From: Integrity Research Institute []
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2011 6:40 PM
Subject: Future Energy eNews
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              MAY 2011


Dear Subscriber,


This month we are joining in with the Rossi phenomenon (story #1) by featuring a foreign article by a Swedish independent lab Ny Teknik that found excess heat generation in the kilowatt range from the 300 watt input energy catalyzer with a calibrated probe. Since no deuterium is involved, it is hard to label it "cold fusion" and have the majority of the public dismiss it immediately. IRI recommends keeping an open mind toward this amazing invention that was recently awarded an Italian patent to see if it can survive continuous output life-testing of weeks and months. That's what separates the men from the boys in the 20-year old excess heat game.
Anyone interested in a Nobel Prize? Well, the nature of scientific celebrity is such that Elizabeth Blackburn made more headlines for being sacked from the Bush administration's bioethics council than for discovering telomerase, for which she has been tipped for Nobel laurels. However, compare Elizabeth Blackburn's award (story #4) for discovering the problem of telomere shortening and lifespan and the enzyme telomerase that can lengthen them, as well as designing a telomere test for the public, to our Scott Kelsey COFE4 plenary lecture on a non-pharmaceutical breakthrough method of electromagnetically lengthening telomeres (link #5 below). In our mind, a solution without a monthly drug purchase is worth more than simply finding the problem and another enzyme. We have now posted Scott's entire paper online for a free PDF download. The next step should be to credit Nikola Tesla and award him a Nobel Prize posthumously.
Solar energy and electric vehicles are presented in other stories in the FE eNews to keep you updated on the trends which keep pushing the envelope on renewable energy.
However, the surprise is the story #3 on the Calera process which unexpectedly converts coal burning effluent to a means for creating clean water and air. Study this cement prototype factory which should be a required blueprint for solving the US CO2 and SO2 emissions future.
Also, for those Star Trek fans that still might be out there, $2 billion was just invested in the Shuttle launch this past week to detect antimatter at the international space station: . It will be nice if it occurs naturally somewhere in space, rather than manufacturing it atom by atom!


Thomas Valone, PhD, PE







1) Swedish Ny Teknik Agree that Rossi's effect is Real

By Mats Lewan
Published May 2011 08:58 41 kommentarer


Ny Teknik recently participated in two new tests of the Italian 'energy catalyzer', providing more accurate measurements to reduce possible error sources.


The new tests with the energy catalyzer, which seems to generate heat by an unknown nuclear reaction, took place in Bologna on 19 and 28 April, 2011.  As in previous tests the objective was to measure the net energy that the device generates as accurately as possible.


The results of the two tests showed a developed net power of between 2.3 and 2.6 kilowatts - of the order of a large stove plate. Input electric power was in the order of 300 watts.


As previously, the power output was calculated from the amount of water boiled into steam, and thus depends on the water flow. At the two new tests the water flow was set at a slightly lower rate than in previous tests. The device used was the smaller version of the energy catalyzer, which was first shown at a test March 29, 2011.


The tests lasted for two and three hours respectively and the total net energy developed was calculated to be 5.6 and 6.9 kWh (see report for April 19 and April 28).


As Professor Sven Kullander and Associate Professor Hanno Essén noted previously, the energy released is greater than can be generated by a chemical reaction in the reactor, which has an estimated volume of 50 cubic centimeters.


At this point precise measurement is crucial if credibility in the process under study is to be established.

Hundreds of thousands of readers have now followed our reporting on the energy catalyzer, and in thousands of comments readers have discussed among other things possible sources of error in previous tests.


In the new tests, Ny Teknik aimed to reduce measurement uncertainty in three ways:

1. The ammeter used to measure the input current, from which the total power consumption is calculated, were calibrated by us against other instruments.

2.  Total water-flow input was measured by weighing.

3.  By calibrating the temperature-sensor probe in boiling water, we have as far as possible ensured that there is only vapor at the outlet of the energy catalyzer.

The last point has been discussed intensively. To assess developed energy, it's essential that all the water flowing into the energy catalyzer evaporates, given that the phase change - evaporating water into steam - requires much more energy than mere heating.


Shortly before the test on April 28, we calibrated the probe by immersing it in a pot with boiling water, and the measured value was then 99.6 degrees centigrade.


The probe, which sits just below the outlet of the energy catalyzer, later during the test showed temperatures of about 100.5 degrees centigrade.

Therefore it cannot reasonably be in contact with water, thus there should be only water vapor (steam) at the outlet. Alternatively, the probe is subjected to other heating, but probably not electrical as the temperature curve during start-up is quite uneven.


During the April 28 test, we also checked the steam flow through the outlet hose regularly. Some steam was reasonably being condensed back into water in the three-meter-long tube that was exposed to air and was thus at a slightly lower temperature, and a small amount of water was observed coming out of the hose.


