For the business portion of our editorial
introduction, I'd like to share the link www.energycongress.com with
everyone concerned about clean energy. It is the website for the
upcoming World Energy Engineering Conference to be
held here in DC on October 1, 2014. This year President Bill Clinton
will be the keynote speaker. Another business news item for our
European audience is the 3rd Carbon
Dioxide Utilisation Summit to be held in Germany,
October 22, 2014. It is intended to ultimately discover how to
turn waste CO2 into profitable, commercially viable opportunities and
the best ways to progress from pilot stage to full scale operational
businesses. A few weeks ago, I was interviewed on the
award-winning 21st Century Radio which
is a progressive radio program that features environmental, energy,
and health-related topics. My one-hour
interview is free online for anyone to listen, which
takes a second to connect.
Our Story #1 is a compilation of decades
of work by my friend and colleague, George Hathaway, a licensed
professional engineer in Toronto to reach a scientific conclusion
about the mysterious John Hutchison and the "Hutchison
Effect". We are deeply grateful for his donation
to our nonprofit organization of the book,Mindbending -
The Hutchison Files: 1981 to 1995, and the rights to
publish future editions. It is perhaps the best assessment of
George's attempt to consider the effect as a physics anomaly at
first, with every effort to reproduce the entire high voltage circuit
in another location (complete circuit diagram included in the book).
The necessary ingredient in every case was the presence of Hutchison
himself which raised the more difficult and challenging issue of
operator-dependent physical effects. A segment of an
online YouTube video contains my commentary in the
last five minutes as well. The Mindbending book certainly will become
a collector's item since this limited edition contains color pictures
as well and coincides with the release of the Lucy movie, which is an
exaggerated example of a person with psychokinetic abilities.
Story #2 seem to be simply a
physics article but my new hero, Prof. Mike McCulloch has caught my
attention with his wonderful understanding of dark matter and dark
energy. He insists that both can be explained by the zero point field
"what physicists previously thought was an untappable
source". He has published in all of the most reputable journals
and proposes the Modification of Inertia by Hubble-scale Casimir
(MiHsC) as well, which is a great development that coincides with my
inertial shielding theory of
laboratory modification of inertia. Mike's new book on the
subject of inertia should have a serious impact on the scientific
community as the related MOND theory already has. (MOND proponent
McGaugh has been able to successfully
predict the velocity dispersion of 17 dwarf galaxies,
which is fantastic news for proponents of MOND.) Surprisingly,
I also came across another researcher, Dr. Martin Tajmar,) who also
has been working on modifying inertia in the laboratory environment.
With our Story #4, we also include the latest test of the Equivalence
Principle (gravity vs. inertial mass) to be complete. Seems
like IRI may be on the right track after all in a very promising
propulsion area.
Thanks to Dr. Elliot Maynard of the Arcos Cielos
Foundation, our Story #3 gives a fantastic look at the
giant Tesla tower in Russia designed to trap lightning. Check out the
YouTube video at the end of the story. Though it has the capacity to
run Russia's entire electricity output, it is intended for testing
vehicles and equipment for high voltage insulation. Very impressive
construction for high voltage electrical engineers to drool over. The Rt.com Tesla
Tower website has a great collection of amazing
photos of the extensive construction. Perhaps we can trap lightning
for renewable energy in the future with this type of facility!
Our last Story #5 proposes that Shell and
Volvo are both working on cold fusion (LENR). A new
company called Phonon Energy also has produced a "cold fusion
boiler" which they hope to commercialize. It is good to see that
researchers are continuing with the slow development process of such
a complicated fusion paradox since that is how progress is made, says
Werner Heisenberg.
In conclusion, if you would like to
participate in a citizen's effort to pressure the EPA, the Union of
Concerned Scientists recommends a proposed format of a letter or
email to Administrator McCarthy at the EPA:
"To transition to a
low-carbon, clean energy economy, we must expand our use of renewable
sources of energy such as wind and solar. I urge you to finalize a
standard that encourages states to include a significant role for
renewable energy and energy efficiency in their compliance plans so
that by 2030, power sector carbon emissions are reduced by 50 percent
from today's levels.
"Your proposal incorporates renewable energy as
one of the ways that states can comply, but underestimates the true
potential for renewable energy to cut carbon emissions. A recent
Union of Concerned Scientists analysis shows that it is economically
and technically feasible to generate 992 million MWh of renewable
energy by 2030, almost double what he EPA has projected is possible.
This could amount to 25 percent of total generation in 2030.
