Dear Subscriber,
month, we wanted to take a stand on one of the
most pressing and controversialissues in energy
and the environment. The lead story settles the
question by conservatives whether more snow
contradicts global warming theories. The answer is
simple: WARMER AIR carries MORE MOISTURE. Your
help in communicating this message to our
political leaders will keep climate change
legislation on track. The experts agree: we here
in DC will see more severe snow-laden winters for
the next few years until global warming warms up
the northeast enough to turn them into more severe
rain storms in the winter with the world's
"thermal forcing" of the atmospheric systems. Read
the complete story in NASA climatologist James
Hansen's new book, Storms of my Grandchildren:
The Truth About the Coming Climate Catastrophe and
Our Last Chance to Save Humanity (http://www.amazon.com/Storms-My-Grandchildren-Catastrophe-Humanity/dp/1608192008/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1266706527&sr=1-1) with an
online video. The record snow storms in DC should
be a wake up call that we need carbon-free energy
sources even sooner than we
On the bright side, as President
Jimmy Carter tried to show a quarter-century ago
with his study of all the untapped small rivers
and streams in America, it has now been
rediscovered that hydropower installed in
thousands of these natural energy sources can
employ a million Americans and generate clean
electricity (see #2 story below). For example, a
friend of mine in Portland Oregon now lives
disconnected from the grid after installing a
"microhydroelectric" generator in a nearby stream
and covering it completely to meet local
ordinances. See http://homepower.com/home/ Home
Power magazine for
more do-it-yourself power ideas like
We are also proud to begin
presenting some new energy news items from a one
year old web publication, Energy Harvesting Journal (http://www.energyharvestingjournal.com). It is a
wonderful, cutting-edge outlet for the latest
discoveries of energy conversion without burning
any fossil fuel. Our #3 story on the smallest
energy harvester in existence also uses the
thermodynamically forbidden words:
"to operate nearly
perpetually". Don't tell anyone that you read it
first in Future
Energy eNews. As
everyone knows, perpetual free energy is only a
dream, right? It is exciting to
continue this energy harvesting theme with our #4
and #5 stories showing two different ways
(piezoelectric and thermoelectric) for converting
the body's available energy into electricity. The
trend seems to clearly be pointed in the direction
of portable power for people on the go and for
home and business.
Join me this week
at the Space, Propulsion Energy Sciences
International Forum (http://ias-spes.org/SPESIF.html) at Johns
Hopkins University in Laurel MD where I will be
presenting a paper a Permanent Magnet Spiral
Motor for Magnetic Gradient Energy Utilization:
Axial Magnetic Field (http://www.ias-spes.org/SPESIF2010/FORUM/Paper%20Abstract/052_Valone%20Abstract.pdf) as part of the Future Energy Sources
a better energy future,
Thomas Valone, PhD, PE Editor
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1) Washington's Snowstorms
Due To Climate
Change |
By Bill
McKibben Sunday, February 14,
2010, Washington Post
Capitol Building covered
with 3 feet of snow.
This isn't a good
old-fashioned winter for the District of Columbia,
not unless you're remembering the last ice age.
And it doesn't disprove global warming, despite
Sen. Jim De Mint's cheerful tweet: "It's going to
keep snowing until Al Gore cries 'uncle.' "
Instead, the weird and disruptive weather
patterns around the world are pretty much exactly
what you'd expect as the planet warms. Here's how
it works: In most places, winter is clearly
growing shorter and less intense. We can tell,
because Arctic sea ice is melting, because the
glaciers on Greenland are shrinking and because a
thousand other signals send the same
But rising temperature is only one effect
of climate change. Probably more crucially, warmer
air holds more water vapor than cold air does. The
increased evaporation from land and sea leads to
more drought but also to more precipitation, since
what goes up eventually comes down. The numbers
aren't trivial -- global warming has added 4
percent more moisture to the atmosphere since
1970. That means that the number of "extreme
events" such as downpours and floods has grown
steadily; the most intense storms have increased
by 20 percent across the United States in the past
So here's the thing: Despite global
warming, it still gets cold enough to snow in the
middle of winter. It even gets cold enough to snow
in Texas and Georgia, as it did late last week.
