Future Energy eNews
August 28, 20022) Sustainable Energy Coalition featured with lots of news links and a free email service you can sign up for, if you want to. We hope you can come to our November Conference event in DC!
1) Conference on Energy & Accountability
There is a widespread concern about a looming energy crisis, like the 1970's, now that oil is up to $30 per barrel and Hubbert's Peak is in the news. In the meantime, energy inventors are being ignored, suppressed, and even worse. Come hear some of the heart-rending stories, all of which are off-the-record (no media allowed). It is a two-day event on Veteran's Day weekend,
November 9 & 10, 2002, so that you can fly or drive back on Monday, which is a holiday. Reagan National Airport in DC allows direct metro subway access to the Greenbelt metro stop and the Holiday Inn College Park hotel has a free shuttle service. Otherwise, BWI airport or Dulles airport is also available with about a half-hour drive. See our ad in Discover magazine.What are the ethics of innovation, when so many people need a viable energy innovation and the government doesn't? What about the personal examples of active suppression and theft of invention, even in the midst of an energy crisis? How are some individuals, groups, and organizations making a difference on their own? We hope to answer some of these questions for inventors as the
Conference on Energy & Accountability takes on more of a discussion format. For example, a panel discussion will take place on Saturday night.The current invited speakers include:
Dr. Scott Chubb, Dr. Steven Greer, Dr. Mitch Swartz, Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher, David Hamilton, Brennan Van Dyke, Patrick Herda, Peter Hunt, Dr. Ted Loder, George Hathaway, Dr. Robert Bass, Ivan Kruglak, Dr. Gene Mallove, and Dr. David Nagel.The schedule will be 40-minute presentations, mostly centered around their personal experience as an inventor, with about 10 minutes for discussion, and seven speakers each day.
Special 10-day extension of the September early-bird discount: $125 good until September 10th.
Afterwards, it is $140 until November 1st and $150 afterwards and on site. Registration can be done online http://users.erols.com/iri/orderAll.html, over the phone 202-452-7674 (800-295-7674), or by mail (IRI, 1220 L St. NW, Suite 100-232, Washington, DC 20005).Special room rates of $84 for Kings or Doubles are available only until October 10, 2002 by calling the Holiday Inn at 301-345-6700 and mentioning Integrity Research Institute. The hotel is at Exit 25 of the Capital Beltway (495) on Route 1.
Conference brochures will be mailed out in September to all on our mailing list.
More information is on our website
Sustainable Energy Coalition's weekly compilation of sustainable energy news.provided as a courtesy by: