Funding Energy,
Propulsion, Bioenergetics Research Projects
IRI is happy to present the first few
research projects which have demonstrated sufficient theoretical and practical
feasibility in the three program areas which are part and parcel to our stated
mission. This is important so that we are exhibiting our commitment to
bettering the state of human existence as a charitable, nonprofit 501(c)
organization under IRS standards.
Energy Program
Permanent Magnet Motor – a vital piece of prime mover, missing from all physics
and engineering textbooks, which has at least ten to a hundred times more
energy density than an equivalent quantity of electric energy is magnetism. Dr.
Valone’s paper “Spiral Magnetic Gradient Motor Using
Axial Magnets” (see
explains how this motor will be triggered by a small energy harvester and can
generate torque for electrical generation. It is hoped that a Kickstarter
campaign will be sufficient to fund the completion of this experimentally
prototyped project.
Zero Bias
Self-Rectifying Diodes – mentioned in the book, Zero Point Energy: Fuel of the Future by Thomas Valone (IRI, 2003)
and in Challenges to the Second Law of
Thermodynamics: Theory and Experiment by Capek and Sheehan (Springer, 2005),
there are so many indications that the quantum fluctuations of the vacuum can
be utilized in some form for useful work. A journal article has been prepared
by Dr. Valone to explain the theoretical basis for this proposed energy source.
See “Proposed Use of Zero Bias Diode Arrays as Thermal Electric Noise
Rectifiers and Non-Thermal Energy Harvesters” (
presented at the Space, Propulsion and Energy Sciences International Forum
(SPESIF), Workshop on Future Energy Sources sponsored by the American Institute
of Physics in 2009. The PowerPoint slideshow is also online at
Wireless Transmission of Electrical Power – a famous project of the
genius inventor, Nikola Tesla, who envisioned this as his most important life’s
work. IRI not only has sponsored a Tesla Conference and Expo to celebrate his
Centennial of the Wardenclyffe Tower, when no
organization in the world did so in 2003 (proceedings are available – see below)
but also Dr. Valone recently edited the most authoritative volume (457-pages)
on the most viable theories and experimental proof of the transmission of
electrical power wirelessly. The book, Nikola
Tesla’s Electricity Unplugged: Wireless Transmission of Power as the Master of
Lightning Intended (Adventures Unlimited Press, 2016) is now gaining wide
recognition for its comprehensive defense of the viability of even
long-distance transmission of power (see
for example and
for a detailed description of the contents).
Propulsion Program
Force Demonstration – simply designed to show that asymmetric Casimir
forces can be generated with corrugated surfaces that are nanometer in size and
separated by less than a micron in distance. IRI has supported this project
with advocacy and review services as well as networking vital scientists
together to accomplish the experimental proof of principle.
Supporting documents include inventor, Robert DeBiase’s paper from the IRI Conference on Future Energy
(COFE7) from 2015 (see
and an interesting paper on corrugated surface Casimir forces by Setare (see
Moment Gyroscope Demonstration – perhaps the most exciting
project for the public who may be following IRI projects, this project not only
seeks to prove once and for all the single direction force-producing ability of
properly paired, force-precessed gyroscopes, but also
the widely disseminated story of the Boeing Corporation keeping our satellites
in orbit for years by the engineer who worked on that project, Mike Gamble. He
presented a great slideshow at the Seventh Conference On
Future Energy (COFE7) summarizing the images related to how he engineered the
force-producing pairs of gyroscopes for Boeing (see
The only drawback seems to be the glacial movement of physics to catch up with
this engineering technique which rectifies centrifugal force since it violates
the Conservation of Momentum, which makes this invention even more interesting
since it is controversial. IRI has had previous experience with such inventions
and has advocated the rectification of centrifugal force with similar
gyroscopic devices and presents reports on those inertial propulsion devices (see
Antioxidant Electric Clothing – a patented (US #8,825,174)
invention by IRI staff naturopath, Dr. Jacqueline Panting, the product is
intended to provide the basic, fundamental ingredient of antioxidants (microcurrent
electrons) transdermally to the human body in a
synergistic manner. As sweating from exertion increases conductivity from the
salt content, more microcurrent electrons can flow freely to quench free
radicals which slow down athletes. It is also designed to ordinary humans too! See
for more information and an amazing study which proves that free radicals
overload an athlete during exhaustive exertion.
Devices – IRI has been the most productive in providing the public
with bioenergy devices for years. See for
more information and all of the products, including the Premier 2000, Premier
Junior, EM Pulser, and OsteoPad devices which help a number of ailments with
experimental electrotherapy.