Future Energy
Our Future Energy newsletter has expanded into a Future Energy Annual (free to members) and a Future Energy quarterly newsletter-magazine for members only. Please visit our Order Page to become a member! Previous years (2000-2003) of two-page Future Energy newsletters are reprinted below.
Newsletter of INTEGRITY RESEARCH INSTITUTE www.IntegrityResearchInstitute.org Spring, 2003 VOL. 1 No. 4
Futurists agree that "Only a Technology Revolution Can Save the Earth" (C. Arthur, The Independent, 11/1/02) and that "A Quest for Clean Energy Must Begin Now" (A. Revkin, NY Times, 11/1/02). Answering the call is the astounding breakthrough made by a team led by Eric Lerner, with NASA JPL support. For the first time temperatures above one billion degrees have been achieved in a dense plasma. Using a compact and inexpensive device called the plasma focus, controlled fusion energy that generates no radioactivity and almost no neutrons ( www.focusfusion.org) is very close.
Plasma focus technology is environmentally safe, cheap, and effectively an unlimited energy source using a hydrogen-boron reaction, instead of the usual deuterium-tritium mix for the tokamak. Mr. Lerner announced the achievement at the International Conference on Plasma Science on May 26, 2002 and at the Fifth Symposium on Current Trends in International Fusion Research on March 24, 2003. The other leaders of the research team are Dr. Bruce Freeman of Texas A and M University, where the experiments were performed in August, 2001 and Dr. Hank Oona of the Los Alamos National Laboratory. The results have been submitted to Physica Scripta and available through Los Alamos.
The Fusion Program Manager, Dr. Richard Seimon, however, demanded that the results be repudiated or two staff engineers would be fired. Reaching a billion degrees, before the larger expensive tokamak did, was apparently unacceptable. Seimon therefore objected to their comparison to the 25-year-old tokamak in every report (E. Lerner, Progressive Engineer, Guest Editorial, July, 2002).
Eric Lerner, who directs Lawrenceville Plasma Physics (Lawrenceville, NJ), has projected decentralized 2 MW power plants, at a building cost of less than one million dollars each. He also has a business plan to develop and license the technology.
In a related story, the US DOE also insisted in 2002 that another report’s negative assessment of federally-funded tokamak fusion research be withdrawn by Rand Corp.’s Robert Hirsch, who was then also fired. The independent report, "Energy Technologies for 2050" is now being sterilized by Rand for DOE review ("Report Generates Negative Energy" Wash. Post, 3/18/03, p.A27).
However, the DOE projects another 35 years before their commercially practical magnetic tokamak fusion demonstration plant is "fired up around 2037, with operations lasting until at least 2050" (Platts Inside Energy, 12/2/02, p.6).
On October 5th, 2002, IRI Board members visited the Solar Decathlon, which was held on the National Mall in Washington DC sponsored by the Department of Energy and private industries. Single-family homes with 100% solar heat and electric were designed and constructed by fourteen school teams from universities from around the nation.
Each home included a kitchen, a bathroom, a bedroom, a living room and a home office, all of it designed into a minimum of 800 square feet. The designs emphasized conservation and efficiency in addition to showcasing solar technologies.
Team members actually occupied the houses between the hours of 7 AM and 10 PM throughout the first week of October. They ran errands with a solar car that was powered by solar energy collected from the house’s solar panels. Electronic sensors monitored data for each house such as moisture levels, refrigerator/water temperature, lighting and the number of dishes washed. This data, together with the evaluation of a team of professional architects, provided the team rankings at the end of the competition. Design and Livability were the most important components of the competition. The teams clearly demonstrated that comfortable, solar-powered living is achievable even in northern climates.
The IRI Board voted for the Crowder College house as "best all around." This $150K house was so efficient that there was enough energy to heat the hot tub on back deck.
The event is well-documented on the DOE website, containing photographs of the houses and information on each team’s design approach and use of solar energy.
In a related story, Australia is planning a giant solar power tower, generating 200 MW, 24 hours a day (M. Nichols, Reuters, 1/7/03).
In Feb., 2003, US lawmakers Sen. Ron Wyden and Rep. Chris Cox pushed for the development of hydrogen cars with proposed legislation that would put hydrogen cars on the road in 10 years and also reduce US foreign oil dependency by 30 million barrels a year. In March, 2003, Energy Secretary Abraham launched a cooperative effort with the European Union to develop hydrogen technology in five years. However, Europe has set goals "to replace 20% of vehicle fuel with alternative sources by 2020, while the Bush administration has not." (NY Times, 3/7/03, p.C2). Europe is also spending $2.4 billion to use renewable energy sources vs. the US $1.7 billion for coal technology that Abraham promises will be free of any "dirty methods."
In 2001, GM became a significant stockholder in Quantum Technologies Inc. who "successfully tested a hydrogen storage tank that can hold 5,000 pounds of hydrogen per square inch. They say this nearly doubles the amount handled by similar tanks with competing technologies…[&] same characteristics as gas in terms of refueling rate and mileage" (Energy Daily, V.29, N.113, 6/13/01, p.1). However, BMW now has Model 745 sedans with hybrid engines that can "burn either gasoline or liquid hydrogen directly" (Wash. Post, 1/30/03, p.A9). Hydrogen fuel produced from renewable energy is the goal for Sunline, GM, Toyota, and other industries in the race for the hydrogen market. Brookshire Labs recently reported their water electrolysis results using resonant frequencies, reminiscent of the Puharich resonant electrolysis patent #4,394,230. Learn more: hfcletter, Hydrogen Organization, H2FC.
