has been an exciting month for us since I flew out to Boulder CO (see
Story #1) to present at the Global Breakthrough Energy
Movement conference for the first time. The organizers
were dedicated to facilitating the promotion of "free
energy" with as much scientific information as possible. Even Professor
Garret Moddel from the University of Colorado
gratiously presented his views on "quantum engineering device
technology" and Russ Gries
appeared in person to promote his replication of a single-piston
Papp engineexploding repeatedly with a noble gas mixture.
I particularly singled out Gries to ask him to create a four-cylinder
model of the Papp engine with a camshaft. He is interested in
accomplishing this task since his single piston and Bob Rohner's
single piston both demonstrate a proof of principle (see my COFE6 presentation
for more info). Other energy device-oriented presentations besides
mine included Mark LeClair
from NanoSpire, Inc. who has a robust cavitation fusion
experiment, Mark Dansie, Russ Anderson, Moray King, Ruby Carat,
Foster Gamble and late addition "Robert". Many of the
presentations are preserved on the Global BEM
website as LiveStream videos and also on an
independent website as noted in the first story.
Our second Story (#2) is a human interest story
centered on the Power Africa Initiative to respond to the need
for solar-powered electricity in a continent
swimming in abundant power from the sun
We look forward to the networking and volunteerism
that will make our solution to providing night lights to as many of
the 20 million who do not have electrical lighting in their homes in
Africa. The picture from space proves how much Energy Poverty exists
in Africa. We believe that an inexpensive LED array that is
solar-recharged will help to fill that gap with a one-time investment
that will payback for years. Donations to the IRI Power Africa Homes
Light Project are invited.
On a similar note, why not go big with a large solar
array in space? Story #3 shows how the Japanese are moving ahead of
the rest of the world to be the first to start using Space
Solar Power. Why bother you say? Besides the lack of CO2
emissions, the big advantage is that in space, the sun is TEN TIMES
more powerful! That's 1 kW per square meter instead of a puny 100W
per meter squared on the earth. The Japanese Space Agency (JAXA) has
a nice 7-minute summary of the proposed Space
Solar Power System that is quite convincing and
educational. Maybe the US will join in someday soon instead of
fracking fossil fuel near underground water.
Story #4 tells of a new company called ClearSign that
uses electric fields to improve combustion. This reminds me of a
Plasmatron developed at MIT that was supposed to go on the carburetor
with applied high voltage electric fields. Perhaps the theory
involves a similar ionization or plasma in addition to flame-shaping
but the important result is an improved combustion efficiency.
Last but not least, Story #5 is one that I have wanted
to include for a while but now that an hour-long movie has been
released, it is a great opportunity to share this simple invention
for getting back to nature with "earthing" or grounding. Walk
barefoot on the ground when you can but now we can be grounded each
night while we sleep with a simple conductive sheet or
make-it-yourself screen under the sheet that is grounded. The
benefits are two-fold: (1) lowering the overall positive voltage of
the body including all of the electropollution that the body
attracts, and (2) attracting negative electrons from the ground into
the body which IRI has proven to be the active ingredient of
antioxidants. I recommend the 16-minute
YouTube introduction which demonstrates the efficacy
of the how-to make your own earthing sheet. It is guaranteed to
provide more restful and peaceful sleep experience through a
revival of ancient, natural electrotherapy.
Valone, PhD, PE.
1) GlobalBem Breakthrough Energy Conference a
Breakthrough Indeed!
Press Release, October 27, 2013 For more info contact::
With over 30 speakers, 2 conference
rooms and a 3 day program, this event focused on the full scope of
Breakthrough Energy Technologies. This is the second conference to be
held by Global BEM.
The first was in Hilversum, Holland last November.The speaker lineup for
the conference represented some of the brightest minds in the field.
All presentations were live
streamed and can be viewed online here
We want to congratulate all of the
organizers and volunteers for their outstanding job in producing and
hosting the conference and look forward to next year! We ask
all to check out their website and see how you can contribute to the
advancement of clean Breakthrough Future Energy !

IRI President, Tom Valone,
presented his talk on Friday and the video presentations are available here, fourth and
fifth one down.
