Future Energy

Annual Summary Newsletter of Integrity Research Institute

Spring, 2003 VOL. 1 No. 4, Circulation: 6000+ (PDF attached. Request hard copy by mail: iri@erols.com )



  1. A Billion Degrees on Earth
  2. Solar Home Competition
  3. Hydrogen Developments
  4. Gravity Modification Test Proves Inconclusive
  5. President's Message
  6. NAVY Research Lab Makes Cold Fusion History
  7. Bioelectromagnetics and Energy Medicine Research
  8. Wireless Transmission of Electrical Energy
  9. Acknowledgements
  10. IRI Publications Catalog 2003 (only with hard copy)


Futurists agree that "Only a Technology Revolution Can Save the Earth" (C. Arthur, The Independent, 11/1/02) and that "A Quest for Clean Energy Must Begin Now" (A. Revkin, NY Times, 11/1/02). Answering the call is the astounding breakthrough made by a team led by Eric Lerner, with NASA JPL support. For the first time temperatures above one billion degrees have been achieved in a dense plasma. Using a compact and inexpensive device called the plasma focus, controlled fusion energy that generates no radioactivity and almost no neutrons (www.focusfusion.org) is very close.

Plasma focus technology is environmentally safe, cheap, and effectively an unlimited energy source using a hydrogen-boron reaction, instead of the usual deuterium-tritium mix for the tokamak. Mr. Lerner announced the achievement at the International Conference on Plasma Science on May 26, 2002 and at the Fifth Symposium on Current Trends in International Fusion Research on March 24, 2003. The other leaders of the research team are Dr. Bruce Freeman of Texas A & M University, where the experiments were performed in August, 2001 and Dr. Hank Oona of the Los Alamos National Laboratory. The results have been submitted to Physica Scripta and available through Los Alamos: http://arXiv.org/abs/physics/0205026.

The Fusion Program Manager, Dr. Richard Seimon, however, demanded that the results be repudiated or two staff engineers would be fired. Reaching a billion degrees, before the larger expensive tokamak did, was apparently unacceptable. Seimon also demanded that Dr. Hank Oona dissociate himself from comparisons that showed the new results superior in key results to those of the 25-year-old tokamak and remove his name from the report (E. Lerner, Progressive Engineer, Guest Editorial, July, 2002 www.progressiveengineer.com). Eric Lerner, who directs Lawrenceville Plasma Physics (Lawrenceville, NJ), has projected decentralized 2 MW power plants, at a building cost of less than one million dollars each. He is also forming a company to license the technology.

In a related story, the US DOE also insisted in 2002 that another report’s negative assessment of federally-funded tokamak fusion research be withdrawn by Rand Corp.’s Robert Hirsch, who was then also fired. The independent report, "Energy Technologies for 2050" is now being sterilized by Rand for DOE review ("Report Generates Negative Energy" Wash. Post, 3/18/03, p.A27 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A42399-2003Mar17.html). Hirsch's mission was to develop a methodology that could be used to evaluate the viability of energy technologies over the next 50 years.

Perhaps by design, the DOE projects another 35 years before their commercially practical magnetic tokamak fusion demonstration plant is "fired up around 2037, with operations lasting until at least 2050" (Platts Inside Energy, 12/2/02, p.6).


On October 5th, 2002, IRI Board members visited the Solar Decathlon, which was held on the National Mall in Washington DC sponsored by the Department of Energy and private industries. Single-family homes with 100% solar heat and electric were designed and constructed by fourteen school teams from universities from around the nation.

Each home included a kitchen, a bathroom, a bedroom, a living room and a home office, all of it designed into a minimum of 800 square feet. The designs emphasized conservation and efficiency in addition to showcasing solar technologies. Team members actually occupied the houses between the hours of 7 AM and 10 PM throughout the first week of October. They ran errands with a solar car that was powered by solar energy collected from the house’s solar panels. Electronic sensors monitored data for each house such as moisture levels, refrigerator/water temperature, lighting and the number of dishes washed. This data, together with the evaluation of a team of professional architects, provided the team rankings at the end of the competition. Design and Livability were the most important components of the competition. The teams clearly demonstrated that comfortable, solar-powered living is achievable even in northern climates.