In 1999, Dr. Daniel Cohn at MIT developed a microplasmatron fuel converter that is used on a vehicle to transform gasoline or other hydrocarbons into hydrogen-rich gas. The plasmatron uses an electrically conducting gas (plasma) to produce hydrogen quickly and on board. "The prototype plasmatron at MIT could convert about ¼ of a typical automobile’s fuel into hydrogen. Enough, Cohn says, to cut emission of smog-causing nitrogen oxides by 90%" (Hydrogen a Go-Go, Discover, 7/99, p.92).
The conversion of hydrogen in hydrocarbon fuels accounts for most of their energy yield. "Since hydrogen produces about four times as much energy per quantity H oxidized as per unit C, writes Jesse Ausubel (Rockefeller University), ‘Wood weighs in heavily with ten effective Cs for each H. Coal approaches parity with one or two Cs per H, while oil improves to two H per C, and a molecule of natural gas (methane) is a carbon-trim CH4.’ From this perspective, in a utopian carbon-free future, all energy might come from some combination of fission, fusion, and fuel cells" ("Toward a Carbon-Free Future" IEEE Spectrum, 11/99, p.28). To this IRI would add zero-point energy as a fundamental energy source worth developing (T. Valone, Zero Point Energy and the Future, 2002).
A futuristic, clean development that supplants the need for fuel entirely, by using compressed air instead, is the Air Car by Moteur Development International (MDI) with factories in France, S. Africa, Mexico, Spain, and Australia. One of the major discoveries of the new century, the Air Car goes up to 110 km/hr (68 mph), a distance of 300 km with one tank refill, and has a cost of less than one cent per kilometer. In urban traffic, the Air Car can go for 10 hours. Safer and far less complicated, IRI asks, "Is there still a reason for hydrogen?" The Air Car website is very complete.
For the past decade, Podkletnov et al. (Physica C, 203, 1992, p.441) has tantalized scientists around the world, including NASA who invested $600K with Superconductive Components, Inc. It is a provocative experiment using a spinning superconductor that reportedly caused a 1-2% loss of weight under certain conditions. So far a successful, detailed replication has been elusive. Dr. Ning Li in 1989 and Dr. Ray Chiao in 2002 independently have theorized that electromagnetic fields applied to a superconductor should produce gravity effects (New Scientist, July 30, 2002). John Schnurer reported that he successfully measured the effect (Business Week, Feb. 17, 1997). However, now an experiment conducted by Hathaway et al. has failed to find any gravity-like force, even with 50 times more precision in measurement than Podkletnov. Last year when IRI visited George Hathaway, he pointed out to us that even air currents were capable of creating spurious results. He also was careful to fabricate the bilayer superconductive YBCO disks using several methods proposed by Dr. Podkletnov, who was consulted with throughout the experiment. Hathaway’s final report (Physica C, 385, 2003, p.488-500) can also be ordered online from Science Direct.
"We’re pretending that business as usual will supply all our needs. But there’s an impending oil crisis we’re basically seeing, that will actually bite us sooner than we’re expecting it. And it’s better to prepare for it now" (T. Valone, June 25, 2002, CNN Moneyline Alternative Energy).
While the closed-door, fossil-fuel-industry-friendly, Bush-Cheney National Energy Policy favors a war for oil, while being criticized by every environmental group from the Sierra Club to the Union of Concerned Scientists, it has been a welcome surprise to see private industry initiate carbon-trading, fossil fuel reductions, energy innovation and savings, in a wise, preparatory gesture. Hopefully, at least a federally-mandated requirement of 20% of electricity generated by renewable sources by 2020 (i.e., "20% RPS") will emerge from the lawmakers this season. With the new emerging innovations in energy sources, IRI predicts that this goal will be easily achieved, thus yielding greater national energy security than by any other means.
IRI is pleased to have a successful track record to report with the Godin and Roshchin team’s magnetic energy converter (MEC). Contact Energy & Propulsion Systems, LLC for investor information and the professionally prepared business plan at 661-295-0300. The Inventor Advocacy Program (IAP) applied to them is now being implemented to support and advise the focus fusion inventor Eric Lerner, a magnetic motor inventor Paul Sprain, and a bioelectromagnetic machine inventor Ralph Suddath. IRI reports on these technologies will follow. The IAP provides the necessary assistance with business plan, patent review and investor relations to ensure that qualified energy technology makes it all the way to market.
We invite the general public to sign up for Future Energy eNews, which is sent electronically for FREE at least once per month, by email. We invite the independent investor to become a Corporate Member and automatically register for the IRI Investor Advisory Service, which matches emerging technologies with qualified investors.
Your support also allows us to continue this vital work of generally monitoring integrity in scientific research as well as specifically investigating, promoting and documenting pioneering energy research. Recently, a presentation at Senator Kerry’s office engendered a working relationship with his energy staffer, and later a letter of appreciation for the help IRI has offered.
