month we are glad to present another breakthrough.
This time it is in the realm of theoretical
physics but directly affects how Casimir forces
will be viewed from now on. The derivation
of "Spherical Casimir
Pistons" (story #2) is best understood by
the original work of Dr. Jordan Maclay who
provides the historical, oscillating cantilever
illustration for this article (www.quantumfields.com/bortman.htm)
with his vision that it may be the basis for
creating the smallest, self-powered motor in the
world. In 2000, Prof. Maclay proposed to NASA that
micron-sized surfaces might be custom designed to
create either a push or a pull based on geometry,
for "energy unlimited" (see COFE3 DVD). NASA
awarded him the first zero-point energy
grant in the US for the study. Now, a
decade later, we find JS Dowker from the UK
proving pistons can exist on a micron scale. To be
honest, the "piston" oscillator is a popular area
of study in the Casimir domain. In 2009, 108
scientists from more than 25 nations gathered to
present papers on the Casimir forces, some of
which were presented in a separate workshop on
Casimir force pistons:(www.casimirnetwork.net/IMG/pdf/FinalReport2511.pdf
). Another source of info is from MIT, which just
released a comprehensive study on
Applications of Casimir pistons in
2010 :(http://www.dspace.mit.edu/openaccess-disseminate/1721.1/56726
). To move onto more mundane future
energy, it is gratifying to see story #1 review
the latest IPCC finding that
there is hope for 80% of the world's energy to
come from renewables. Story #3 is also very
hopeful since flywheels have been known to be a
better energy storage medium than batteries (at
least 20% better) and a better boost of power (at
least 100% better). Also, with magnetic bearings
and operating in a vacuum, the flywheel can
outlast the application, such as a car. Now
automakers like Volvo and Jaguar
are finally getting the message. Along similar
lines, we give KLM and Lufthansa
a hearty congratulations for going green in the
air (story #4), where pollution counts the most
and has impact even the weather. Of course, it is
great to keep tabs on wind power, which is now
reaching for the 10 MW turbines
with the help of the US DOE (story #5). A
development of the direct-drive or gearless
turbine looks like it will be the next
breakthrough in that industry, which will allow
higher speeds and power output.
you like having the best future energy
developments delivered to your inbox, please visit
our website to see how you can help us, either by
donation, membership, or purchases. We are an
all-volunteer, non-profit organization dedicated
to scientific integrity in the energy arena. Thank
you for your interest and support!
Thomas Valone,
PE Editor www.IntegrityResearchInstitute.org | |
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1) Honest
Assesments of Our Energy
Future |
Guest post by
Daniel Kammen, World
Bank -
Spark, the RMI eNewsletter, July 6,
long last, scientists, governments, and
significant elements of the business community are
in agreement twe can build a low-carbon,
sustainable, global energy economy.
was the finding of the latest Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change report stating that
80 percent of global energy needs could come from
renewable energy by
The constraint in making
this a reality is not technology, land area, or
resources, but willpower. The IPCC found that
what is required is the leadership to coordinate
the needed policy measures.
misinformation is being propagated by interests
favoring the status quo. The June 7, 2011, op-ed,
The Gas is Greener by
Robert Bryce in The New York Times is a
sad example. Using rhetorical arguments and faulty
calculations, Bryce argues that renewable energy
technologies such as wind and solar are somehow
more environmentally destructive than natural gas
and nuclear energy. This opinion is at odds
with the analytic findings of the several hundred
analysts who developed the IPCC report and the
community of nations who reviewed and then endorse
the report.
we build this new energy economy? Consider
the example of California, where detailed and
extensively reviewed assessments have shown that
with integration and coordination we can readily
meet the mandate that one-third of the state's
electricity come from renewable sources by 2020.
In projecting the impact of this mandate, Bryce
makes several errors, each substantially
increasing his estimate of its difficulty. He
first ignores the 18 percent of California
electricity that already comes from renewable
sources, and then inexplicably bases his
calculations on peak historic demand rather than
the total annual consumption that is subject to
this mandate. This selective lens allows Bryce,
like many nay-sayers, to overestimate new
infrastructure requirements by over 400%.