And the chances of what are technically called
"big honking dumps" have increased. As Jeff
Masters, the widely read weather blogger, pointed
out last week, a record snowstorm requires a
record amount of moisture in the air. "It is quite
possible that the dice have been loaded in favor
of more intense Nor'easters for the U.S.
Mid-Atlantic and Northeast, thanks to the higher
levels of moisture present in the air due to
warmer global temperatures," he wrote.
The climatalogical climate is only part of
the equation. The political climate counts, too --
and there's no question that it's harder to make
legislative progress when Sen. James Inhofe's
grandchildren are building an igloo next to the
Capitol with a big sign that says "Al Gore's New
Home." The timing here is particularly tough, for
the snowstorms come against the backdrop of
renewed attacks on the pillars of climate science
-- charges that hacked e-mails show some
researchers to be venal or that key scientists
have financial ties to energy industries.
Looked at dispassionately, those
political attacks essentially buttress the
consensus around global warming. If that much
money and attention can be aimed at the data and
all anyone can find is a few mistakes and a
collection of nasty e-mails, it's a pretty good
sign that the science is sound (though not as good
a sign as the melting Arctic). The British
newspaper the Guardian just concluded a huge
series on the "Climategate" e-mails with the
words: "The world is still warming. Humanity is
still to blame. And we still, urgently, need to do
something about it."
Looked at dispassionately, the round of
snowmageddons crisscrossing the mid-Atlantic
carries the same message. But it's hard to be
dispassionate when you're wondering, six hours of
shoveling later, if there's a good chiropractor in
the neighborhood and what kind of dogsled you
might need to reach her. It's almost like a
test, centered on ground zero for climate-change
legislation. Can you sit in a snowstorm and
imagine a warming world? If you're a senator, can
you come back to work and pass a bill that blunts
the pace of climate change? If the answer is no,
then we're really in a world of trouble.
Bill McKibben is a scholar in
residence at Middlebury College and the co-founder
of 350.org. He is the author of "The End of
Nature" and the forthcoming "Earth: Making a Life
on a Tough New Planet."
References "Harsh Winter
a Sign of Disruptive Climate Change, Report Says"
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/story/2010/02/12/ST2010021202631.html By Juliet Eilperin and David A.
Fahrenthold Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, January 28, 2010
This winter's extreme weather --
with heavy snowfall in some places and unusually
low temperatures -- is in fact a sign of how
climate change disrupts long-standing patterns,
according to a new report by the National Wildlife
Oddball Winter Weather: Global
Warming's Wake-Up Call for the Northern Unites
States National Climatic Data Center
2) Hydropower Can Employ 1
Million Americans By
2025 |
Environment and Energy Studies
Institute, Press Release, Feb. 12,
A recent report finds that
the United States has the potential to create up
to 700,000 American jobs by installing 60,000
Megawatts (MW) of clean, reliable hydropower by
2025. Currently, the U.S. hydropower industry
supplies seven percent of our electricity and
employs 200,000-300,000 people in project
development and deployment, manufacturing,
operations, and maintenance. With an accelerated
expansion of the industry, hydropower could employ
up to one million Americans by 2025.
Prepared by Navigant Consulting
for the National Hydropower Association, the
report compares two scenarios: business-as-usual
(BAU), in which renewable resources generate 10
percent of U.S. electricity, and an accelerated
case with a federal Renewable Electricity Standard
(RES) of 25 percent by 2025. More than 400,000 MW
of untapped hydropower resources exist in the
United States - including existing dams with no
hydropower facilities, hydropower dams with
opportunities for efficiency improvements, sites
conducive to pumped storage systems, and river and
ocean sites appropriate for newer hydrokinetic
technologies. Under BAU, the report projects the
addition of 23,000 MW of capacity, or seven
percent of total untapped hydropower potential,
and the creation of 230,000 direct and indirect
jobs. A 25 percent RES would boost installation to
60,000 MW, or 15 percent of untapped potential,
and create 700,000 cumulative direct and indirect
3) Millimeter-Scale,
Energy-Harvesting Sensor System
Developed |
A 9-cubic millimeter
solar-powered sensor system developed at the
University of Michigan is the smallest that can
harvest energy from its surroundings to operate
nearly perpetually. The U-M system's processor,
solar cells, and battery are all contained in its
tiny frame, which measures 2.5 by 3.5 by 1
millimeters. It is 1,000 times smaller than
comparable commercial counterparts.
The system could enable new
biomedical implants as well as home-, building-
and bridge-monitoring devices. It could vastly
improve the efficiency and cost of current
environmental sensor networks designed to detect
movement or track air and water quality. With an
industry-standard ARM Cortex-M3 processor, the
system contains the lowest-powered
commercial-class microcontroller. It uses about
2,000 times less power in sleep mode than its most
energy-efficient counterpart on the market today.
The engineers say
successful use of an ARM processor- the industry's
most popular 32-bit processor architecture-is an
important step toward commercial adoption of this
technology. "Our system can run nearly perpetually
if periodically exposed to reasonable lighting
conditions, even indoors," said David Blaauw, an
electrical and computer engineering professor.
"Its only limiting factor is battery wear-out, but
the battery would last many years." "The ARM
Cortex-M3 processor has been widely adopted
throughout the microcontroller industry for its
low-power, energy efficient features such as deep
sleep mode and Wake-Up Interrupt Controller, which
enables the core to be placed in ultra-low leakage
mode, returning to fully active mode almost
instantaneously," said Eric Schorn, vice
president, marketing, processor division, ARM.
"This implementation of the processor exploits all
of those features to the maximum to achieve an
ultra-low-power operation."
The sensor spends most of its
time in sleep mode, waking briefly every few
minutes to take measurements. Its total average
power consumption is less than 1 nanowatt. A
nanowatt is one-billionth of a watt. The
developers say the key innovation is their method
for managing power. The processor only needs about
half of a volt to operate, but its low-voltage,
thin-film Cymbet battery puts out close to 4
volts. The voltage, which is essentially the
pressure of the electric current, must be reduced
for the system to function most efficiently.
"If we used traditional methods,
the voltage conversion process would have
consumed many times more power than the processor
itself uses," said Dennis Sylvester, an associate
professor in electrical and computer engineering.
One way the U-M engineers made the voltage
conversion more efficient is by slowing the power
management unit's clock when the processor's load
is light. "We skip beats if we determine the
voltage is sufficiently stable," Sylvester
The designers are working with
doctors on potential medical applications. The
system could enable less-invasive ways to monitor
pressure changes in the eyes, brain, and in tumors
in patients with glaucoma, head trauma, or cancer.
In the body, the sensor could conceivably harvest
energy from movement or heat, rather than light,
the engineers say. The inventors are working to
commercialize the technology through a company led
by Scott Hanson, a research fellow in the
Department of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science.
Source and image: University of
4) Researchers Harness Body
Heat To Power
Electronics |
By Darren Quick
22:39 February 17, 2010
PST http://www.gizmag.com/heat-powered-electronics/14241/
Efforts to capture
energy from the human body usually focus on
harnessing the kinetic energy of the body's
movement. However the human body is also
generating energy in the form of heat that could
also be used to run low power electronic devices.
New energy-scavenging systems under development at
MIT could generate electricity just from
differences in temperature between the body (or
other warm object) and the surrounding air.
idea of harnessing heat energy from the body isn't
new, but the unique aspect of the new devices is
their ability to harness differences of just one
or two degrees, producing tiny (about 100
microwatts) but nevertheless useful amounts of
electricity. While it won't be enough to recharge
your mobile phone, it should be enough to power
low power devices, such as biomedical monitoring
systems or sensors in remote and inaccessible
The researchers, MIT Prof.