A quiet cold fusion revolution started to take place in 1991 when the Office of Naval Research proposed a collaborative effort between the San Diego, China Lake, and DC laboratories. Within a few years, Dr. Ashraft Imam produced 8 overunity experiments out of 9 with pure palladium. Then, a couple years later, Dr. Melvin Miles succeeded with 10 out of 11 experiments during Japan’s New Hydrogen Energy Program. Now, a comprehensive report of ten years of research has finally been issued by the Navy, which admits almost continual ONR funding of Professor Martin Fleischmann starting in the 1980’s. The report’s title is Thermal and Nuclear Aspects of the Pd/D2O System, Volume 1: A Decade of Research at Navy Laboratories (Tech Rep #1862), edited by Szpak and Mosier-Boss.
The Navy Report states that during the middle 1970’s, extreme compression of deuterium and hydrogen experiments in the US and Soviet Union were "a key element in the initiation of this research project."
One surprise in the report is that Oliphant, Harteck & Lord Rutherford demonstrated back in 1934 that a nuclear reaction can occur in condensed matter (Nature, 133, 1934, p. 413). In the next decade, Fleischmann (1947) was already studying the Pd/H system - "a most extraordinary example of an electrolyte" - and looking for ways to compress deuterium into palladium. In 1968, Mizuno was also motivated and wrote a graduate thesis on implanting deuterons into metals (Mizuno, Nuclear Transmutation: Reality of Cold Fusion, p.114).
In the Foreword, Head Scientist, Frank Gordon notes that Dr. Miles "showed that a correlation exists between the rate of excess enthalpy generation and the quantity of helium in the gas stream. Such a correlation is the direct evidence of the nuclear origin of the Fleischmann-Pons effect." Co-author, Dr. Scott Chubb told IRI that the Navy foresees running a car for 100,000 miles on a loaded cold fusion cell.
Volume 1 of the Navy Report is about 121 pages (3.5 Meg) and available online in pdf form.
Volume 2 is a much larger, data report on Fleischmann’s work but also available online. It is said that the State Department’s only nuclear scientist, Peter Zimmerman, tried to stop the publication of the Navy Report but to no avail.
In 1922, the Russian doctor and histologist Alexander Gurvich discovered that living cells separated by quartz glass were able to communicate vital cell information, now labeled "biophotons," that was stopped by window glass (Bischof, Biophotons, 2003). Dr. Gurvich coined the phrase "mitogenic wave" and his theory encouraged Nikola Tesla to develop a mitogenic impulse-wave therapy for treating cancer. At a seminar presented by the American Congress of Physical Therapy, held in New York on September 6, 1932, Dr. Gustave Kolischer announced: "Tesla’s high-frequency electrical currents were bringing about highly beneficial results in dealing with cancer, surpassing anything that could be accomplished with ordinary surgery."
Preliminary investigation, as part of the new Bioenergetics Program at IRI, into bioelectromagnetic machines with and Nobel gas tubes and high frequency pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs), such as present in Tesla coils, reveals numerous physical characteristics that can be measured and analyzed. Based on simple biophysical principles, it is proposed, for example, that high voltage PEMF potential external to the body may stimulate the transmembrane potential (TMP), that is routinely depressed in diseased cells. It is also proposed that the Kreb's Cycle of respiration may be reactiviated with the application of such PEMFs, which reverts to fermentation in cancer cells. (Learn more: Vibe Machine , Azure PEMF patent for AIDS treatment , Light Beam Generator for lymphatic clearing.
(T. F. Valone, "Developments in Bioelectromagnetic Healing and a Rationale for its Use" Proceedings of the Whole Person Healing Conference, 2003.)
Major funding for our institute has been generously provided, through tax-deductible donations, enabling IRI to beneficially affect society. In particular, we thank Coherent Communications, Inc., The Disclosure Project, Robert Gray, Jeff Norris, Bell Curve Research Foundation, Ryan Wood, Judy Levine, and all of the full members of IRI. They have made possible, among others, the Hartman Magnetic Gradient Project and The Secret-Disclosure Project which offers free copies of the CD and Disclosure book to influential people in government, etc.
Unknown to most electrical engineers, Nikola Tesla’s dream of wireless energy transmission provides a real alternative to transmission lines, saves electrical conversion losses, and answers the energy crisis worldwide. Dr. Rauscher indicates that the earth’s ionosphere and magnetosphere are a source of electrical energy, as Tesla emphasized, triggered by the relatively small longitudinal wave impulses that the resonant Tesla Wardenclyffe Tower supplies. Dr. Rauscher shows that the available power of the earth-ionosphere cavity is close to 3 terawatts (3 billion kW), while the US only consumes about 425 million kW today for electrical needs (at 26% of the world usage). Therefore, the earth has about twice the capacity available for electrical consumption than the entire world presently uses everyday (Harnessing the Wheelwork of Nature, p. 238-239). See the IRI-sponsored Tesla Energy Science Conference and Exposition
Future Energy
Newsletter of INTEGRITY RESEARCH INSTITUTE www.integrityresearchinstitute.org VOL. 1 No.3 Spring, 2002ENERGY SECURITY: TOP ISSUE
Environmental groups and industry are now creating a demand for sustainable energy solutions that "decrease our dependence on foreign oil and diversify our fuel supplies," according to retired Vice Admiral Richard Truly, Director of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. A bipartisan report released last year by Senators Collins (R-ME) and Schumer (D-NY) highlights the risk to consumers from vulnerable energy supplies and transmission.
