March 15-17, 2011
Tuesday through Thursday

Register for COFEFourth International Conference On Future Energy
“Technology transformation by the uncovering of new energy sources is a dominant global issue"

This year COFE4 features lowered registration costs with more speakers for 3 full days on more exciting topics than ever! Also, the first 50 registrants receive a FREE copy of the last COFE3 Proceedings (a $40 value) hard copy!

AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, COLLEGE PARK - Riggs Alumni Center - Exit 25S off 495 Beltway

In the Washington DC Metro Area at the University of Maryland Riggs Alumni Center off Rt. 193W with shuttle service from College Park Metro (Greenline) subway and every local hotel

Download the 16-page SPESIF-COFE Agenda PROGRAM (pdf) by clicking on the button below.

SPESIF Program Agenda

Register for COFE

Deadline for Early Registration at a discount fee of $250 has been extended until March 1, 2011! Afterwards, it is $275 for full registration (students are $50).

U of MD buildings view





But most important are three compelling reasons to attend the COFE4-SPESIF Energy, Bioenergetics and Propulsion FORUMS:

(1) Five (5) Conferences under one roof: Space Propulsion, Future Energy, Astrosociology, Gravity Waves and Space Science and Technology Forums.

(2) Amazing Peer-Reviewed papers on: Human Missions to Mars, New Energy, Propulsion, NASA advanced concepts, Life Extension through Telomeres Elongation, Gravitomagnetics, Antigravity, Podkletnov effect, Space Elevators, Beamed Power, Nuclear propulsion, Toroidal coils, Coler apparatus, Low Energy Nuclear Power, Water Electrolyzers, Maglevs and Space Habitats and more.

(3) Reasonable and Flexible registration fees and reasonable hotel rates.

That's not all...If you cannot attend all three days, just pick your favorite day and attend for only $100 for a single day!

IASSPES logo IRI logo Amer Astro Soc logo

UMd SPPL logo Nuclear Astrosociology

Author page

Hotel information

Hosted by: University of Maryland
Co-Sponsored by: the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Space, Propulsion & Energy Sciences (IAS-SPES)

Invited and Accepted Speakers (see online Program for Bio)

    Glen Robertson (NASA) Conference Coordinator and Moderator, Thomas Valone (IRI) Moderator, Dennis Bushnell (NASA) banquet speaker, Eric Wachsman (U of Md) plenary, Scott Kelsey (Missouri State Univ) plenary, John Falker (NASA), Harry Partridge (NASA), H David Froning, Nembo Buldrini, James Woodward, Andrew Ilin, Xiaoling Yang, George Miley, Paul Murad, Jim Pass, Simone Caroti, Laura Delgado, Christopher Hearsey, Eric McAdamis, Melvin Marsh, Don Reed, Jochem Hauser, Christopher Provatidis, Greg Volk, Liviu Popa-Simil, Andrew Muelenburg, George Scelzo, Hamilton Carter, Narayanan Komerath, Paul Jaffe, R. A. Brockman, Bob Zimmerman, Roger Launius, Daryl Webb, Charles Lundquist, Osamu Ide, Frank Znidarsic, Dave Goodwin, Moray King, Bernd Binder, Mark Garstin, R. Clive Woods, Robert Baker Jr., Andrew Beckwith, Shelley Thomson, Raymond Jensen, Z. Arzoumanian, P.E. Clark, Zeev Shayer, and many more.

Program Highlights: Plenary Speakers


SPESIF-COFE 4 Proceedings are also available for $75. Exhibitor tables also available at $350 which includes one FREE registration (contact IRI at 301-220-0440 to reserve a booth).

Read our four-page COFE3 Review (PDF) by Dr. Jacqueline Panting, Executive Director of IRI

Visit our IRI ORDER PAGE to order all of the DVDs from the conference and also get the 192-page Proceedings of COFE3 collection of conference papers

 5020 Sunnyside Ave. Suite 209, Beltsville MD 20705

Call:  888-802-5243, 301-220-0440            FAX:  301-513-5728