The amount of water coming out before boiling was clearly larger, and this was initially measured.

We also controlled all other equipment and checked that there were no hidden connections from the floor or walls.


To safely exclude the transfer of external wireless energy, we measured electromagnetic fields from 5 Hz to 3 GHz. No increase could be noted except for a slight increase at the power-grid frequency of 50 Hz, close to the electrical resistor positioned around the reactor.


In the first test on April 19, the national Italian television channel RAI was present and its reportage will be broadcast on the channel RAI News (link to the reportage here - version in English here) Thursday, May 5th at 20:35.


In the second test on April 28 only Ny Teknik, the inventor Andrea Rossi, and a colleague of his were present.



The energy catalyzer was demonstrated publicly for first time on the 14th January 2011. According to its inventor Andrea Rossi it has a closed reactor of steel that is loaded with nickel powder plus secret catalysts and pressurized with hydrogen.


It's 'ignited' by heating from two electrical resistances. In a copper tube around the reactor, water heated by the reactor is flowing.


The heat is generated from an unknown reaction, according to Rossi himself, and according to Professor Sven Kullander and Associate Professor Hanno Essén probably a nuclear reaction.


The concept of cold fusion has been mentioned and would refer to a nuclear reaction between hydrogen and nickel, producing copper. Another term is LENR - Low Energy Nuclear Reaction.

Many physicists are very skeptical. Partly because fusion of nuclei, which with their positive charges repel each other (the Coulomb barrier), requires hundreds of millions of degrees according to current knowledge, and partly because fusion should produce very high levels of gamma radiation.


The debate has gained new momentum after Professor Sven Kullander and Associate Professor Hanno Essén participated in a test on 29 March and found that the measured values can only be explained by a nuclear reaction, while an isotopic analysis of the used nickel powder raised questions.

Among the most critical is Peter Ekström, lecturer at the Department of Nuclear Physics at Lund University in Sweden. After a thorough discussion he concludes: 'I am convinced that the whole story is one big scam, and that it will be revealed in less than one year.'


Slightly more cautious in his skepticism, Kjell Aleklett, physics professor at Uppsala University in Sweden, summarizes his discussion: 'I myself have nothing against to reveal a scam, or join in and verify something that no one could imagine. Both extremes belong to that which makes life as a researcher incredibly interesting.'


An intense debate is also being held on the Wikipedia discussion page related to the article 'Energy catalyzer', and in many other forums.


However, to date no one have been able to explain the measured values that Ny Teknik now has been able to confirm.


The inventor Andrea Rossi is planning an installation of 300 energy catalyzers at a total of one megawatt in Greece in October 2011.

Chairman of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences' Energy Committee, and chairman of the Swedish Skeptics Society observe a test of the Rossi device and agree that the effect is real. See News <>

On March 29, 2011, a test of a smaller Rossi device was performed. It was attended by two new observers: Hanno Essén, associate professor of theoretical physics and chairman of the Swedish Skeptics Society, and Sven Kullander, chairman of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences' Energy Committee. They agree with other independent observers that the device must be producing a nuclear reaction. See NyTeknik: Swedish physicists on the E-cat: "It's a nuclear reaction."


This test employed a new, smaller device with a 50 cm3 cell. It produced ~4.4 kW for 6 hours, or 25 kWh (90 MJ).


Essén and Kullander wrote a report, also in NyTeknik, Experimental test of a mini-Rossi device at the Leonardocorp, Bologna 29 March 2011. Focardi gave a revealing radio interview. Here is an English translation.


NyTeknik has published a number of articles about Rossi. They are all listed here. The New Energy Times is keeping a close watch on news articles about Rossi. They have a list of articles here.


On April 19 and April 21, Rossi and Mats Lewan of NyTeknik performed additional tests on the reactors. The article about this is here. This includes a close-up 4 minute video of the equipment in operation. Detailed reports about the two tests are here and here.


Here is a fascinating interview with Prof. Stremmenos, who is working with Focardi and Rossi, and is a key figure in the establishment of the Defkalion factory in Greece.


In May 2011, a start-up company announced it has reached an agreement with Rossi to distribute his machines in the U.S. The start-up was founded by former U.S. Department of Energy officials who have been in contact with Rossi for many years. They independently tested his devices. They paid him a large sum of money to license the technology.

Although some of the articles refers to it as cold fusion, the inventor does not:" Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR) Even Rossi denies that his device is based on "cold fusion." Instead, he says that it is based on weak interactions."