Distributed generation, supplying on-site electrical power, can significantly reduce the risk of energy failure in a major urban area. It also has been the title of a major industrial conference for six years in a row sponsored by Global Energy Solutions. IRI predicts that distributed power is a major trend of the future, for many reasons.
On Feb. 22, 2002 former National Security Advisor, Robert McFarlane, former Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Thomas Moorer, and former Director of the CIA, James Woolsey, wrote in a letter to Congress, "the United States is almost out of oil and our dependence…forces us to do things that are not always in America’s national interest." The security experts recommend: an RPS (see next article), increased vehicle efficiency (it’s been flat for 10 years), and energy production tax credits for at least 2 years for biomass, solar and geothermal. The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) released a copy of this letter in March, along with a report on a recent Congressional hearing on "National Energy Security" both available on the EESI website.
"Can new technology reduce our need for oil from the Middle East?" asks the cover of a special issue of Technology Review, MIT’s magazine of innovation (Jan/Feb, 2002). Inside, the Editor in Chief says the solution to the geopolitical and environmental problems stemming from oil is in "Finding a way to accelerate innovation in energy technology." In a detailed letter to the editor, we replied in the affirmative: IRI will continue in the future to answer this question with its new energy advocacy, inventor representation, and educational publications. Not surprisingly, Physics Today (April, 2002), also has released a special issue on the "Energy Challenge" where their emphasis is oil exploration, nuclear, renewables, and hydrogen.
In the short term, energy efficiency, solar, wind, geothermal power, and biofuels are expected to have a major effect in offsetting the predicted future increase in energy demand while circumventing a simultaneous increase in oil imports. Presently, the US has less than 5% of its energy portfolio in renewables. Many people, including most of Capitol Hill, believe that to push toward a 10% renewable portfolio is a costly ordeal. The DOE/EIA (March, 2002) surprisingly has shown a Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) aiming toward 20% by 2020 will cost the US no more than business as usual (see Fig. 1). It will also greatly help to cut our dependence on oil, besides helping the environment (but not enough to meet the 60-80% needed to counteract global warming). It is the position of IRI that one should not wait for the futuristic energy product to be on the market before looking for its tax incentive to be lawfully acceptable. Most new energy technologies do not meet the legislative definition of "renewables." Therefore, one challenge for IRI, interacting with Congress, is to help broaden this definition in various pending energy bills so the future will be brighter for successful new energy inventors.
In the long term, we see the much anticipated fuelless energy product as the only realistic answer to the need for portable power, whether on land, sea, air, or in outer space and are watching a few in particular. Is there still any doubt this is an emerging trend? See the story below:
In 1994, IRI published the book, Electrogravitics Systems, Reports on a New Propulsion Methodology (IRI #611). It shows how popular T. T. Brown’s inventions were in the 1950’s and how Northrop applied the force-producing, high voltage, capacitor design to the B-2 bomber, lately called "field propulsion."
Now, after eight years and thousands of books sold, NASA scientists claim they have discovered a "method for generating thrust from two dimensional asymmetrical capacitor modules," with their new US Patent #6,317,310. The results, they note, "are potentially greater efficiencies and improved reliability over currently available electric thrusters" (that expel gas). See NASA TechFinder for more information. Surprisingly however, no mention of the famous T. Townsend Brown patents (e.g. US #2,949,550 or #3,022,430), the Biefield-Brown Effect, or the terms "electrogravitics" or "electrokinetics" is made in the technical literature or in the NASA patent itself.
The NASA promotion states, "In the past, inductive technology has been needed to create thrust, rotational motion, or step an actuator using electricity. This new technology accomplishes these tasks and more by using high potential, low current asymmetrical capacitor modules. The dielectric material of a capacitor under high voltage experiences a force. Based on the geometry of the capacitor, its material properties, and ambient conditions, the force can be predicted and utilized to move the entire capacitor and its mounting in a predictable direction. It had been theorized that thrust generation from this phenomenon was feasible, but no working prototypes had been developed, until now."
While historically, the last sentence is incorrect (see IRI #611 book), we are gratified that fuelless propulsion is finally being utilized by NASA. JLN Labs have test results of their prototype of the thruster online, while Gravitec, Inc. also has test results from Purdue University at with Brown’s term "Electrokinetic Propulsion."
NASA also has new data for another IRI report (IRI #702), "Observation of Period Phenomena with a Massive Torsion Pendulum." During the last solar eclipse, the gravity field measurement work of Drs. Maurice Allais and Erwin Saxl (who worked independently in the 1950’s) was favorably tested. (Allais was a Nobel Prize winner.) "Why is NASA interested? Scientists have detected an incomprehensible acceleration of three probes leaving the solar system, Pioneer 10 (1972), Pioneer 11 (1973) and Ulysses (1989). In the files of the agency, the father of American rocketry, the German Wernher von Braun, had supported Maurice Allais in 1958." - Le Figaro, Aug. 12, 2000.