Moreover, both wind and solar are compatible with
many other land uses and neither can be said to
spoil the land they sit on in any way analogous to
fossil fuel extraction or nuclear waste storage.
wind and solar industries face enormous market
incentives to minimize their environmental impacts
and both have impressive track records of ongoing
innovation in this area.
a 33 percent renewable electricity mandate
nationwide would require on the order of 800
square miles of total area-much of which could be
on the tops of buildings or in the case of wind,
integrated into existing farmland (as is already
the case in many windfarms). This is less than
twice the size of Edwards Air force base, and less
than one third of the area of forest estimated by
EPA to have already been destroyed by mountaintop
removal coal mining.
of the green energy economy often omit key
information from consideration in making arguments
about the material requirements of energy
technologies as well. Bryce, for example compares
the steel used for construction of wind and
natural gas turbines, neglecting to mention that a
gas turbine is only a very small part of a natural
gas facility. More importantly, natural gas has
substantial fuel production and waste stream
infrastructure and impacts. Studies from the EPA
have demonstrated that 'fugitive' emissions
associated with natural gas extraction can put its
total global warming potential on par with coal,
the dirtiest fuel in widespread use. In contrast,
an operating wind turbine or solar panel requires
no fuel inputs and creates no waste stream.
of us who have done the math and thus are
convinced that a cleaner, safer, and more durable
energy infrastructure is worth pursuing, and can
be achieved, know that it will be built on a
diverse platform of energy technologies. In all
likelihood, this will include the natural gas and
nuclear power that Bryce advocates, as well as
solar, wind, and other renewable energy sources
that he unconvincingly criticizes. What we need
most of all is an honest discussion with clear
life-cycle, or 'cradle to grave' criteria to
evaluate the benefits, drawbacks, and roles of
each technology and the policy best suited to
achieving our societal goals. The most basic
lesson from our national innovation and industrial
capacity is that we will achieve that which we
plan. Clean energy exists as an option, if
we choose to invest in it and to implement systems
Kammen is the Chief Technical Specialist for
Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency at the
World Bank, and is on leave from the University of
California, Berkeley where he is the Class of 1935
Distinguished Professor of Energy. Sam
Borgeson studies low carbon energy infrastructure
and Kevin Fingerman serves as vice-chair of the
Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels. Both are
doctoral students in the Energy and Resources
Group at the University of California,
note: To read more about this topic, see "Renewable Energy's
'Footprint' Myth" by Amory Lovins in the
upcoming summer 2011 issue of Electricity
back to table of
contents |
Spherical Casimir
Pistons |
S Dowker, 2011 Class.
Quantum Grav. 28 155018
http://iopscience.iop.org/0264-9381/28/15/155018 Full
paper: http://iopscience.iop.org/0264-9381/28/15/155018/pdf/0264-9381_28_15_155018.pdf
A piston is introduced into a spherical
lune Casimir cavity turning it into two adjacent
lunes separated by the (hemispherical)
piston. On the basis of zeta-function
regularization, the vacuum energy of the
arrangement is finite for conformal propagation in

even spheres this energy is independent of the
angle of the lune. For odd dimensions it is shown
that for all Neumann, or all Dirichlet, boundary
conditions the piston is repelled or
attracted by the nearest wall if d = 3, 7, ... or
if d = 1, 5, ... ,respectively.
hybrid N-D conditions these requirements are
switched. If a mass is added, divergences arise
which render the model suspect. The
analysis, however, is relatively
straightforward and involves the Barnes zeta
function. The extension to finite
temperatures is made and it is shown that for the
3, 7, ... series of odd spheres, the
repulsion by the walls continues but that, above a
certain temperature, the free energy acquires two
minimal symmetrically placed about the
back to table of
Automakers Give Flywheels a
Spin |
Bulls, Technology Review, July
Computer model of
Flywheel Courtesy of
Volvo. |
automakers Volvo and Jaguar are testing the
possibility of using flywheels instead of
batteries in hybrid electric vehicles to aid
acceleration and help engines operate more
efficiently. The devices could reduce fuel
consumption by 20 percent and would cost a third
as much as batteries. Volvo will begin
road-testing a car with the technology this
a flywheel system, energy from the wheels is used
to spin a flywheel at high speeds. The flywheel
continues spinning, storing energy until that
motion can be transferred back to the wheels via a
transmission. The idea isn't new, but it's hard to
make flywheels efficient-a lot of energy can be
lost to friction. In 1982, for example, GM
engineered a flywheel system that was intended for
its 1985 vehicles, but they canceled the project
after discovering that the fuel efficiency
improvements were less than half of what they'd
expected. Advances in the technology now have
automakers taking a second look. "Industry has
gone from being skeptical to thinking it can be
done, but there are enormous challenges," says
Derek Crabb, vice president of powertrain
engineering for Volvo.
who design Formula 1 race cars have tried to
overcome the challenges of a flywheel system by
using composite materials to save weight. To
reduce friction, they've sealed the flywheels
inside a vacuum chamber. In translating that
system to passenger cars, automakers face the
problem of how to maintain the vacuum, since the
seals that connect the flywheel to a transmission
aren't perfect.