Plans to begin commercial cold fusion reactor production this year. See News <>


Rossi device tested for 18 hours at U. Bologna. See News <>
Focardi and Rossi demonstrate a 10 kW cold fusion reactor. See: News <>



2) Electric Vehicles are Ready to Roll

US Department of Transportation, Fast Lane Official Blog, April 20, 2011

Seeking relief from the pump!

With gas prices rising above four dollars per gallon, families and businesses are feeling the effects.  And once again elected officials are clamoring for action to instantly reverse that trend.  But we know that you can't bring down energy prices overnight.


 One approach that is already reducing fuel costs for drivers and creating jobs is the Obama Administration's support for electric and hybrid vehicles.  Earlier today, I was happy to share that news at the Electric Drive Transportation Association 2011 Conference.  And, for those who didn't realize the maturity of this industry, today's "Innovation Motorcade" of electric vehicles parading through Washington, DC, was a real eye-opener.

A few years ago, US businesses made just 2 percent of batteries for emerging cars like the Chevy Volt and the electric Ford Focus. But a few years from now, America will be home to 40 percent of the world's automotive battery manufacturing capacity.  That means jobs.  In fact, workers are on the job right now, pioneering advanced batteries at Compact Power in Michigan.


It also means the status quo on America's roadways is beginning to give way to a future--long overdue--in which electric and hybrid vehicles are the norm, not the exception.

Am I sad that my Buick Regal is about to become a classic?  Not at all.  I'm excited that we're finally on the verge of a 21st century transportation system that suits the energy and environmental realities we face.

We've arrived at this point because the Obama Administration proposed a $7,500 tax rebate for customers who choose hybrid or electric cars.

We've arrived at this point because, in addition to its support of new battery technologies, DOT is expanding access to the charging stations that will give drivers the confidence to climb into electric vehicles.  That includes a grant to an Oregon-based pilot program that will install charging stations every 50 miles along the busy I-5 corridor.


 America's businesses are also helping accelerate the transition.  Shippers like FedEx and UPS--as well as other companies--are keenly aware of trends in gas prices and are already leading the way by purchasing advanced techonology vehicles.

All of this is good news for those seeking an alternative to refilling their family car with $4-per-gallon gasoline.  But we haven't turned the corner yet.  We still need the support of the enterprising folks at today's Electric Drive Conference.  They have been terrific partners in helping us get this far, and we're counting on them to continue turning today's promise of America's electric vehicle industry into tomorrow's reality.

And we've arrived at this point by helping create a market for electric and hybrid vehicles so automakers have an incentive to build more of them.  In a little over two years, the government has doubled its stock of hybrid cars and trucks.  The President has also directed departments and agencies to make sure that, by 2015, 100 percent of the vehicles we buy are fuel-efficient or clean-energy.

3) New Process for Sequestering CO2

Calera Press Release, May, 2011

Calera process for coal to fresh air and water


It recycles waste products, produces fresh water and, wait for it, captures and sequesters carbon and other pollutants. Safely. No pipes to the bottom of the ocean, no betting on the thermocline, no liquefaction and deep earth burial (although Calera can do that too).

The CO2 is recycled along with fly ash, wastewater and brines from manufacturing and desalination. Calera's process remixes the ingredients and outputs fresh water and cement. Using waste materials to produce cement means not having to mine limestone. Meanwhile, pollutants like sulfur oxides, mercury and CO2 are captured, purifying the flue gas emitting from power and cement plants and preventing acid rain. 



 Tour Calera's prototype factory for turning C02 into cement.


 Innovative cememt helps DOE safeguard Nuclear


So all that concrete in paradise will, in fact, protect paradise. Concrete produced via Calera's process will mean less brines from desalination,  less water used for carbon sequestration, less limestone mining, less carbon, mercury and sulfur oxides in the environment, less global warming, and more environmental stability.

Maybe using better concrete doesn't match leaving paradise untouched, but in light of arguably necessary economic development, Calera's process is the next best thing. 

 For More  Tech  Info:

Scientific Synthesis of Calera Carbon Sequestration and Carbonaceous By-Product Applications  





4) Commercial Genetic Test for Biological Age by measuring Telomeres now available

by Boonsri Dickinson , New Scientist, 04 May 2011, Magazine issue 2810.


Nobel Prize Winner, Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn is launching a commercial genetic test that measures DNA markers of ageing - what can we learn from it?


Dr Blackburn


Your test measures telomere shortening, a marker of biological ageing. What can this tell us?

Telomeres are stretches of DNA at the ends of chromosomes that protect them against degradation. Checking your telomere length is a bit like weighing yourself: you get this single number which depends on a lot of factors. Telomere length gives a sense of your underlying health. We see telomere shortening in diseases of ageing - like heart disease and cancer.

What evidence is there to support health predictions based on telomere length?