"Renewable energy is already delivering safe,
reliable, and affordable power to consumers--diversifying our
electricity mix, strengthening state and local economies, and
reducing the risks of overreliance on natural gas. All states have
significant and diverse renewable energy resource potential that can
be developed and incentivized through this standard. Furthermore, the
wildcard energy breakthrough that is pending will incentivize
consumers to end their use of oil. It will also cause the providers
to diversify."
Valone, PhD, PE.

bestselling device

Proceedings from NPA. Click on picture to order

465-page ZPE Monograph from NPA
on picture to order
1) New IRI Book: MindBending - The Hutchison Files: 1981 to
Research Institute Press Release
For immediate release
Mindbending - The Hutchison Files: 1981 to 1995
By George D. Hathaway, P.E. , ISBN 978-1-935023-53-1,
Integrity Research Institute Publishers, publication date July 25,

Professional Engineer George Hathaway spent over a
decade researching a strange reclusive inventor named John Hutchison
who is also featured in the 1995 Lightworks documentary, "Free Energy:
Race to Zero Point" (now for free online). The
video shows objects levitating and heavy metal rods breaking apart,
apparently without any physical force while under the influence of
high voltage Tesla coils, van de Graaf generators, and the most
intriguing ingredient...John Hutchison himself. After building a
replica of John's lab with all of the critical equipment in the right
places, George finally had to admit that it was impossible for any strange
physical anomalies to occur without the presence of John Hutchison,
ergo, the name of the book came into being.
To coincide with the release of Hollywood's version of
John Hutchison, the movie Lucy in theaters 7/25/14 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zuo8QO28eog ,
and the new season of Super Humans on H2, Integrity
Research Institute announces the U.S. publication of a limited
edition of Mindbending, a provocative and well
documented scientific book full of advanced human ability, complete
with color photos. Perhaps Hutchison is using more than 10% of his
brain like Lucy? Let the reader decide.
The late Jack Houck (JackHouck.com), who taught
parties of people spoon-bending for three decades, said of the book,
"Hathaway has done an amazing job of chronicling the life and
activities of John Hutchison. I personally witnessed demonstrations
at Hutchison's lab that convinced me that he had unique psychokinetic
To order this book click on the picture or click here
For more information, visit www.mindbending.me for
details of this first-of-a-kind chronicle of a super human or
Valone, PhD, PE
Research Institute
Sunnyside Avenue, Suite 209
MD 20705

Hutchison effect. 9 minute video. Fast forward
to last 5 minutes for the most dramatic effects and commentary by
Dr Valone
Mike McCulloch, Physics from the Edge,
Thursday, 26 June 2014, http://physicsfromtheedge.blogspot.com/search?updated-min=2014-01-01T00:00:00-08:00&updated-max=2015-01-01T00:00:00-08:00&max-results=24
Ed. Note: McCulloch is
a young prof in the UK and has a great website explaining
astronomical anomalies.
MiHsC is his acronym for Modification of Inertia by
Hubble-scale Casimir [force].
He also has good quantum theory for modifying inertia
too and blog about it.
I'm often asked "What is the use of MiHsC?"*
The accelerations it predicts are laughably tiny so why bother? Well,
I can argue about it being an alternative to dark matter and dark
energy, questions that are important to me, but as a friend of mine
used to say, "how does that put fuel in my tank?". The
importance of MiHsC for applications is that it points to a new way
to produce energy from what physicists previously thought was an
untapable source: the zero point field (aka nothing). This is rather
like the earlier discovery that you can get usable energy out of
heat: the steam engine. Today, just as before the steam engine, a
hugely important part of the world is not taken seriously by physics:
in this case information and the zero point field.
One way to think about MiHsC is as follows. When an
object, say a spaceship, is accelerated by an external force, like
gravity, a Rindler horizon forms in the direction opposite to the
acceleration vector, because information cannot hope to catch up to
the craft from behind that horizon. MiHsC says that this information
horizon also has other consequences, because to make it an
impermeable boundary for information, all the patterns in the
object's accelerated reference frame must 'close' at that boundary,
otherwise a partial pattern would enable us on the spaceship to
predict something about what lies beyond the horizon. Unruh waves are
a pattern and they are therefore suddenly damped on the horizon side
of the object since only Unruh waves that 'close' at the new horizon
remain. There are now more Unruh waves (more zero point field energy)
in the direction of the acceleration. The previously uniform (and
untappable) zero point field now performs work as the object is
pushed back against the acceleration because more virtual particles
from the zero point field bang into it from the direction of its
acceleration than the other side. This process looks just like
inertia (see the reference below). In other words, the formation of
an information horizon, transfers energy from the zero point field (a
formerly abstract kind of energy) into the real world.