The emerging trend involves a "shielding theory of gravity" (see also Dr. Tom Van Flandern, Phys. Ltrs. A, V.250, N.1-3, p.1, 1998 and COFE-99) that implies the sun’s field of gravity is effectively reduced by the moon’s obstruction during a solar eclipse. This has important implications for the understanding and possible control of gravity.
A related article by B. Perrett of Reuters on Sept. 9, 2001 reads, "US has heavily researched gravity propulsion technologies for decades, according to a top defense journalist." In the new UK book, The Hunt for Zero Point, (IRI #705) journalist Nick Cook says, he believes, based on a decade of his own research, by the 1950’s the US was seriously working on antigravity "electrogravitics" technology, which would lift and propel vehicles without wings.
In 1952 for example, Major General Victor E. Bertrandias of the US Air Force reported, in a recovered manuscript (see IRI #612, "The T. T. Brown Electrogravity Device: A Comprehensive Evaluation by the Office of Naval Research"), "I saw a model of a flying saucer…and the thing frightened me for the fact that it is being held or conducted by a private group." His investigative report of the Townsend Brown Foundation was handed over to General Craig.
Other amazing stories are tied together in Cook’s narrative that is candid, insightful, well-researched, and illustrated.
In the Fall, IRI visited the Hathaway Lab in Toronto. George Hathaway (right) showed IRI Directors the elaborate Podkletnov experiment that he completed among many other advanced energy investigations. The Graneau-Hathaway team have published, in peer-reviewed journals, the results of their water arc overunity experiments ("Arc-Liberated Chemical Energy Exceeds Electrical Input Energy," J. Plasma Physics, V.63, part 2, p.115, 2000). Now they have suggested that even electric air arcs may exceed the input electrical energy (Proceedings IECEC, July 29, 2001). Dr. Peter Graneau’s paper and audio from the COFE-CD Proceedings is an easy-to-understand presentation for those who need clear evidence to be convinced that overunity energy production is possible.
A new IRI mission statement has been incorporated into our by-laws, that embraces a larger vision for our institute:
Integrity Research Institute is dedicated to helping establish integrity in scientific research, primarily regarding the physics of energy, whether it is in the technical, human health, or environmental area. This exciting challenge positions us to address the crucial aspect of wholeness, honesty, and completeness in the emerging energy sciences.
This specifically allows IRI to address the emerging energy developments in electromedicine and bioelectromagnetism that are largely unknown to the public and medical profession in general. It also broadens our scope of interest in the "complete picture" that is so essential to the quality of integrity, so that suppression, whether deliberate or unintentional, will not deprive the public of an ability to make an informed decision.
"A deep commitment to scientific integrity is best achieved by providing sound training in scientific practices and the ethical conduct of science…Ideally, this educational process should begin early in the training of future scientists and continue through the most senior career stages" - Commission on Research Integrity (1995). Integrity in scientific research has been eroded and "downgraded" in both governmental and organizational conduct in the past few years, "creating an environment that encourages research misconduct." (see Hagmann & Kaiser, Science, 286: 5448-2258, 1999). With an honest concern for our future, it needs to be upgraded.
Your yearly membership fee of just $30 will allow us to grow into an organization that is membership-driven. We can then continue this vital work of investigating and documenting pioneering energy research; representing qualified inventors to the public, government, and investors; assisting with patent and business plan preparation; networking with other non-profits; lecturing at scientific conferences; providing talk show interviews and consultation services.
ORNL scientists, Taleyarkhan et al., funded by DARPA (US military R&D agency) to work on a cold fusion experiment, reported success (Science, V. 295, p.1868, March 8, 2002). As a result, scientists may also soon be able to study nuclear fusion and other nuclear reactions using table-top sonoluminescence devices (light-from-sound wave devices that cavitate the fluid producing tiny bubbles which collapse with tremendous force). However, this result may impact funding for existing hot fusion labs. (An introduction to sonoluminescence can be viewed at the Los Alamos National Labs website).
Below is an excerpt of the editorial from Science that describes the attempted suppression of this experiment:
"While these agreements were being reached (between two laboratories) Science received communications from two distinguished scientists in this field, raising objections to the paper and urging us to reconsider our plans to publish it. And the matter became even more public on 1 March 2002 when Robert Park issued an airy, premature dismissal from the American Physical Society. By this time, it had become clear that a number of people didn’t want us to publish this paper.
"I have been asked, ‘Why are you going forward with a paper attached to so much controversy?’
"Well, that’s what we do; our mission is to put interesting, potentially important science into public view after ensuring its quality as best as we possibly can. After that, efforts at repetition and reinterpretation can take place out in the open. That’s where it belongs, not in an alternative universe in which anonymity prevails, rumor leaks out, and facts stay inside. It goes without saying that we cannot publish papers with a guarantee that every result is right. We’re not that smart."
IRI congratulates Editor Donald Kennedy and heartily endorses this breakthrough in scientific publishing attitude that lets the experiment speak for itself, especially when an emerging energy science like cold fusion is presented. We pray that this policy will continue.