In 2004, results from a study that I worked on with colleagues at the University of California, San Francisco, linked chronic stress to shortening of telomeres. Chronic stress is also associated with a higher risk of heart disease. Bone marrow failure is also associated with short telomeres. If a test showed you had telomere shortening, it would be a red flag suggesting you should take a look at possible risk factors.

Can people do anything to prevent telomere shortening?

It looks like you can, by changing your lifestyle. Observational studies show that exercise, nutritional supplements and reducing psychological stress can help. Chronic high stress and smoking can lead to accelerated telomere shortening.

What made you decide to help launch the company Telome Health, which is selling a test for telomere length?
There was a lot of interest from the research community and also from individuals. We had a cost-effective assay in our lab which we transferred to a company to provide as a service. We are running a study called "Know your telomeres". The goal is to learn more about telomere length and other markers of ageing, how best to measure these markers, how they are related to health and lifestyle, and how people respond to learning their own telomere length results. People were pounding down the doors to enrol.
Is this another step on the road to commercialised personal genetic testing?
Right now, the company only offers the tests as a part of research studies. Tests for the public, through their physician, will go on sale later in the year, costing under $200.

What exactly does the telomere test entail?

It is like a cholesterol test. We can take a measurement from blood samples, cheek swabs or saliva. Specifically, we measure the telomere length in white blood cells. Cells from the immune system act a bit like a report card, an indicator for all kinds of conditions.
Have you made any lifestyle changes based on the results of your research?
I've learned a meditation technique. I exercise as often as I can. Walking is good too.


Elizabeth Blackburn is a professor of biology and physiology at the University of California, San Francisco, where she investigates telomeres and their links to human health. In 2009 she shared a Nobel prize for her work.


For More Information


1. Shrinking telomeres linked to heart disease The erosion of the strands of DNA, which cap our chromosomes and wear away with each cell division, may play a pivotal role
Michael Day 12 January 2007
Labeled:   News Health
2. Shorter telomeres mean shorter life Older people can expect to die sooner if they have shorter telomeres, the pieces of DNA that protect the ends of chromosomes
Celeste Biever, Boston 31 January 2002
Labeled:   News
3. Editorial : Sans everything - Are telomeres a vital part of the quest for a cure for old ageor mere hype? POOR Senator Glenn. No sooner had NASA announced his trip into space last week than the intrepid pensioner found himself cruelly upstaged in the virility
24 January 1998
From magazine issue 2118 Labeled:   Comment
4. Review: Elizabeth Blackburn and the Story of Telomeres by Catherine Brady How the discoverer of telomerase - tipped to win a Nobel prize - rose to the top of a male-dominated world
Georgina Ferry 08 December 2007
From magazine issue 2633 Labeled:   Features Science in Society
5. Telomere Future Nobelist: Scott Kelsey's EMF Lengthens Telomeres At COFE4 graduate student described his discovery, with Norm Shealy, MD, PhD, that certain EMFs can lengthen telomeres to turn back aging (includes telomere diagram) - what can we learn from it? (IRI website, PDF conference article, free download)

6. Turning back the telomere clock The natural process of tissue degeneration could be reversed by switching on an enzyme
29 November 2010 

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5) Solar to Reach 100 Gigawatts by 2025


Solar Thermal Capacity to Reach 100 Gigawatts by 2025 According to New Report


 This report on Solar Thermal Energy analyzes the technology, discusses solar thermal plants financing, discusses hybrid solar thermal power plants, and provides profiles of solar thermal companies and case studies. A diagrammatic representation of the value chain and suppliers in the solar thermal industry is included, explaining the solar thermal power process in detail.


This report also analyzes the advantages and challenges facing the solar thermal industry.

Solar thermal power plants are forecast to undergo a real boom in the coming years and decades. The sunny regions of Asia, the USA, and North Africa provide an almost inexhaustible space potential. Experts have long agreed that solar thermal technology will enable the replacement of conventional, fossil fuelled, or nuclear power plants in the long term. Recent studies by Greenpeace and A.T. Kearney confirm the increasing competitiveness.


Solar-thermal electricity (STE) is competitive. Within the next ten years, there will be an opportunity to generate this economically and free of subsidies. In doing so, it will compete with fossil fuels. Moreover, STE represents an increasingly more attractive addition to the renewable energy portfolio, of which it has a relevant share. The thermal solar capacity installed worldwide will ideally reach 100 gigawatts (GW) by 2025. This could create up to 130,000 jobs.


International studies have also announced the continuous rise of solar-thermal power plants. The cost of generating STE electricity can be reduced by up to 30 percent by 2015 and even by more than 50 percent by 2025. As such, solar-thermal electricity can contribute significantly to reaching certain energy and environmental targets, for example the EU's 20-20-20 goal.



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