In 1948 Casimir predicted that metal plates would
produce a force or energy from the zero point field, which has now
been observed. I predict that setting up an information horizon will
also enable us to tap the zero point energy. As evidence, I can say
that MiHsC predicts galaxy rotation without dark matter and cosmic
acceleration in just this way, and I think that experiments such as
Podkletnov's tapped the zero point field like this, accidentally,
using highly accelerated discs to produce Rindler horizons that also
affected suspended masses. I do not yet have a complete picture, but
a useful new physics is apparent through the mist (MiHsC).
*MiHsC = Modification of inertia by Hubble-scale
Casimir [force]; HsCe = Hubble-scale Casimir effect
McCulloch, M.E., 2013. Inertia from an asymmetric Casimir effect.
EPL, 101, 59001. Preprint
McCulloch, M.E., 2010. Minimum accelerations from
quantised inertia. Cornell U Library arXiv.org, http://arxiv.org/abs/1004.3303
Posted byMike McCullochat03:182
Labels:Casimir effect,energy,information,zero point
Physics from the Edge
A New Cosmological Model for Inertia
By (author): Michael Edward
McCulloch (University of Plymouth, UK)
About This Book (due to be
released September, 2014)
fundamental and very important property of inertia has never been
well understood. This book shows how inertia has puzzled many
scientists such as Galileo and Mach, and then presents a new theory
that explains inertia for the first time, and also predicts galaxy
rotation without dark matter, cosmic acceleration and some other
anomalies. Further evidence for, and tests of, the theory are
presented and exciting applications such as new inertial launch
methods and the theoretical possibility of faster than light travel
will be discussed. To allow readers to use the theory themselves, some
simple maths is included, and to help explain the points made, there
are numerous cartoons by the author.
- A History of Inertia
- Modern Physics
- Problems at Low Acceleration
- A Solution from the Edge: MiHsC
- Evidence for MiHsC
- Future Experimental Tests of MiHsC
- MiHsC and Faster Than Light Travel
Readership: Students
and researchers in physics
back to table of contents
3) Capturing
Lightning at Giant Tesla Tower in Russia
Published time: July 06, 2014 12:51
time: July 07, 2014 11:10
it's not an alien colony, a time machine, or even a Russian version
of America's ionospheric HAARP program. But in a forest near Moscow,
this Soviet-era "lightning machine" has a capacity arguably
equal to Russia's entire electricity output.
flock to see this technical marvel, which has been dubbed the
"High Voltage Marx and Tesla Generators Research Facility."
The testing range, a branch of the Russian Electrical Engineering
Institute, is in the sleepy town of Istra, 40 kilometers west of
is situated in a relatively small forest next to the New Jerusalem
Monastery on the edge of town.
secret, open-air, high-voltage testing device was constructed in the
late 1970s for testing insulators to protect vehicles, aircrafts and
electronic equipment against lightning.
The facility is
absolutely unique; nothing like it exists anywhere in the world,
primarily because of its outstanding charge capacity. At its peak
operating capacity the giant Marx generator, when lightning is
discharged onto an isolated platform, has power equal to all power
generation facilities in Russia - including thermoelectric,
hydroelectric, nuclear, solar, and wind power stations combined. But
only for about 100 microseconds, Rossiya-1 TV reported.
Marx Generator was named after German electrical engineer Erwin Otto
Marx, who described it back in 1924. In Russia it's known as the
Arkadyev-Marx generator, as Russian physicist Vladimir Arkadyev and
his co-worker, renowned scientific film director Nikolay Baklin,
constructed a so-called "lightning machine" 10 years
earlier, in 1914.
Istra "lightning machine," unparalleled in its discharge capacity,
consists of a 3 Megawatt capacity transformer cascade; a 9 Megawatt
Pulsed Voltage Generator (PVG), measuring 39.3 meters high, capable
of creating 150-meter artificial lightning, believed to be largest in
the world; and a 2.25 Megawatt constant voltage unit.
test bench discharges a lightning of a desired capacity on a special
heavily isolated platform, on which a device or a material being
tested is placed. The platform is full of sensors showing how exactly
the electric discharge affected the tested object.
the facility is operating, the static charge in the "hot
zone" is so large that the hair of anyone present bristles. In a
TV report made for Rossiya-1 TV, staff said that once a nosy observer
intruded into the facility and entered the testing ground right in
the middle of a experiment, when condensers were charged to the
maximum."God only knows how this guy remained alive and wasn't
struck by a discharge," said Vladimir Sysoev, a leading
research worker at the facility..Others say that lightning is still a
matter for deep exploration, and that several trees burned to a crisp
around the test bench serve as a reminder that lightning is very hard
to control. The Istra research center has conducted many tests since
Soviet times. Among the latest carried out were lightning protection
tests for Russia's Sukhoi Superjet aircraft. As the facility is
really expensive to operate, it is only turned on for special
the famous High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP)
facility in the US, the Marx generator in Istra was never meant to
modulate the weather, yet like HAARP it was involved in designing
weapons for the future.
to the research facility there is another test center, called
"Allure." It is a stationary simulator of the electromagnetic
pulse (EMP) needed to test the sturdiness of military and civilian
aviation hardware to impulse electromagnetic fields of a natural and
artificial nature.
EMP created by a nuclear explosion is capable of terminally damaging electronic equipment, so the
capability of creating an artificial EMP, particularly without
exploding a nuclear device, is valuable in a military sense. That's
why an EMP weapon is a general's dream in any country.
The Allure complex was
set to become a part of a grandiose scientific building, with a dome
118.4 meters high and 236.5 meters wide, but when the construction
was nearly ready, the behemoth structure imploded, collapsing on the
early morning of Jan. 25, 1985. The building was never reconstructed,
though its circular base could be seen from space (coordinates 55°
55' 8"N, +36° 49' 7"E).
the dome crumbled because of mistakes in its construction, the
collapse had unintended historical consequences. The high-ranking
Soviet Communist Party official in Moscow supervising the
construction of the Istra dome was fired from his job and sent to a
remote posting as punishment.
was replaced with fellow Communist apparatchik Boris Yeltsin, who was
invited to work in Moscow and eventually became Russia's first

back to table of contents
4) Test of
Spin - Gravity Coupling & Equivalence Principle
5) LENR Cold
Fusion and University of Seattle Working Together
Published July 8, 2014 | By jennifer
LENR and Cold Fusion News
A new company called Phonon Energy has unveiled
plans to create and test a low energy nuclear reaction (LENR)
or cold fusion boiler. E-Cat World reported that Phonon will be
working with Seattle University in its attempts to commercialize LENR.
organization appears to be a purely American group that has some
connection toDefkalion. Phonon's Investor Relations
page on the internet states that it is planning to
purchase technology from Defkalion and conduct testing at
Defkalion's facilities. Defkalion's North American operations are
based in Vancouver, British Columbia, a short drive from Seattle.
what we know about Phonon from its Investor Relations webpage which
is now online:
- The organization's Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is David Daggett an experienced
executive who has worked at Boeing, Parker Aerospace and
Rolls-Royce (the aircraft engine company not the automaker).
Daggett's background is in Aerospace but he has recently been
taking nuclear engineering classes. He claims to have witnessed
small LENR lab tests that turned him from Skeptic to
believer. He doesn't say what tests he witnessed. Here's what
his Linked In Page said:
worked for many years at large corporations, maturing ideas into
working concepts. Usually these projects have been focused on energy
and environmental technologies."
being a skeptic for 7 years about LENR (Low Energy Nuclear
Reaction)technology, I started taking nuclear engineering classes and
also witnessing small LENR unit lab tests. I now realize that
this technology will make fossil fuels obsolete and can provide
affordable energy to the world. I'm devoting the rest of my working
career to enabling it."
- Phonon will be working closely with Seattle
University in Washington State. Teodora Shuman a professor of
mechanical engineering at that institution is listed as the
company's heat transfer engineer.
- Daggett and his team think the United States Federal
Government will invest $700 billion in LENR and
related technologies such as High Energy Nuclear Interactions
(HENI) and Lattice Assisted Nuclear Reactions (LANR) over the
next 20 years. Phonon's objective seems to be to get some of
that money to fund its research with.
- The company plans to build a prototype boiler based
Defkalion's Hyperion LENR reactor. They want the boiler to
have a 2¢ a kilowatt hour generating cost. The boiler will be
used to demonstrate and test LENR. The reactor project is
supposed to take 24 months or two years.
- Phonon's goal is to utilize experienced advisors and
senior engineers to guide a cadre of motivated young
engineers who will form an alternative energy start up.
- Phonon is currently a non-profit 501 C-3
corporation which means that Daggett is unpaid. The plan seems
to be to convert it into a for profit enterprise at some point.
- At some point a spin-off company will be created to
attract Venture Capital, design new
applications and buy the license rights to the technology from
Defkalion. The company is in negotiation with other reactor
suppliers who are not identified. That means it could be
talking to other inventors such as Celani and Piantelli as well as Andrea
Rossi or even Brillouin.
looks like there might be a major new player in the LENR field. E-cat World mentions a Phonon
Energy video which seems to have been taken down.
Related search:
- 2014 lattice assisted nuclear reaction mit canr cold
- objective c
- technology internet
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