The IRI Board voted for the Crowder College house as "best all around." This $150K house was so efficient that there was enough energy to heat the hot tub on back deck. The event is well-documented on the DOE website, containing photographs of the houses and information on each team’s design approach and use of solar energy. (www.eren.doe.gov/solar_decathlon)

In a related story, Australia is planning a giant solar power tower, generating 200 MW, 24 hours a day (M. Nichols, Reuters, 1/7/03, www.enn.com/news/wire-stories/).


In Feb., 2003, US lawmakers Sen. Ron Wyden and Rep. Chris Cox pushed for the development of hydrogen cars with proposed legislation that would put hydrogen cars on the road in 10 years and also reduce US foreign oil dependency by 30 million barrels a year. In March, 2003, Energy Secretary Abraham launched a cooperative effort with the European Union to develop hydrogen technology in five years. However, Europe has set goals "to replace 20% of vehicle fuel with alternative sources by 2020, while the Bush administration has not." (NY Times, 3/7/03, p.C2). Europe is also spending $2.4 billion to use renewable energy sources vs. the US $1.7 billion for coal technology that Abraham promises will be free of any "dirty methods."

In 2001, GM became a significant stockholder in Quantum Technologies Inc. who "successfully tested a hydrogen storage tank that can hold 5,000 pounds of hydrogen per square inch. They say this nearly doubles the amount handled by similar tanks with competing technologies…[&] same characteristics as gas in terms of refueling rate and mileage" (Energy Daily, V.29, N.113, 6/13/01, p.1). However, BMW now has Model 745 sedans with hybrid engines that can "burn either gasoline or liquid hydrogen directly" (Wash. Post, 1/30/03, p.A9). Hydrogen fuel produced from renewable energy is the goal for Sunline, GM, Toyota, and other industries in the race for the hydrogen market. Brookshire Labs (www.bkllabs.com) recently reported their water electrolysis results using resonant frequencies, reminiscent of the Puharich resonant electrolysis patent #4,394,230. Learn more: www.hfcletter.com, www.hydrogen.org, www.h2fc.com.

In 1999, Dr. Daniel Cohn at MIT developed a microplasmatron fuel converter that is used on a vehicle to transform gasoline or other hydrocarbons into hydrogen-rich gas. The plasmatron uses an electrically conducting gas (plasma) to produce hydrogen quickly and on board. "The prototype plasmatron at MIT could convert about ¼ of a typical automobile’s fuel into hydrogen. Enough, Cohn says, to cut emission of smog-causing nitrogen oxides by 90%" (Hydrogen a Go-Go, Discover, 7/99, p.92). http://www.psfc.mit.edu/plasmatech/plasmatron1.html

The conversion of hydrogen in hydrocarbon fuels accounts for most of their energy yield. "Since hydrogen produces about four times as much energy per quantity H oxidized as per unit C, writes Jesse Ausubel (Rockefeller University), ‘Wood weighs in heavily with ten effective Cs for each H. Coal approaches parity with one or two Cs per H, while oil improves to two H per C, and a molecule of natural gas (methane) is a carbon-trim CH4.’ From this perspective, in a utopian carbon-free future, all energy might come from some combination of fission, fusion, and fuel cells" ("Toward a Carbon-Free Future" IEEE Spectrum, 11/99, p.28). To this IRI would add zero-point energy as a fundamental energy source worth developing (T. Valone, Zero Point Energy and the Future, 2002).

A futuristic, clean development that supplants the need for fuel entirely, by using compressed air instead, is the Air Car by Moteur Development International (MDI) with factories in France, S. Africa, Mexico, Spain, and Australia. One of the major discoveries of the new century, the Air Car goes up to 110 km/hr (68 mph), a distance of 300 km with one tank refill, and has a cost of less than one cent per kilometer. In urban traffic, the Air Car can go for 10 hours. Safer and far less complicated, IRI asks, "Is there still a reason for hydrogen?" The website (www.theaircar.com) is very complete and graphically explains the engine.