is fine in racing, where the system only has to
last a couple of hours at a time, and can be
overhauled by team mechanics.
cars using a similar design would need a system to
maintain the vacuum with pumps and valves-and that
adds complexity and cost. In another approach,
from the U.K. engineering firm Ricardo, the
mechanical connection between the flywheel and the
transmission is severed. Instead, energy from the
flywheel is transferred to a transmission via
magnets arranged around the circumference of the
flywheel and in a ring outside the flywheel
housing. By varying the ratio of the magnets in
the flywheel to those arranged around it, it's
possible to make the flywheel spin six times
faster than the ring around it, which simplifies
the transmission of energy.
advantage of flywheel systems over batteries is
their compact size. "Most hybrids with batteries
provide a 15- to 25-kilowatt boost of power. The
flywheel can deliver 60 kilowatts in a way smaller
package," says Andrew Atkins, chief engineer of
technology at Ricardo. The trade-off is that
flywheels can't supply energy for very long.
says Volvo hasn't decided if it will use a system
such as Ricardo's or something else to maintain
the vacuum. Many challenges remain in bringing a
flywheel hybrid to market. For instance,
automakers will have to ensure that the systems
can be durable, and can be manufactured on a large
scale, he says. Flywheels will also have to
compete with batteries and other electrical
storage devices such as ultracapacitors, which are
getting more powerful and less
Biofuels Take Off with Airlines
Peter Farley. Technology
Review, July 2011.http://www.technologyreview.com/energy/37897/?nlid=nlenrg&nld=2011-07-04
KLM and Lufthansa say
they'll burn bio-based jet fuel on regular
week, for the first time, a jumbo jet used a blend
of biofuel and kerosene on a transatlantic flight.
Also last week, KLM Royal Dutch
Airlines announced a biofuel supply agreement
to commence regular flights on a biofuel-petroleum
blend on 200 Amsterdam-to-Paris runs starting in
September. Lufthansa could beat it by a month
under previously announced plans to launch a
six-month test on Frankfurt-Hamburg flights.
regularly scheduled operations mark a big jump
from the one-off biofuels flights that airlines
have conducted since 2009. Aviation and biofuels
sources say this indicates that biofuel-based jet
fuels are ready to be scaled up. Amy Bann,
director of environmental policy for Boeing's
commercial airplanes division, says the KLM and
Lufthansa announcements "signal to governments,
fuel processors, and the financial community that
the demand and market for these fuels exist."
to cap and ultimately reduce greenhouse-gas
emissions is driving the developments. The
European Commission is making flights within,
into, and out of Europe subject to its
carbon-trading scheme starting in 2012-a move that
will cost the aviation industry an estimated €1.4
billion ($2 billion) next year and about €7
billion by 2020, according to a March 2011
report by Oslo-based consultancy Thomson Reuters
Point Carbon.
groups say biofuels make sense for aviation, since
they are the sector's only alternative to
petroleum. "You're not going to have electric
airplanes," says Kate McMahon, biofuels campaign
coordinator for Washington-based Friends of the
has enabled aviation biofuels to shift to limited
commercial service is the certification earlier
this month of biofuels derived from animal and
vegetable oils by standards body ASTM
International. The provisional approval, to be
finalized by August, covers aviation biofuels
produced from oils via hydroprocessing-a catalytic
process used in petroleum refining.
oil from camelina, a biofuels crop, powered
Boeing's historic transatlantic flight last week
(the flight was also the first in which all four
engines of a commercial aircraft were flown on a
biofuel blend). Camelina can be grown on wheat
fields during periods when the fields would
otherwise be left fallow, and thus shouldn't drive
up food prices. And because the crop can be grown
on existing fields, it can also avoid undesirable
land use changes, such as the deforestation
associated with palm oil cultivation in Southeast
and Lufthansa also plan to use hydroprocessed oils
as their biofuel source. KLM's will be produced
from waste cooking oil by Dynamic Fuels, the
Geismar, Louisiana-based joint venture of Tyson
Foods and process developer Syntroleum. Finnish
refiner Neste Oil will supply Lufthansa's biofuel
blend by hydroprocessing oils from an
as-yet-undisclosed feedstock that Lufthansa says
will be "sustainable."
back to table of
Bigger, Better Wind Turbines
Hamilton, Technology
Review, July 2011.