The building blocks of proteins and amino acids can be generated in the chilly conditions of interstellar space, and delivered to planetary surfaces, suggesting the ingredients for life are universal. "This means they aren’t just in our Solar System," says Max Bernstein of the NASA-Ames Research Center and the SETI Institute.
The teams simulated the conditions of deep space using vacuum chambers cooled to within twelve degrees of absolute zero. They pumped in a stew of simple chemicals found in interstellar dense molecular clouds, in which solar systems are created. Finally, they bombarded them with UV light. Dr. Henrich at Bremen University found they had created sixteen amino acids. Bernstein’s team found three. Their letter to Nature, (V. 416, p. 403, 2002)entitled, "Amino acids from ultraviolet irradiation of interstellar ice analogues" states, "Our results demonstrate that the spontaneous generation of amino acids in the interstellar medium is possible, supporting the suggestion that prebiotic molecules could have been delivered to the early Earth by cometary dust, meteorites or interplanetary dust particles."
IRI notes that its report on "The Origin of Life Experiments of Andrija Puharich, MD" (IRI #402) has just gained new respectability, as should The Disclosure Project and even the Zeta Reticuli report (IRI #505).
We hope that sometimes some of the IRI publications can be valuable to energy researchers. In The Homopolar Handbook (IRI #104), we suggest that one of the most interesting designs for a unipolar disk is to combine electric and magnetic properties into what Einstein and others called a "magnetized dielectric." This fits some of the emerging trends and anecdotal patterns referred to in the book. It seems that HH reader, Dr. Richard Clark, may have taken the advice seriously. On April 18, 2000, US Patent #6,051,905 was granted to him, even while he cited Kincheloe’s "Homopolar ‘Free Energy’ Generator Test" from 1986 as a reference. It is "An electrical homopolar capacitor generator (that) includes a set of stacked dielectric plates and conductive plates arranged in a magnetic field…One version of the generator employs flat circular disks with an inner dielectric disk rotated relative to the others."
While the new book, Hubbert’s Peak: The Impending World Oil Shortage by Kenneth Deffeyes (Princeton Univ. Press, 2001) was released, some scientists have been busy at work discovering new sources of force-producing energy. At a presentation to the AIAA-Joint Propulsion Conference in Salt Lake City, 2001, Dr. James Corum (AIAA 2001-3654) described theoretical and experimental developments with the "Electromagnetic Stress-Energy Tensor as a Possible Space Drive Propulsion Concept." Working to replicate the work of Graham & Lahoz (Nature, V.285, 5/15/80 and see Table of their results to the left), Corum reviews the linear homopolar motor, among other developments and concludes that the D x B vector may be engineered into a method of propulsion not requiring the expulsion of reaction mass. As Dr. Corum explains, "The momentum density in an electromagnetic field is described by Poynting's vector ExB. Although easily demonstrated in the case of free radiation or large power flows, the observation of momentum density in static electric and magnetic fields is technically difficult. Indeed, only the 1980 experiment of Graham and Lahoz has demonstrated a quantitative agreement between theory and experiment...To further study this fundamental aspect of momentum, we have begun a new series of measurements at West Virginial University."
Dr. Corum continues, "These new experiments, like the Graham and Lahoz experiment, use a torsion pendulum to measure the change in angular momentum when a coaxial cylindrival capacitor is charged in a magnetic field to produce an ExB field between the capacitor plates." We congratulate Dr. Corum on his discovery. A review of each speaker from the BPP section of the JPC, 2001 is available on our website. Also, The Homopolar Handbook (IRI #104) contains a review of the Graham and Lahoz experiment as well as complete translations of the two articles by Einstein and Laub (Annalen der Physik, V. 26, 1908, p.533 & p. 541) that Graham and Lahoz refer to.
Major funding for our institute has been generously provided, through tax-deductible donations in the past year, enabling us to have an effect on society.
Coherent Communications, Inc.
Alternative Energy Institute
Arcos Cielos Corporation
Infinite Energy magazine
Adolf Schneider (Switzerland)
Ashley Gray (New Zealand)
Peter Valone (USA)
Phoebe Pfahler (USA)
Judy Levine (USA)
Lee Krenik (USA)
Robert Gray (USA)
and all of the full members of IRI.
Future Energy
The Newsletter of INTEGRITY RESEARCH INSTITUTE www.integrity-research.org VOL. 1, No. 2 Spring, 2001 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE The gap between U. S. total energy demand and energy production will double in the next twenty (20) years, according to the U. S. Department of Energy, National Energy Information Center . By 2020 we will have to find 40 quads (quadrillion Btu) from somewhere, whereas now we only have a 20 quad shortfall that has to be made up by imports. Does anyone think that OPEC (who are at capacity production now) or the Caspian Sea Region can or will increase output from 10 to 16 million barrels per day to meet our 2020 energy demand? No, but the experts would rather avoid the problem that has no apparent solutions.