For the past decade, Podkletnov et al. (Physica C, 203, 1992, p.441) has tantalized scientists around the world, including NASA who invested $600K with Superconductive Components, Inc. It is a provocative experiment using a spinning superconductor that reportedly caused a 1-2% loss of weight under certain conditions. So far a successful, detailed replication has been elusive. Dr. Ning Li in 1989 and Dr. Ray Chiao in 2002 independently have theorized that electromagnetic fields applied to a superconductor should produce gravity effects (New Scientist, July 30, 2002 www.newscientist.com). John Schnurer reported that he successfully measured the effect (Business Week, Feb. 17, 1997). However, now an experiment conducted by Hathaway et al. has failed to find any gravity-like force, even with 50 times more precision in measurement than Podkletnov. Last year when IRI visited George Hathaway, he pointed out to us that even air currents were capable of creating spurious results. He also was careful to fabricate the bilayer superconductive YBCO disks using several methods proposed by Dr. Podkletnov, who was consulted with throughout the experiment. Hathaway’s final report (Physica C, 385, 2003, p.488-500) is also available online at www.sciencedirect.com.


"We’re pretending that business as usual will supply all our needs. But there’s an impending oil crisis we’re basically seeing, that will actually bite us sooner than we’re expecting it. And it’s better to prepare for it now" (T. Valone, June 25, 2002, CNN Moneyline www.cnn.com/transcripts/0206/25/mlld.00.html).

Valone on CNN

While the closed-door, fossil-fuel-industry-friendly, Bush-Cheney National Energy Policy favors a war for oil, while being criticized by every environmental group from the Sierra Club to the Union of Concerned Scientists, it has been a welcome surprise to see private industry initiate carbon-trading, fossil fuel reductions, energy innovation and savings, in a wise, preparatory gesture. Hopefully, at least a federally-mandated requirement of 20% of electricity generated by renewable sources by 2020 (i.e., "20% RPS") will emerge from the lawmakers this season. With the new emerging innovations in energy sources, IRI predicts that this goal will be easily achieved, thus yielding greater national energy security than by any other means.

IRI is pleased to have a successful track record to report with the Godin and Roshchin team’s magnetic energy converter (MEC). Contact Energy & Propulsion Systems, LLC for investor information and the professionally prepared business plan at 661-295-0300. The Inventor Advocacy Program (IAP) applied to them is now being implemented to support and advise the focus fusion inventor Eric Lerner, a magnetic motor inventor Paul Sprain, and a bioelectromagnetic machine inventor Ralph Suddath. IRI reports on these technologies will follow. The IAP provides the necessary assistance with business plan, intellectual property patent review and investor networking relationships to ensure that qualified energy technology makes it all the way to market.

We invite the general public to sign up for Future Energy eNews, which is sent electronically for FREE at least once per month, by email. We also invite the independent investor to become a Corporate Member (http://users.erols.com/iri/orderform14.html) and automatically register for the IRI Investor Advisory Service, which matches emerging technologies with qualified investors.

Your support also allows us to continue this vital work of generally monitoring integrity in scientific research (see for example: www.CSPInet.org/integrity) as well as specifically investigating, promoting and documenting pioneering energy research. Recently, a presentation at Senator Kerry’s office engendered a working relationship with his energy staffer, and later a letter of appreciation for the help IRI has offered.


A quiet cold fusion revolution started to take place in 1991 when the Office of Naval Research proposed a collaborative effort between the San Diego, China Lake, and DC laboratories. Within a few years, Dr. Ashraft Imam produced 8 overunity experiments out of 9 with pure palladium. Then, a couple years later, Dr. Melvin Miles succeeded with 10 out of 11 experiments during Japan’s New Hydrogen Energy Program. Now, a comprehensive report of ten years of research has finally been issued by the Navy, which admits almost continual ONR funding of Professor Martin Fleischmann starting in the 1980’s. The report’s title is Thermal and Nuclear Aspects of the Pd/D2O System, Volume 1: A Decade of Research at Navy Laboratories (Tech Rep #1862), edited by Szpak and Mosier-Boss.

The Navy Report states that during the middle 1970’s, extreme compression of deuterium and hydrogen experiments in the US and Soviet Union were "a key element in the initiation of this research project." One surprise in the report is that Oliphant, Harteck & Lord Rutherford demonstrated back in 1934 that a nuclear reaction can occur in condensed matter (Nature, 133, 1934, p. 413). In the next decade, Fleischmann (1947) was already studying the Pd/H system – "a most extraordinary example of an electrolyte" – and looking for ways to compress deuterium into palladium. In 1968, Mizuno was also motivated and wrote a graduate thesis on implanting deuterons into metals (Mizuno, Nuclear Transmutation: Reality of Cold Fusion, p.114 - order from IRI).