power is one of the fastest-growing forms of power
generation in the United States, with more
capacity added onshore than coal and nuclear
generation combined over the past four years. But
to sustain that high growth rate into the next
decade, the industry will have to start tapping
offshore wind resources, creating a need for wind
turbines that are larger, lower-maintenance, and
deliver more power with less weight.
support research in this area, the U.S. Department
of Energy has awarded $7.5 million
to six projects, each aiming to develop advanced
drivetrains for wind turbines up to 10 megawatts
in size. Five of the projects use direct-drive, or
gearless, drivetrain technology to increase
reliability, and at least two use
superconductivity technologies for increased
efficiencies and lower weight.
designs can't be scaled up economically. Most of
the more than 25,000 wind turbines deployed across
the United States have a power rating of three
megawatts or less and contain complex gearbox
systems. The gearboxes match the slow speed of the
turbine rotor (between 15 to 20 rotations per
minute) to the 2,000 rotations per minute required
by their generators. Higher speeds allow for more
compact and less expensive generators, but
conventional gearboxes-a complex interaction of
wheels and bearings-need regular maintenance and
are prone to failure, especially at higher
land, where turbines are more accessible, gearbox
maintenance issues can be tolerated. In rugged
offshore environments, the cost of renting a barge
and sending crews out to fix or maintain a
wind-ravaged machine can be prohibitive. "A
gearbox that isn't there is the most reliable
gearbox," says Fort Felker, direct of the National
Renewable Energy Laboratory's wind technology
increase reliability and reduce maintenance costs,
a number of companies-among them Enercon and Siemens of Germany,
France's Alstom and China's Goldwind Global-have
developed direct-drive or "gearless" drivetrains.
In such a setup, the rotor shaft is attached
directly to the generator, and they both turn at
the same speed. But this introduces a new
challenge: increased weight.
achieve the power output of a comparable
gearbox-based system, a direct-drive system must
have a larger internal diameter that increases the
radius-and therefore the speed-at which its
magnets rotate around coils to generate current.
This also means greater reliance on increasingly
costly rare-earth metals used to make permanent
Haran, manager of the electric machines lab at GE Global Research,
one recipient of the DOE funding, says
direct-drive systems get disproportionately
heavier as their power rating increases. A
four-megawatt generator might weight 85 tons, but
at eight megawatts, it would approach 200
believes it can develop an eight-megawatt
generator that weights only 50 tons by adapting
the superconducting electromagnets used in
magnetic resonance imaging. Unlike a permanent
magnet, an electromagnet creates a magnetic field
when an electric current is applied to it. When
made from coils of superconducting wire, it has no
electrical resistance, making it more efficient,
with the caveat that it must be cooled to minus
250 °C. The approach would eliminate the need for
rare-earth materials, assuming GE can lower the
cost enough to make it commercially viable.
Advanced Magnet Lab,
which also received DOE funding, believes it can
build a 10-megawatt generator that weighs just 70
tons. As with GE's technology, the core of the
company's innovation is a superconducting
direct-drive generator. The company has developed
a compact coil design based on double-helix
windings that can carry high currents and handle
the immense magnetic forces produced in the
Advanced Magnet Lab
president Mark Senti says the high cost of
superconducting materials and of cryogenically
cooling makes no sense for today's three-megawatt
wind turbines. But beyond six megawatts, he
argues, the systems become competitive with
conventional generator designs. At 10 megawatts,
"it gives you the highest power-per-weight
also significant room for advancement. Senti says
most superconducting wiring costs $400 per meter
today, but new materials made out of inexpensive
magnesium and boron powders promise to lower costs
substantially. With improvements in manufacturing
and less expensive cooling techniques, Senti
figures superconducting technology could
eventually become economical for wind turbines as
small as two megawatts, making it ideal for both
onshore and offshore markets.
isn't in everyone's plans. One of the other
funding recipients, Boulder Wind Power,
is focused on designing a better stator-stationary
coil-for direct drive systems. Instead of copper
wiring wound around a heavy iron core, the
company's stator is made of printed circuit
boards. These lightweight components can be
manufactured in high volume and assembled in
modules, making them easier to repair in remote
offshore locations. "With this design, you just
send a couple of guys out there to remove a stator
segment and literally plug in a new one," says
Derek Pletch, vice president of turbine
development at Boulder Wind.
meanwhile, is taking a hybrid approach by
designing a medium-speed drivetrain that uses a
simpler single-stage gearbox and a medium-sized
generator. Felker says the approach can be easily
adapted to existing designs and be picked up in
the marketplace faster. Clipper Windpower and
Dehlsen Associates also received funding. After
six months, the DOE is expected to shortlist the
designs and contribute an additional $2 million to
each project for performance testing.
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