Instead, Integrity Research Institute has a staff of futurists that are planning for the implementation of future energy in all sectors that presently still have the ill-fated fossil fuel syndrome. We have joined the US Energy Association and plan to volunteer for work on energy technology R & D. Our IRI position paper, "Future Energy Technologies" (free copies of this illustrated paper on IRI website) was presented last year to the World Future Society conference (Houston, TX), Energex 2000 (Las Vegas, NV) and to a Senate Environment Committee Briefing (Washington, DC). IRI WORKS TO IMPROVE U.S. ENERGY STRATEGIES Russian scientists Godin and Roshchin with IRI LOW ENERGY NUCLEAR REACTIONS EDUCATIONAL WORKSHOP (LENREW) The LENREW 2000 video, containing fourteen (14) scientific presentations, comprising
a total of six (6) hours is now available for sale (NTSC or PAL), an excellent summary of LENR results. Host Dr. Scott Chubb, foreground, next to speaker, Our past speakers have been appearing in magazines ever since the IRI 1999 Conference on Future Energy (COFE). Infinite Energy had an article about every speaker. Jack Bitterly’s flywheels were in Wired magazine and he thanked IRI personally. Les Adam’s peroxide helicopter has been in the Futurist and soon in Discover. Future Energy PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE "Stabilizing atmospheric CO2 concentrations at safe levels will require a 60-80% cut in carbon emissions from current levels" according to a 1999 Worldwatch Institute report. Also, a new comprehensive study combining 46 years of data gives only a 2% probability that the melting of the Arctic Sea ice is due to normal climate variation (Science, 12/3/99, p. 1934) www.sciencemag.org. Therefore, the dedication of Integrity Research Institute (IRI) to energy research and education, including emerging energy technology that does not contribute carbon emissions to a growing global warming problem should be welcomed by all sectors of government and society. IRI advocates 1) further experimental and theoretical physics exploration into new energy sources, 2) reducing our dependence on fossil fuels, 3) safely mitigating the harmful effects of energy byproducts (e.g. nuclear waste, carbon dioxide, etc.), and 4) promoting the utilization of pollution-free energy devices. IRI strives with integrity to facilitate an exchange of scientific knowledge between researchers, investors, and the general community. Lastly, IRI informs the media of advancements in future energy and distributes publications on energy research. THE FIRST CONFERENCE ON FUTURE ENERGY President Valone introducing Dr. Paul Brown, winner of the "Integrity in Research Award". (Ed. note: IRI has posted in 2002 a special eulogy for his lifetime of service.) Photo courtesy of: Alternative Energy Institute The First International Conference on Future Energy (COFE), April 29-May 1, 1999, hosted by Integrity Research Institute (IRI), was a milestone for emerging energy technology. Many of the speakers were new to the future energy audience and people came from all over the world (Germany, Australia, Japan, Russia, etc.) to hear them. Attendance was about 150 total. Furthermore, there was a lot of tension in the air since the State, Energy and Commerce Departments, in turn, all cancelled arrangements for the conference after serious negotiations had begun at each of the government facilities. COFE dared to include a couple of lectures on cold fusion to do justice to the 10-year energy research effort. Of course, this topic became the focus of attention for a media bent on criticism instead of praise. For example, Nature magazine (March 11, 1999, p. 98) (www.nature.com)was the first to announce that the "US State Department gets Cold Feet About Cold Fusion" regarding COFE, after Dr. Park related free energy to "new agers" in his "What's New" column of March 5, 1999 (www.aps.org) and equated all of the scheduled COFE topics to cold fusion. Also, Science magazine (www.sciencemag.org) carried an article centering on Valone (May 21, 1999, p. 1252) "Free Energy Enthusiast Seeks Like-Minded Colleagues." Then, the Reno Gazette-Journal (June 21, 1999) headlined, "Feds Drop Support for Energy Forum with Pickle-Powered Engines" as the title for its COFE article centering on Pantone's invention. COFE SPEAKER SUMMARY COFE's first day started with Ken Shoulders who detailed his amazing charge cluster technology, proving with electron microscope slides that thousands of electrons repeatedly form powerful bundles. (For a complete COFE summary article, see Infinite Energy magazine, Vol. 5, Issue 26, p. 10. www.infinite-energy.com) Dr. Paul Brown (www.nuclearsolutions.com) described his 25-year lifespan, betavoltaic battery invention and announced his photoremediation of nuclear waste technology in his workshop. Kent Robertson, from the American Wind Energy Association, gave an overview of the wind industry. David Wallman (David.Wallman@mgram.com) had a demonstration of his carbon-arc gasification of biomass solutions which calculations show is overunity*