Slideshow of Dr. Valone's "Future Energy
Breakthroughs" to a standing-room only crowd (14
MB, PDF). is available in the link above.
A delightful surprise was meeting
with Dr Garrett Moddel and his PhD candidate student from
China, Weiming Peng. Weiming read Dr. Valone's Zero Point Energy-Fuel
of the Future book, 7-8 years ago in mainland China and it
sparked his interest in ZPE. He is now working with Prof.
Moddel at the U of Colorado for a PhD program centered around the
zero point energy investigations of Dr. Moddel. We are happy to see the
worldwide influence the IRI books are having as they also influence
the education of a new generation!
Enjoy the picture highlights below
of the Conference.
2) IRI
Launches the Power Africa Light Project
Press Release, 10/16/13, for more info contact
In response to
the Administration's Power Africa Initiative and
the published critical article entitled, "Where's the sun gone
in Obama's $7 billion Power Africa project?", IRI has begun our
own "Power Africa Homes Light Project". After pictures of
the 20 million homes without lighting has been circulated, IRI
realizes that a simple solar-rechargeable LED array is a simple
solution to the problem. The IRI Power Africa Homes Light Project
* Supply LED
- Solar-NiCd modules for lighting homes
* Recruit African
distribution nonprofit organization
* Aim
for 10,000 homes per month supply
* Use donated
money to accomplish project
* Goal:
Jumpstart evening and nightime studying and reading
The public is invited to help IRI
accomplish this worthy goal in any way possible, through donations or
networking to those who will help make it a reality.
Japan Aims to Beam Solar Energy down from Orbit
By Paul Sutherland | SEN News, 28 September 2013
(Sen) -
The Japanese space agency JAXA is developing a revolutionary concept
to put "power stations" in orbit to capture sunlight and
beam it to Earth.
country has been looking for new power sources following the
devastating earthquake and tsunami in March, 2011, that destroyed
much of the north-east of the country and caused a meltdown at the
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.
of the country's nuclear reactors were closed due to stricter safety
regulations after the emergency. Now JAXA is aiming to set
up a Space Solar Power System (SSPS) by 2030. An array of mirrors
would sit in geostationary orbit to collect solar energy and then
transmits it to a power plant on the ground via microwaves or laser
beams. There it could be used to generate electricity and hydrogen.
of the technology say that it would provide continuous energy without
any worry that resources would be depleted. It would be unaffected by
the time of day or weather and would provide environmentally
friendly, clean energy.
the idea is not a new one. An American, Dr Peter Glaser, designed a
similar concept in 1968 to deploy large solar panels in space to
generate power and convert it into microwaves to transmit to the
ground. Following studies by NASA and the US Department of Energy,
the project was deemed too costly and it was never developed.
studies have been carried out in Europe. The idea is also reminiscent
of a Russian plan in the 1990s to use mirrors to beam sunlight to the
ground at night. This had astronomers and environmentalists up in
arms because of the light pollution it would have caused. The
Japanese concept is different because there would be no stray light
emitted from the beam.

Fukumuro is leading research and planning for SSPS. He says: "We
have not yet decided whether to use microwaves or laser beams with
SSPS, or whether we will somehow combine them. We are currently
conducting ground-based experiments to find the most efficient way to
transmit energy.
of which transmission technology we use, when we collect sunlight
from outside the Earth's atmosphere, we can get a continuous supply
of it, with almost no influence from the weather, the seasons, or
time of day, allowing very efficient collection of solar energy.
since the energy source is the Sun, it's an endlessly renewable
resource - it won't run out as long as the Sun is there. Also,
because the power is generated in space and carbon dioxide is emitted
only at the receiving site, emissions within the Earth's atmosphere
can be greatly reduced, which makes this technology very friendly to
the environment.'
suggests the technology will also be useful in disaster situations.
In the event of a blackout, a collecting dish could be unfolded and
deployed to receive microwaves from space for conversion into
electrical energy.
is working with a collective of machining and engineering companies
called Kyoto Shisaku Net to develop the array of reflectors that
would be lifted into orbit by reusable shuttle-like spacecraft and
then assemble themselves.