In the Foreword, Head Scientist, Frank Gordon notes that Dr. Miles "showed that a correlation exists between the rate of excess enthalpy generation and the quantity of helium in the gas stream. Such a correlation is the direct evidence of the nuclear origin of the Fleischmann-Pons effect." Co-author, Dr. Scott Chubb told IRI that the Navy foresees running a car for 100,000 miles on a loaded cold fusion cell.

Volume 1 of the Navy Report is about 121 pages (3.5 Meg) and available online: http://www.spawar.navy.mil/sti/publications/pubs/tr/1862/tr1862-vol1.pdf Volume 2 is a much larger, data report on Fleischmann’s work but also available online. It is noted that the State Department’s only nuclear scientist, Peter Zimmerman, tried to stop the publication of the Navy Report but to no avail.


In 1922, the Russian doctor and histologist Alexander Gurvich discovered that living cells separated by quartz glass were able to communicate vital cell information, now labeled "biophotons," that was stopped by window glass (Bischof, Biophotons, 2003). Dr. Gurvich coined the phrase "mitogenic wave" and his theory encouraged Nikola Tesla to develop a mitogenic impulse-wave therapy for treating cancer. At a seminar presented by the American Congress of Physical Therapy, held in New York on September 6, 1932, Dr. Gustave Kolischer announced: "Tesla’s high-frequency electrical currents were bringing about highly beneficial results in dealing with cancer, surpassing anything that could be accomplished with ordinary surgery."

Preliminary investigation, as part of the new Bioenergetics Program at IRI, into bioelectromagnetic machines with and Nobel gas tubes and high frequency pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs), such as present in Tesla coils, reveals numerous physical characteristics that can be measured and analyzed. Based on simple biophysical principles, it is proposed, for example, that high voltage PEMF potential external to the body may stimulate the transmembrane potential (TMP), that is routinely depressed in diseased cells. It is also being suggested that the Kreb's Cycle of respiration may be reactiviated with the application of such PEMFs, which reverts to fermentation in cancer cells. (Learn more: www.vibe-machine.com, http://www.delphion.com/cgi-bin/viewpat.cmd/US06217604__?MODE=fstv, www.lightbeamgenerator.com)

(Reference: T. F. Valone, "Developments in Bioelectromagnetic Healing and a Rationale for its Use" Proceedings of the Whole Person Healing Conference, 2003 www.wholepersonhealing.com.)


Unknown to most electrical engineers, Nikola Tesla’s dream of wireless energy transmission provides a real alternative to transmission lines, saves electrical conversion losses, and answers the energy crisis worldwide. Dr. Rauscher indicates that the earth’s ionosphere and magnetosphere are a source of electrical energy, as Tesla emphasized, triggered by the relatively small longitudinal wave impulses that the resonant Tesla Wardenclyffe Tower supplies. Dr. Rauscher shows that the available power of the earth-ionosphere cavity is close to 3 terawatts (3 billion kW), while the US only consumes about 425 million kW today for electrical needs (at 26% of the world usage). Therefore, the earth has about twice the capacity available for electrical consumption than the entire world presently uses everyday (Harnessing the Wheelwork of Nature, p. 238-239). Learn more: Attend the IRI-sponsored "Tesla Energy Science Conference & Exposition", November 8-9, 2003, Sheraton College Park (http://users.erols.com/iri/tesla.htm).


Major funding for our institute has been generously provided, through tax-deductible donations, enabling IRI to beneficially affect society. In particular, we thank Coherent Communications, Inc., The Disclosure Project, Robert Gray, Jeff Norris, Bell Curve Research Foundation, Ryan Wood, Judy Levine, and all of the full members of IRI. They have made possible, among others, this Future Energy newsletter printing and mailing, the Hartman Magnetic Gradient Project and The Secret-Disclosure Project which offers free copies of The Secret CD and Disclosure book to influential people in government and society.


1220 L St. NW, Suite 100-232, Washington, DC 20005 http://www.integrityresearchinstitute.org 800-295-7674, 202-452-7674