. Paul Pantone started up a few motors right in the hotel room with a retrofit "GEET" device (www.geet.com) that vaporizes and magnetizes the fuel, drastically reducing any emissions and retaining a very high percentage of oxygen in the exhaust. Dr. Peter Graneau then showed how his cold fog discovery is overunity by releasing chemical bond energy. Lastly, Thomas Valone explained the latest zero point energy findings promising a quantum free lunch. The next day, engineer David Hamilton centered on the advances in the DOE automotive research while Dave Goodwin talked about the NASA breakthrough physics propulsion conferences (www.eia.doe.gov). Bruce Perrault talked about several nuclear energy topics including his Perrault (www.cyberportal.net/nuenergy) valve that uses polonium. Dr. Steven Greer (www.cseti.org) talked about the suppression of advanced energy technology, buried in black projects, showing documents that were declassified in the past five years. Les Adam discussed a unique peroxide-powered, noncombustive helicopter and electric car design contest sponsored by his company AZ Industries (www.futuremag.net). Dr. Ed Storms talked about chemically assisted nuclear transmutation in its many forms (including biological), with references. Lastly, Dr. Thomas Van Flandern (tvf@mindspring.com) gave a presentation on the physics of gravity, with a possible energy conversion modality. Later, the banquet speaker, Mark Goldes amazed us with Room Temperature Superconductors, Inc. (mrb@ap.net) Videotapes or audiotapes are available for all plenary speakers except Goldes, as per his request. Wallman's Carbon Arc Biomass Gasifier
COFE SUPER WORKSHOPS On Saturday, Bob Rose explained fuel cells and their anticipated debut (www.fuelcells.org) on the automotive market. Dr. George Miley, Dr. Bob Bass, Dr. Ed Storms and Dr. Gene Mallove (www.infinite-energy.com) discussed cold fusion developments in separate workshops. Dr. Paul LaViolette discussed his new book (www.etheric.com) , Earth Under Fire. Frank Znidarsic gave a good overview of free energy. Jack Bitterly amazed the audience with the highest efficiency (88%) energy storage medium available today: magnetic bearing flywheels. Les Adam, Paul Pantone, Steven Greer, and David Wallman continued their lecture discussion. (Only audiotapes available for the two-hour workshops.) NUCLEAR REMEDIATION ON THE STOCK EXCHANGE The process of treating nuclear waste with gamma rays, called "photoremediation" is a solution to the Yucca Mountain storage and transportation dilemma. It also produces a sizable amount of electricity during treatment. The inventor, Dr. Paul Brown is going public with his company and more information is available at www.nuclearsolutions.com. FATHER OF COLD FUSION Dr. Martin Fleischmann, the co-discoverer with Dr. Stanley Pons of cold fusion in 1989, graciously contributed to IRI on October 12, 1999 by giving a private videotaped lecture here. The eminent electrochemist spoke about the positive feedback represented by the temperature-time curve that manifested in an early runaway experiment in their lab. He emphasized driving the Pd electrolysis into endothermic absorption where the cell stays hot for days, with gigajoules/mole of energy. The videotape, including Q & A, is available in VHS and soon, in a CD format. COLD FOG PROCESS BEING TESTED WITH TURBINES Dr. Peter Graneau's unique discovery of producing cold fog with high voltage has been verified to be 1-3x overunity by Hathaway Consulting, Toronto, Ontario, an engineering firm who will be testing it with a Tesla turbine, among others, to match the 1000 m/s cold fog speed. COFE CD PROCEEDINGS The complete COFE Proceedings are on a CD ROM disk! An exclusive process called The Talking CD™ was developed by, Marc Whitford, which filters the audio portion of the lectures to save memory space on the CD. The complete bound book Future Energy: The Proceedings of COFE with 250 pages of papers is on the CD besides over 20 hours of audio lectures. The COFE CD Proceedings with all of the audio tracks and the papers is only $49. Call IRI at 800-295-7674 to order (or click here to order on-line). DR. MILEY WINS AND LOSES US DOE NERI GRANT OF $100K The Dept. of Energy awarded a Nuclear Energy Research Initiatives grant to Dr. George Miley (U. of Illinois professor & COFE presenter) for low level nuclear transmutation of nuclear waste this summer. Its first cold fusion award caused critics to say that nuclear power will be proliferated if Dr. Miley is successful. The DOE then appointed a new panel of six "independent" peer reviewers who all voted to rescind the grant under the direction of William Magwood at the DOE Office of NEST.
Thanks to a generous grant by the Alternative Energy Institute, IRI has now published a new 175-page book, Energy Crisis: The Failure of the Comprehensive National Energy Strategy. Key findings include a 65% failure rate of DOE strategies, a lack of acknowledgment of the 2010 peak in world oil production, and a DOE promotion of continued carbon emissions to 51% higher than Kyoto.
This year, IRI coordinated with DOE to bring two Russian scientists here for discussions about their patented energy converter that is a leap forward in electromagnetic technology. The negotiations culminated in a Memorandum of Agreement. Thanks to our sponsor, Coherent Communications.
and DOE reps at the US DOE in January, 2001IRI answered a request from American Nuclear Society attendees on Nov. 17, 2000 to sponsor its second conference, in this case, to help cold fusion experts to discuss their findings. Potentially just as productive as hot fusion, research in this LENR area deserves recognition. LENREW speakers included Dr. Xing Li, Dr. Jacques Dufour, Dr. Robert Bass, Dr. Talbot Chubb, Dr. Melvin Miles, Dr. Akido Takahashi, Dr. John Kenney, Dr. K.P. Sinha, Dr. George Miley, Dr. Vittorio Violante, Dr. Mitchell Swartz, Dr. John Dash, Dr. Tak-Aki Matsumoto, and Dr. Gene Mallove.
Dr. Sinha, with LENREW audience in November, 2001COFE SPEAKERS RECEIVE RECOGNITION
The Newsletter of INTEGRITY RESEARCH INSTITUTE www.integrity-research.org VOL. 1 . No. 1 Spring, 2000
Photo courtesy of Mark McLaughlin, AEI