Engineer and Senior Researcher Katsuto Kisara says: "The biggest
problem we've encountered with the project is developing solar
mirrors that are incredibly lightweight. I think that there is
certainly a way to do it, but it has presented quite the
back to table of contents
Electric Fields Could Make Power Plants Cleaner
By Kevin Bullis on October 23, 2013,
Technology Review
Seattle company called ClearSign Combustion has
developed a trick that it says could nearly eliminate key pollutants
from power plants and refineries, and make such installations much
more efficient. The technique involves electric fields to control the
combustion of fuel by manipulating the shape and brightness of

technology could offer a cheaper way to reduce pollution in poor
countries. And because ClearSign's approach to reducing pollution
also reduces the amount of fuel a power plant consumes, it can pay
for itself, the company says. The need for better pollution controls
is clear now in China, where hazardous pollution has been shutting down
schools and roads this week.
company claims that its technology could reduce fuel consumption by
as much as 30 percent. Some outside experts say that in practice the
likely improvement would be far less, possibly only a few percent,
although even that would still result in large savings.
of the pollution from a power plant is the result of problems with
combustion. If parts of a flame get too hot, it can lead to the
formation of nitrogen oxides, which contribute to smog. Similarly,
incomplete burning, which can result from the poor mixing of fuel and
air, can form soot (see "Cheaper, Cleaner Combustion").
uses high-voltage electric fields to manipulate the electrically
charged molecules in a combustion flame. This can improve the way air
and fuel mix together, and can spread out a flame to prevent hot
spots that cause pollution.
idea of using electricity to shape flames has been around for
decades. But conventional approaches typically involve plasma,
and the plasma needs large amounts of energy. ClearSign says its
technology only uses one-tenth of 1 percent of the energy in the fuel
that a power plant consumes. It works using electrodes within the
flame. The electrode produces high voltages that influence the
movement of ions; by varying the voltage, it's possible to control
the way the flame forms. The technology is particularly effective at
reducing smog-forming NOx emissions, carbon monoxide, and soot.
been interest in electric fields for some time, but nothing with as
strong an effect as they've demonstrated," says Michael Frenklach, a
professor of mechanical engineering at the University of California,
addition to reducing pollution, the technology can improve the
efficiency of a power plant or a refinery in several ways. Improved
mixing of fuel and air means less fuel is wasted by incomplete
combustion; the technology can also improve heat transfer from the
flame to the water in a boiler, so less fuel is needed to make steam,
which is used to drive turbines in a power plant. But the biggest
potential for fuel savings could be in reducing or eliminating the
need for conventional pollution controls, which can consume
significant amounts of energy, and can be expensive.
back to table of contents
"Grounded" Film Promotes Earthing Electrotherapy
Bragdon, PhD, Director, IMHU.org
Editor's Note: IRI suggests starting with a short
intro to getting antioxidant electrons into the body from a
grounded bedsheet. Watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wPqh4DNfwg "How
to Make Your Own Earthing Sheet" (16 minute) and perhaps author
of Earthing, "Clint Ober Demonstrates Earthing"(30
minute) with Dr. Mercola http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_z0HXOUSYQ -
Hollywood grade film called "Grounded" has just been
released. It's got lovely footage of nature ( a National
Geographic filmmaker) and an important message for physical and
psychological wellness. You can view the hour-long film for
free on YouTube:

- publisher of "How to Make Your Own Earthing Sheet" video
Living indoors disconnects
us from our natural electric state & hinders our bodies ability
to tell time. Earthing sheets simulate the effect of sleeping in
direct contact with the Earth and reconnect us with the Schumann
resonance. For more information on sleeping grounded check out our
blog post: http://www.earthrunners.com/earthing-sheet
About Integrity Research Institute
Future Energy eNews is
provided as a public service from Integrity Research Institute,
a Non-Profit dedicated to educating the public on eco-friendly
emerging energy technologies.
FREE copy
of the 30 minute DVD "Progress in Future Energy" is
available by sending an email with
"Free DVD" in subject and mailing address in
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welcome by making a tax deductible donation on
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