The Magnetic Energy Converter Project

Integrity Research Institute, 5020 Sunnyside Avenue, Suite 209, Beltsville MD 20705

Until now, no one has publicly admitted to successfully replicating the legendary energy and antigravity device called the "Searl Effect Generator" (SEG) and "Inverse Gravity Vehicle" (IGV), developed in 1946 by John R. R. Searl. However, there has been a curious increase in worldwide sightings of circular flying objects since 1950, so rumors have it that many of these sightings are from terrestrial advanced aircraft. Whatever the explanation, the most likely propulsion mechanism for these craft is the application of rotating magnetic fields to gravity control, which also has many references in the physics and patent literature. However, no commercial development has succeeded for various reasons.

In June, 2000, Sergei M. Godin and Vladimir Roshchin, with the Russian Academy of Science, in Moscow, notified the U. S. Department of Energy that some expert opinions were needed to understand the experimental phenomena from a magnetic energy converter (MEC) experiment that was based on the SEG and IGV. Their paper was published soon after in Technical Physics Letters (Vol. 26, No. 24, p. 70) and also circulated by the DOE to a select number of recipients in the Advanced EM Group for scientific feedback.

The amazing experimental device, requiring only a starter motor, (1) became self-sustaining at 300 RPM, (2) successfully produced 35% loss of weight, (3) required 5-7 kilowatt energy drain to prevent a runaway condition, (4) caused a temperature decrease of 6-8 degrees Celsius in the local vicinity, (5) created anomalous magnetic zones up to 15 meters around the device, and (6) displayed unexplained luminous horizontal bars surrounding the device when charged to 20 kV of high voltage.

Integrity Research Institute (IRI) under the direction of Thomas Valone, MA, PE, has a library of information on the SEG, ever since Valone met Searl in 1980 in Germany at a Gravity Field Energy Conference. In addition, IRI has continued to collaborate with Searl’s U.S. representatives since the initial correspondence with John Searl. Now with the Russian breakthrough, demonstrating a simpler design which still verifies much of the SEG literature, as well as complete AutoCAD drawings of the MEC supplied by Godin & Roshchin, IRI has handed this project over to a new corporation EPS, Inc. headed by a capable business investor and entrepreneur. The initial effort to prepare a professional business plan and to raise the seed capital has been successful to replicate the experiment here in this country. Investors who are interested to participate in this history-making MEC Project at the $100,000 or $250,000 level are welcome to request an NDA from IRI (800-295-7674) or EPS (877-295-0300) and simply fax it in to Ivan Kruglak, the CEO of Energy & Propulsion Systems, Inc. He will promptly send out the MEC Business Plan by priority mail. The potential applications of this invention for third world countries are enormous. Its hope for space travel is very exciting.

The Need for a Fueless, Carbon-free Energy and Propulsion Source

In 1900, Nikola Tesla announced in Century magazine the transmission of electrical energy without wires. Afterwards, as the Wardenclyffe Tower was built, the J. P. Morgan profit motive intervened to stall the project and eventually demolish it. Earth’s inhabitants found out one hundred years later that Tesla was right with his warnings about the environmental impacts of using fuel for energy and propulsion. As a result of this hindsight, we face an impossible task, with present means, to reduce the carbon emissions by 60% to 80%, just in order to stabilize the earth’s present environment, while at the same time trying to meet the exponentially increasing demand for energy, which already outstrips domestic production by 20 quadrillion Btus (quads). By 2020, the U.S. energy demand is expected to outstrip supply by 40 quads but no one knows where the energy sources will come from. Meanwhile, in Alaska, Siberia, and parts of Canada studies have shown the average annual temperatures have climbed 7º F and the sea ice is 40% thinner than in 1980.

Presently the U. S. imports 9.6 million barrels per day of oil from the Persian Gulf and from OPEC (an astounding 3.5 billion barrels per year). It is currently "pie-in-the-sky" dreaming where 20 million barrels per day will come from in 2020. Why is this so uncertain? OPEC refuses to increase production for their own sake, since they know that in only ten years (2010) the peak of world oil reserves will be reached. Furthermore, at the same time, the U.S. crude oil production will decline from 6.3 million barrels per day to 5.3 million barrels per day by 2020 and operable nuclear capacity is expected to decline from 100 gigawatts to 50 gigawatts by 2020. The stark realization is that domestic future energy cannot realistically come from petroleum even though the U.S. depends heavily upon oil now and wants to increase its dependence on oil by 50% as we approach 2020.

Regarding our transportation needs, we realize that most of the world’s atmospheric carbon emissions are primarily (42%) due to automobile exhaust and secondarily from coal-burning for electricity production. The world’s transportation means have not changed significantly throughout the past 50 years. Even NASA has a "Breakthrough Propulsion Project" that encourages research into advanced forms of propulsion. Limited funding has also been offered to a few scientists. However, no breakthrough has occurred in the past several years of solicitations by NASA for public help!

Contrast this scenario with the MEC, which can fulfill both energy and propulsion needs efficiently and for low cost. This project can be expected to outperform other similar research initiatives because of the nature of the energy source that most likely is from zero point energy (ZPE), an unlimited, ubiquitous supply of energy. IRI has a summary report posted on ZPE, which has been estimated to exceed atomic energy densities and exists everywhere ( The important difference with the revolutionary MEC discovery is that, there is no onboard energy source needed with the MEC. Only a small starter motor is needed. Therefore, a functioning MEC unit, designed for energy output only, will solve both the pollution and global warming problems for the world.

The development of the MEC for transportation and optimized for antigravity will most importantly provide a boon to the airline and aerospace industry. With the decline of the Concorde, the failure of the SpacePlane, and the closing of the High Speed Civilian Transport decade of research, the MEC will be in great demand to bring the world closer and to travel beyond the earth.

Ivan Kruglak, Chief Executive Officer, EPS, Inc. and Project Director

Sergei Godin, Principal Investigator

Vladimir Roshchin, Principal Investigator