Integrity Research Institute Integrity Research Institute - renewable energy

Conference on Energy & Accountability


November 9-10, 2002 (Veteran’s Day Weekend)

Holiday Inn College Park, 10,000 Baltimore Ave., College Park, MD 20740

What are the ethics of innovation, when so many people need a viable energy innovation and the government doesn't? What about the personal examples of active suppression and theft of invention, even in the midst of an energy crisis? How are some individuals, groups, and organizations making a difference on their own? We hope to answer some of these questions for inventors as the Conference on Energy & Accountability takes on more of a discussion format. What are the ethics of innovation, when so many people need a robust energy innovation and the government doesn't seem to know that the peak of world oil production is scheduled for 2010? (Below is a link to the internationally-based Association for the Study of Peak Oil (ASPO) in case you are not familiar with "Hubbert's Peak.")

Come hear some of the heart-rending stories, all of which are off-the-record (no media recording). It is a two-day event on Veteran's Day weekend, November 9 & 10, 2002, so that you can fly or drive back on Monday, which is a holiday. Reagan National Airport in DC allows direct metro subway access to the Greenbelt metro stop and the Holiday Inn College Park hotel has a free shuttle service. Otherwise, BWI airport or Dulles airport is also available with about a half-hour drive. See our ad in Discover magazine.

The confirmed speakers include: Dr. Scott Chubb, Dr. Steven Greer, Dr. Mitch Swartz, Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher, David Hamilton, Guy Obolensky, Patrick Herda, Peter Hunt, Dr. Ted Loder, George Hathaway, Dr. Robert Bass, Ivan Kruglak, Dr. Gene Mallove, Dr. David Nagel, and Tom Valone.

The schedule will be 45-minute presentations, mostly centered around their personal experience as an inventor, with about 10 minutes for discussion, and eight speakers each day. The first hour has two speakers in one hour slot.

Updated Schedule (as of Nov. 8, 2002)


SAT. Nov. 9 Ballroom C-D

Ballroom C-D SUN. Nov. 10



Tom Valone – "What to Expect at this Conference"

Guy Obolensky – "Medical Marvels from Jumping the Speed of Light"


David Hamilton – "Overview of Government Budget Process"

Guy Obolensky - continued


Ted Loder – "Brief History of Antigravity"

Peter Hunt – "Scientific Secrecy and Mendacity: A Federal Addiction"


Liz Rauscher – "Cross-Fertilization of Business and Science or How We Got ‘Enron-ed’"

Moray King – "Whatever Happened to the Moray Device?"

12 noon

LUNCH - 1 hour

LUNCH - 1 hour

1:00 PM

Gene Mallove – "My Experience with the Correa Aetherometry"

Robert Bass – "Conscious Conspiracy or Careerist Cowardice?"


Ivan Kruglak – "Weird Science, An Ongoing Adventure"

Patrick Herda – "Bringing Photoremediation of Nuclear Waste to Market"





David Nagel – "Ten Years of Cold Fusion: Trends and Lessons"

George Hathaway – "Suppression vs. Measurement Process"


Scott Chubb – "Accountability in the Information Era: Lessons from Cold Fusion Furor"

Steven Greer – "How to Avoid Suppression of New Energy"


Mitchell Swartz – "MIT Accountability Issues"

Mitchell Swartz – "Overview of the Suppression of Energy Medicine"

5:00 PM


Mitchell Swartz – continued

5:30 PM

Tom Valone – Closing Remarks


Wine & Cheese Social

Maryland Room (downstairs)

 Informal gatherings and discussions elsewhere





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