airports be ready to accommodate the huge change in shape and the multiple points from which passengers would board and disembark? Many terminals already have adapted to the Airbus 380, which had some of the same issues.

Flying wings-truly the jolly green giants of the sky-may not be ready for prime time in NASA terms, but they're getting close.
4) Clean Energy 101
No single solution can meet our society's future energy needs. The answer lies instead in a family of diverse energy technologies that share a common thread: they do not deplete our natural resources or destroy our environment. 

Renewable energy technologies tap into natural cycles and systems, turning the ever-present energy around us into usable forms. The movement of wind and water, the heat and light of the sun, heat in the ground, the carbohydrates in plants-all are natural energy sources that can supply our needs in a sustainable way. Because they are homegrown, renewables can also increase our energy security and create local jobs.

Our experts work to analyze the technologies and policies to build a cost effective, sustainable energy future. We aim to enact federal and state policies that support renewable energy, reduce barriers to the adoption of renewable technologies, and encourage all energy purchasers to use renewables. We also work to support improving energy efficiency, an important strategy to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, provide significant reductions in electricity use, and save consumers money. And while we transition toward clean energy sources, we advocate for technologies, fuels, and policies that reduce air and global warming pollution from fossil fuels.

Learn more . . .


5) COFE4 - SPESIF 2011 Call For Papers

Space, Propulsion & Energy Sciences International Forum

March 15-17, 2011  

University of Maryland, College Park, MD


2011 Theme: Future Directions in Science & Technology






Sponsored by the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Space, Propulsion and Energy Sciences In Co-Operation with:

 Dave Froning    Dave Froning      Dave Froning



In March 2011 the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Space, Propulsion and Energy Sciences will hold its 3rd forum at the University of Maryland, College Park, MD. The Space, Propulsion & Energy Sciences International Forum upholds the momentum and positive collaborative environment established by the former Space Technologies and Applications International Forum (STAIF), last held in 2008. 


SPESIF provides a platform for the interchange of ideas among technologists, academicians, industrialists, and program managers on technical and programmatic issues related to the Space, Propulsion and Energy Sciences. Among its organizers, conference and session chairs, and attendees, are high-level representatives from industry, government agencies, and institutes of higher learning. 


Both papers and presentations are welcome. Approved papers for SPESIF are reviewed by the technical staff, Chairs and Co-Chairs and other Committee Members needed for a proper peer review and are published by the American Institute of Physics  (AIP) in an AIP Conference Proceedings. 


The forum addresses a wide range of topics across symposiums, conferences and meetings as follows:



This symposium pertains to the advancement of the space propulsion sciences from current technologies to emerging concepts and theories covering the contemporary propulsion sciences, technologies and techniques for short-term objectives supporting near-term space initiatives for Earth, in-orbit, Moon and Mars-based propulsion and power systems; enhancement of the feasibility of future space propulsion systems; new frontiers in the space propulsion sciences comprising ideas, concepts, experiments, theories and models; and approaches that could lead to new directions in space travel, exploration, astrophysics and particle physics with applications to propulsion, power or communication; or to help combine these areas of science with the space propulsion sciences toward new frontiers in science.



This symposium focuses on topics common to the space community, though from a social-scientific perspective. That is, a strong consideration of how each topic relates to society, culture, and the individual - the traditional purview of the social and behavioral sciences, humanities, and the arts (hereafter referred to as the "social sciences" for brevity) -- defines astrosociology. A major theme of the symposium focuses on how traditional knowledge and findings of the social sciences, which normally focus on terrestrial matters, actually possess important applications for space exploration and related issues. Moreover, the direct application of social science research and theory-building in contemporary and future timeframes receive attention as vital components in the understanding of humanity's efforts in space environments in terms of exploration, settlement, work, and recreation. Examination of the impact of space exploration on terrestrial societies and cultures receives attention in addition to that of humans in space.



This Symposium provides a forum for discussions pertaining to the means of detecting and generating HFGWs and their practical application. Papers on HFGWs may encompass the high-frequency (100 kHz to 100 MHz), very high frequency (100 MHz to 100 GHz), and ultra high frequency (greater than 100 GHz) bands all referred to as HFGWs and should concentrate on the means for evolving this technology. Specific interests also include (but are not limited to) the description of HFGWs in conventional space-time, applications to astrophysics, communication, nuclear effects, surveillance and remote movement of massive objects. Concepts may be either theoretical or based upon actual experiments or fabricated devices and should include rigorous, logical, scientific support and plausible assumptions and/or data to validate the fundamental aspects of the presented papers.




This conference deals with experiments, theories, and approaches that will help man achieve both a short-term and long-term solutions to fueless energy for electricity generation and travel, as well as drugless energy medicine. Short-term objectives support the near-term environmental initiative for humankind to live on the earth without burning fossil fuels and off the earth, to the Moon and Mars. Long-term objectives will lay down the scientific foundation necessary for future generations to extend mankind's ability to survive in other parts of our solar system. These long-term objectives are more pronounced and designed to stretch the intellectual capabilities and imagination of mankind in advanced technical disciplines. This will broaden our understanding and usage of the space environment for communications, power generation/storage, and propulsion.




This meeting seeks to promote the dream of space exploration by providing a venue for basic research and current technology developments currently underway in various areas of space science and technology that could prove beneficial in the near future. In any integrated space vehicle, there are a large number of independent and interdependent systems that are needed to accomplish mission success. In some cases, there are engineers and scientists that work with fine focus to produce prototypes of high fidelity subsystems (such as navigation or propulsion) that are relevant for next generation spacecraft; while in other cases, teams of engineers and scientists work diligently and carefully to incorporate the latest cutting-edge subsystems into an integrated spacecraft tailor built to accomplish a specific other-worldly task. In all cases, it is critical that engineers and scientists alike be keenly aware of the trade space of available hardware and technology at their disposal so as to allow them to focus their efforts on the real technical innovation challenges. 



Abstracts and papers should be concise, clear, and original according to the supporting information; theoretical analysis, references provided, and presentations, which should be logical and based upon sound scientific principles. If a departure from the conventional science is claimed, it is the author's responsibility to persuade and clarify this point in a balanced but scientifically convincing manner supported by adequate and acceptable evidence as well as identify experiments for testing their claims. 


Submit abstracts to 

Submit manuscripts to  

Please address questions and comments to the organizing chair:


Glen A. Robertson 

265 Ita Ann Ln.

Madison, AL 35757
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