Anantha Chandrakasan and alumnus Yogesh Ramadass
PhD '09, point out that as a result of research
over the last decade, the power consumption of
various electronic sensors, processors and
communications devices has been greatly reduced,
making it feasible to power such devices from very
low-power energy harvesting systems such as their
wearable thermoelectric system.
The key to the new technology is a control
circuit that optimizes the match between the
energy output from the thermoelectric material
(which generates power from temperature
differences) and the storage system connected to
it, in this case a storage capacitor.
Such a system, for example, could enable
24-hour-a-day monitoring of heart rate, blood
sugar or other biomedical data, through a simple
device worn on an arm or a leg and powered just by
the body's temperature which, except on a 37
degree C (98.6-degree F) summer day, would almost
always be different from the surrounding air). It
could also be used to monitor the warm exhaust
gases in the flues of a chemical plant, or air
quality in the ducts of a heating and ventilation
The present experimental
versions of the device require a metal heat-sink
worn on an arm or leg, exposed to the ambient air.
"There's work to be done on miniaturizing the
whole system," Ramadass says. This might be
accomplished by combining and simplifying the
electronics and by improving airflow over the heat
The MIT researchers
presented their findings at
the International Solid State Circuits Conference
(ISSCC) held recently in San Francisco.
5) MIT Energy Wearable
Stuff |
Nicolas Mokhoff, EE Times,
energy-scavenging systems being developed at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology could forgo
replacing batteries in electronic devices that
need to work for long periods of time.
Biomedical monitoring systems worn by a
patient, monitors for machinery or industrial
installations in remote or inaccessible situations
are just two such applications. Monitoring warm
exhaust gases in the flues of a chemical plant, or
air quality in the ducts of a heating and
ventilation system are two more applications.
According to MIT researchers
power for sensors in such applications could be
provided just from differences in temperature
between the body (or other warm object) and the
surrounding air, eliminating or reducing the need
for a battery.
The MIT devices are able to
harness differences of just one or two degrees,
producing about 100 microwatts but nevertheless
usable amounts of electric power.
Harvesting ambient vibration
energy through piezoelectric means can potentially
supply 10 to100's of microWatts of available
power. Existing piezoelectric harvesters are
limited by their interface circuits.
MIT researchers developed a
control circuit that optimizes the match between
the energy output from the thermoelectric material
that generates power from temperature differences
and a storage capacitor.
They designed a bias-flip
rectifier circuit that can improve by greater than
4X the power extraction capability from
piezoelectric harvesters over conventional
full-bridge rectifiers and voltage doublers. The
experimental chip was all implemented in a 0.35
micron CMOS process.
Yogesh Ramadass, MIT 2009
PhD graduate, said that because power consumption
of various electronic sensors, processors and
communications devices has been greatly reduced,
such devices can be powered by wearable energy
harvesting thermoelectric systems.
MIT researchers developed a
control circuit that optimizes the match between
the energy output from the thermoelectric material
that generates power from temperature differences
and a storage capacitor.
Such a system, for example,
could enable 24-hour-a-day monitoring of heart
rate, blood sugar or other biomedical data,
through a simple device worn on an arm or a leg
and powered just by the body's temperature, which
would almost always be different from the
surrounding air.
"There's work to be done on
miniaturizing the whole system," Ramadass said.
Combining and simplifying the electronics and
improving airflow over the heat sink are two
avenues being pursued.
MIT professor Anantha
Chandrakasan, ISSCC 2010 general chairman, and
alumnus Yogesh Ramadass PhD '09 presented their
findings at ISSCC (a solid-state circuits
conference). (His 16-page IEEE paper on "An
Efficient Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting
Interface Circuit Using a Bias-Flip Rectifier and
Shared Inductor" is available for free online in
- FE eNews Ed.
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